VN Ren'Py Abandoned Tears in Rain [Prologue Reworked] [Ethereal Studios]

4.00 star(s) 4 Votes


May 24, 2021
Did you actually tried the game or read the dev reports? before being so grieved that you had to write a para about how the Devs should be apathetic and listen to useless voices who aren't even players of their project.
I did, which is why I was personally disappointed, thanks for the bad assumption though. And I will write a paragraph, multiple paragraphs, or a couple of sentences in responses, who cares. You realize that's how public forums work, right?
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Apr 8, 2022
Renders are good and story its interesting. Hope that the game has more choices and that the choices have impact on the story and the relations with the girls, hope there is more choices to choose (instead of 2 to have 3) in the future,hope that the girls arent all slutty,hope there is more girls. The game has potential but the dev cant get lost on the story,have more choices with impact on story and relations with girls. Needs quicksave.


Dev/Head Writer of Unexpected Opportunity
Game Developer
May 9, 2017
No one has said or implied it is easy, no shit. However it would be ignorant to deny that this looks like a red flag with the history of games that have done the same thing. Revamping the game and upgrading it is all fine and well, but given the length of time and only the prologue was touched is disappointing and will rub people the wrong way. We all get and understand how real life works, we know things can be tough, but you devs signed up for that (outside of any family issues or tragedies), and we the players have the right and justification to voice our grievances when the game is done poorly, or there's issues with the game, or anything else revolving the game
No, what I'm talking about is not what you're referring to. First lets dispel the notion that any thing is owed to anyone. So the Dev's don't owe you anything to start and certainly no grievances. Okay. Now that that has been established, we can start.

I would agree with you if this game was already established or if this game on it's first update gained like 200 supporters from thin air, then went on life support. However, this is the way I see it:

1. Dev made one update almost a year ago
2. People came in with criticisms
3. Maybe got discouraged/had a lot of things in the way/got into an accident, etc
4. Didn't come back to deal with those thigns.
5. Touches game a few times across the year until finally finishing the script.
6. Dev thinks "alrigh! I finally got this thing that is totally my hobby and I hope people will like what i have to offer"
7. They release and people give them for treating a hobby like a hobby.

That's my theory, and I don't know if it happened, but I'm guessing more than likely it did.

Now let me give you my perspective. I am currently in the middle of finishing an update for my and my partner's game. Throughout the partnership we've had spotty communication since we live around 10 hours away from each other. There's also univerisity stuff that gets in the way and other prior commitments. Last year was a shitty year where I had family members getting sick and my grandpa's sickness took a toll on me. I didn't want to write for weeks after all of that junk.

Fast forward to this year and he gets really sick this month and dies. Now, imagine me, I have this update to finish and real life happens. Should I just ignore this horrendous pain I feel and move on? Or do I embrace that I'm human and focus on myself. Well, I decided to work on myself.

Now, maybe that didn't happen to the Dev. Maybe they were taking those $10-20 a month and using it to buy Frozen Yogurts with reckless abandon. Maybe they laughed in the face of all the 1-4 people supporting him like some cartoon villain... OR maybe it's more realistic to say, nothing of the sort happened and life happened.

Now that the personal stuff is out of the way, let me just say ONE more time my thoughts on how the Dev MIGHT have thought about this.

DEV probably: "Alright, I haven't done a lot of extra renders, but I've now rewritten the story, I hope people can appreciate the work I've done. It's still something."

And that's the fallacy. People on here complain about time from each update, when they should focus on the update, especially when it's still their first release. If the Dev has 4 or 5 updates and disappears for a year, then yes, that's not good. But a prologue? I'd recommend everyone save their breath and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Let me quickly talk about this you said:
but you devs signed up for that (outside of any family issues or tragedies), and we the players have the right and justification to voice our grievances when the game is done poorly, or there's issues with the game, or anything else revolving the game
I agree that as players people can critique something. That's true. But within reason. If you start talking about how fat a dev's mom is, that's just not cool. I'll file people talking about an arbitrary line of time the same thing. Again, if it had been 3 or 4 updates and they ghost us, that makes more sense. But the story had barely been established. There has been very little time for people to grow attached.

By the way, I'm not defending this person as a DEV, but as a HUMAN. Give them a break.


May 24, 2021
By the way, I'm not defending this person as a DEV, but as a HUMAN. Give them a break.
This is a whole lot of filibuster of speculation especially when I told the dev good luck(and it wasn't sarcasm), but voiced my disappointment in waiting for an update to a promising game, to get this instead. I didn't bash the dev, I didn't bash the game, I didn't say anything demoralizing so I'm not sure what you're even going on about. It's still a promising game, but there's no telling how often this game will even be updated, if the dev will be committed to it, or if there will be decent amount of progression per release. These are valid things to be concerned about after waiting months for an updated prologue with just a few choices.

This is a public forum to discuss the game, that means if you and your partner for example puts out a release to your project and people don't like it for whatever reason, they have every right to voice it and that's the risk you take when you voluntarily decide to do this. If that is something you are this sensitive about, I strongly suggest you ignore the comment section, you can't want an open forum of discussion, and at the same time not want honest opinions if there is disappointment.

This is a game that I really liked and wanted to keep my eye on, but forgot about it naturally as the months went on, nd when I saw it pop up I was very excited and played it. Objectively it's still promising, if this game keeps getting worked on, I will surely play it again and critique the game
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New Member
Oct 3, 2019
Let me give a counter is a Dev unique? Nope, it's a job either you take it as a job or you treat it like a hobby. Like most on here, I support a couple of Devs I have stopped supporting countless Devs that treated me like a money bank and the game development like a hobby that is not professional. Doesn't matter as long as he is not laughing at his patrons he is still taking money for a job and then not doing it. You seem to have this idea I may be doing you a disservice and if so I apologise but do you think it's ok as long as he is not deliberately milking his punters? He doesn't care about communication or being professional nope this is a hobby. Fine then treat it like a hobby Don't have patrons have the game so it's a set price per update everyone is happy no one feels let down and he still gets development money.

I have to work for a living stuff happened, bad and good and we have to cope we can't just say sorry boss or Sorry everyone I am feeling down I am not going to now work for a couple of months. Please bear in mind I am disabled I was crippled at age 32 with huge spinal damage. I still ran a business for many years afterwards even on the bad days from my home office. So yes I understand life sucking more than most ever will.

These people who are giving me their hard-earned money will just continue to support me I won't say anything and just leave it. I won't communicate and here is the important bit you're in communications being a Dev/ writer yes? I don't understand this choice and yes it's a lazy and insulting choice no matter how bad things are or how little time you have it takes a couple of minutes to make a simple post and then explain in detail when you have time. I reappear after months give a half-hearted apology and then wonder why half the people have disappeared. The rest don't trust me and are on my back over everything...

Instead, let us try it this way something bad happens... As soon as possible tell the people via patron etc sorry have to take some time off if you want to pause your subscriptions I will understand and I will keep you informed about what is happening. I give a full and honest report of what the issue is and why I need to take a break / Pause development. Here most people will support the dev they will feel sorry for them off support and trust the dev because he has shown they are professional and appreciative that we give them money to help them create.

If I break down what you say above communication difficulties this is just insulting this is the 21st century everyone has the internet, and mobile phones NO one is unavailable or out of communication in the 1st world maybe out of a 3rd world country and even then I bet there is a mobile signal available. Heck, even with Satellite communications I know people who live in Vans and travel the world and I can still chat with them via the internet, they blog, game or work online and do everything we do so there is no excuse here.

Unless someone is actively avoiding you again go back to being professional or treating it like a hobby. Oh, your busy work/college is getting in the way we are right back to treating this like a hobby have you told your patrons this will happen again back to communications and setting realistic expectations both ways so no one gets upset! Now that is fine if you explain to your punters this may happen when at college/work this intrudes and comes first this is just a hobby and there will be large gaps between updates. When people get annoyed if making out this is a full-time gig then go silent, coming up with endless excuses... We can all name Devs that have pulled this BS, well there are plenty of other devs out there that will not act like this and most will get a happy and supportive patronage, if this is their attitude. No one owes you a living I was told by my parents you are to be professional and humble this seems very apt.

Getting defensive and upset about your creation being pulled apart? Well yes, I can understand that being galling but don't expect an easy ride if you have abused your patron's trust. We have long memories and trust is easily broken but so easily fixed with truth and honesty...
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Dev/Head Writer of Unexpected Opportunity
Game Developer
May 9, 2017
This is a whole lot of filibuster of speculation especially when I told the dev good luck(and it wasn't sarcasm), but voiced my disappointment in waiting for an update to a promising game, to get this instead. I didn't bash the dev, I didn't bash the game, I didn't say anything demoralizing so I'm not sure what you're even going on about. It's still a promising game, but there's no telling how often this game will even be updated, if the dev will be committed to it, or if there will be decent amount of progression per release. These are valid things to be concerned about after waiting months for an updated prologue with just a few choices.

This is a public forum to discuss the game, that means if you and your partner for example puts out a release to your project and people don't like it for whatever reason, they have every right to voice it and that's the risk you take when you voluntarily decide to do this. If that is something you are this sensitive about, I strongly suggest you ignore the comment section, you can't want an open forum of discussion, and at the same time not want honest opinions if there is disappointment.

This is a game that I really liked and wanted to keep my eye on, but forgot about it naturally as the months went on, nd when I saw it pop up I was very excited and played it. Objectively it's still promising, if this game keeps getting worked on, I will surely play it again and critique the game
My comment was predicated on this:

You made a snarky response ending with "Seriously?" followed by "lol" and then say "Good luck with that Dev"
You can tell me you meant it in a good way, but it doesn't appear like that to me.

One last thing on this because you clearly didn't understand my intention. It's simply to give context to some people about situations like this. I read your comment as especially snarky, but if you tell me you were genuine, then cool, I'd advise you make it clear in the future, preferably without an lol before it.

I already explained your whole point about critique, so I'm not gonna repeat it. But I don't know what you're on about when it comes to me or my partner. Never did I say I was sensitive about it. This isn't about me, I just gave my perspective for context. For me, I always just like being transparent. If you chock that up as sensitive, I don't know what to tell you.

And if you were excited to play it, that's fair. I hope you get the game you want eventually :)
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May 24, 2021
I already explained your whole point about critique, so I'm not gonna repeat it. But I don't know what you're on about when it comes to me or my partner. Never did I say I was sensitive about it. This isn't about me, I just gave my perspective for context. For me, I always just like being transparent. If you chock that up as sensitive, I don't know what to tell you.
Last thing I will say in regards to you is you interjected yourself, and you can't add "context" to a situation you yourself admit to not knowing, you've thrown any random situation as a possibility, which is fine. I say sensitive because clearly this is a level of sensitivity as a dev, cause you have mentioned it and now your partner and made it about yourself on their behalf, so I used you guys as an example since you keep mentioning it. Yes I was snarky because again, I was disappointed, I will continue to express myself the way I choose too.This is an OPEN FORUM, you don't get to dictate how people choose to express themselves


Nov 30, 2020
Honestly, Even looking at the changelog about this rework I could barely tell anything was different outside like the female talking about dimitry. Other than that it felt almost exactly the same as what I played like a year ago. It's a bit concerning and I can't understand why people are wary now.

It has a story that could develop into something really good and it has great looking models and renders, But its gonna be hard to bring in or keep people with its track record so far. A year long for an update and its already a prologue rework doesn't spark faith in me that we gonna make it past chapter 1.

Old Grumpy Wolf

Devoted Member
Jul 17, 2021

Hey there, I hope everyone's doing fine.

I'll kick things off with positive news, In my previous reports, I mentioned searching for someone to help me in the writing and story department.

I welcome Arisushi to Ethereal Studios, an experienced visual novel writer who has written One Night Stand, The Best Days of Our Lives, and Zia. I'm glad to have someone with writing experience on board. His skill set will strengthen the writing of Tears In Rain.

In terms of progress, Chapter 1 is still in the planning phase.

Now we have Ari on board. So we will brainstorm things together keep the important stuff, add interesting things, and cut the rest out across the board.

Stay tuned for more!

And please do support the project, every pledge means a lot. Thanks to all the current and former patrons.
Well, looks like this game will take a piss sooner than I thought.
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May 18, 2022
I just replayed the reworked Prologue. I was a big fan of this when it first launched. I really liked the dark tone on how to deal with Amber like a hitman. It seemed that part got reworked where no matter what you choose she lives? Bummer. Her dying seemed to fit the morose tone of the VN. Oh, well...


Engaged Member
Jun 21, 2022

Hey there, I hope everyone's doing fine.

I'll kick things off with positive news, In my previous reports, I mentioned searching for someone to help me in the writing and story department.

I welcome Arisushi to Ethereal Studios, an experienced visual novel writer who has written One Night Stand, The Best Days of Our Lives, and Zia. I'm glad to have someone with writing experience on board. His skill set will strengthen the writing of Tears In Rain.

In terms of progress, Chapter 1 is still in the planning phase.

Now we have Ari on board. So we will brainstorm things together keep the important stuff, add interesting things, and cut the rest out across the board.

I have updated the game's UI as well. Now it's cleaner, and I've added a Scenes Gallery and Music Room. The gallery is empty as of now and will get filled in later updates as we start getting juicy stuff. I'm planning to add a photo gallery in the future as well.

Stay tuned for more!

And please do support the project, every pledge means a lot. Thanks to all the current and former patrons.

The Wanted

Feb 25, 2022

Patreon post image-4.png

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a great week. Let's talk about the progress.

Things have been progressing smoothly on the development front. Ari has completed writing halfway through Chapter 1 (scenes 1-7). I've started posing the scenes, and Scenes 1, 2 & 3 are almost done. I still need to render them. So far, things are looking good.

I won't mention a release month, but we're heading in the right direction.


any news on new update
The last update was posted on May 29, I think there is no news since then

The Wanted

Feb 25, 2022

Tears In Rain  Status Report #10.png

Hey everyone,

Hope you're all doing well. Here's a quick update on the game's progress:

June was slow due to some technical issues on the art side. I tried setting up a virtual rendering machine to speed up render times to cope with the frequent power shutdowns in my city. While I managed to render scenes quickly using 4 Nvidia A4000 GPUs, the costs were high. I'm now testing other services to find a more affordable solution.

Personal matters have also affected our writing schedule, but we’re still making progress. A significant chunk of Chapter 1 is written, and I'm continuing with the art, despite the delays.

I'll be taking a break from July 6th to 13th for my final exams but will still be post-processing renders and coordinating with Ari to plug the renders with the dialogue in the game.

Thanks for your patience and support. We're committed to making this project awesome, even if it takes a bit longer.

4.00 star(s) 4 Votes