Opinions about the game
- First off. If it is ok to have images of fictional girls be 18 but look younger, then it is ok to have fictional boys be do the same.
Do you have a problem about fictional depiction of teenage sex because it is immoral, then do you feel the same way about fictional violence? If you are ok with fictional violence then you must realize now that you are a hypocrite, and should just let people like what they like as long as it doesn't hurt real people...
- Patreon will not care about how characters look unless you are egregious and under representing age, AND your game is popular. There are still a few incest games on Patreon because they are so small that they aren't worth going after.
Onto the review...
- RPGM is a handicap. If you are telling a story then Renpy is WAY better.
- John, the main character doesn't look young. His face is fine but his body is to big and muscular, especially if he is a geek!
- Writing seems juvenile. Characters act in ways that no one would ever act. Feels like a 15 year old wrote this. LOL feels very much like Elena's Life. To me that is a negative but some may like it.
- The writing has good syntax and is free of grammatical errors.
- Plot is actually interesting if you can get past the juvenile characters.
- Note John acts like a 13 year old but looks 22. This actively feels off putting.
- Music is a nice touch.
- Images need some work, the lighting is just plain bad. They make perfectly decent looking characters look ugly.
- Not every character is a women. FUCKING thank you. Nice to see male characters around even if they are just for atmosphere.
- Some character avatars are drawn???? Feels lazy to be honest.
- Step sister (I assume) looks 25, acts 14. Dumb.
- Seems like the first real choice is molest your drunken step mom or not. I'm sure someone likes this, but it reads as immature. Writing for incest is hard, I get it but there is no real attempt to write anything that makes sense about this.
- How does someone who acts 12, but looks 22, get recruited to work as a spy at 18??? If they acted 12 then they would never be recruited to be a spy because they are so immature, right? Am I the only one who see's this? You can't have it both ways.
- Wait, you work for the government and you have to pay for the gas??? BULLSHIT.
- So, Bob looks between 15 to 18, why can't John?
- The girls in High School look like they should be in college. No joke. If you are going to do high school then do high school. Make the girls look like they belong in high school. This isn't nessisarly a small bobby check, but their faces and figures should be more girlish. They are a little thicc to be in high school...
- Interesting, Lisa body is reasonably aged as a teenager, but her face says she is a 30 year old smoker LOL.
- I just noticed EVERY character is white... /sigh
- Lack of direction at times. No map to help either.
- Game is bugged and cashes.
- 5 frame animation... better than 3 frame animations I guess. More than one animation per sex scene, that's pretty good actually. Not sure if I like 5 frame animations butter than just pictures, but it sure the hell is better than 3 frame animations.
- Looks like this is a linear game. There aren't choices when you would think there would be choices.
- Note I think the first sex scene is actually brilliant when you get back to HQ. So the writing isn't all bad.
- If you aren't going to do incest, then don't have John looking at his mom and his sister. If you want to leech off the bottem of the barrel of the fetishs then Incest is perfect to make a story dumb!
- Bonus points for not every women having the same body, though no one looks under 20, let alone anywhere near high school age LOL.
Straight up. If you like Elena's Life then you will like this. This is better than Elena's Life IMO, but saying that... it has a ton of flaws. I'm conflicted on how to rate this demo. It's between a 3 and a 4.
What this game really needs is the script to be rewritten and John's dialogue needs to be matured from a starting puberty 13 year old, to an inexperienced but matured, non stupid 17 year old. This concept would rock. Like 5/5 good if you cut out the juvenile behavior.
As is, this is 3.5/5. Slightly above average. I hope it will change but I doubt it will.