- Oct 10, 2023
- 20
- 160
How do you even start Duri route?
.You need to escape with the car
How do you even start Duri route?
.You need to escape with the car
On Day 20 if you stayed independent you can rescue himwhat is the use of spray paint ?
and how do i get minjee EX route ?
What about Spray paint thoOn Day 20 if you stayed independent you can rescue him
Minjee is "innocent" in a way, she has a immature sort of purity. She seems to barely register her own acts as wrong in any form, and rather just hides them because she knows it'd get her in trouble. Minjee could fuck a guy and be lovey dovey with Daeshim next day like nothing happened cus it would legit just drift off her mind unless she got horny again. She's pretty much like a kid. In comparison to other NTR heroines like Lily from Holding Hands who has much more maliciousness behind her approach to things.The problem with Minjee is even a meme at this point, she is basically every NTRman main heroine that is so weak to cock that turns into an idiotcockjunky in a nutshell. That being said I always thought Minjee wasnt innocent the beginning, she is just a very foolish and probably disloyal girl from the beginning, also the outbreak is probably making her more propense to commit such acts. She mentions she always fear Daeshin never comes back from scavenging, sometimes she feels useless and when she sees any other man she cant help but compare Daeshin with them, even Liam mentions she is basically a cheater. If you contrast her interactions with the police woman you can see a clear difference in character and why the police woman is number one best girl after Hyuna offcourse. Hyuna literally wants us to abandont Minjee.
Dont know it either sryWhat about Spray paint tho
Does anyone have the full scenes saved including the new scenes with all unlocked and also the clothes if you have them please share them below
Here you goHere is my Save all Scenes should be unlocked enjoy and tell me if it works
Location: User/(Your Name)/AppData/LocalLow/NTRMAN/TenantsOfTheDead/NaninovelData