Others - Completed - Tentacles Invasion [Final] [Koguma Project]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely good art ruined by god awful game design.
    I would've rated this much higher if not for the infinitely spawning enemies that love to appear 1 inch away from you, leaving you no time to defend yourself. On top of that, they can phase through obstacles like ghosts while your bullets cannot. Absolute nonsense.

    This is a very short game than can be beat in an hour or two, but I would genuinely recommend just pressing "H" at the title screen to skip to the gallery.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    When I played this game, the first thing that came to my mind was "Devs can make a good games, but they literally need learn how to make a fun games."
    Art style is great, Tone dark ambience but interesting. There are only a few H-scene for NPCs, but it can be overlooked of this point for a small game. Even if there are a lot, there are still Tentacles. But the gameplay is clearly the worst.
    Movements are too slow. Tentacles appear too frequently and unreasonably. It often pop-up in front of you, making it impossible to avoid them.
    There are too few bullets. The game requires a lot of replays, but there are no new upgrades or new mechanic while playing. Guns, enemies are repeated throughout the game. You have to collect the same maps repeatedly, even you have already collected it. Unlocking or doing anything with a process in the game will require waiting % to 100%. But even save game or doing anything in the Base it still requires waiting %. Make it look a liitle bit stupid. With these problems, some shouldn't be difficult to fix. Some are very basic in normal games, such as how to make the game as fun as possible and reducing the boring points as little as possible. It makes me wonder if the Devs don't play their own games at all. Because they leaves those obvious problems in the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    good h, good simple gameplay, people saying otherwise didn't understand how it works, wish for a little more though.
    like the concept of runing through waves of enemys and trying to evade them, the fact that you can just ignore the enemys and not fight for the most part til you need to unlock a door or fight a boss its pretty interesting, the safe auto med are kinda nice with a well done animation, but kinda let you feeling like they could do more, not so needed.
    the cg was kinda small, but well made overall.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty cool but a bit frustrating. Restarting the same route over and over after each rescue was a bit unecessary. But unusual gameplay and cool design !

    If they wouldn't add articial ways to expend the time to complete the game I would really liked it though. Cannot wait for next Koguma Project creation !
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Played all the way threw on first sitting, good story. Short though, hopefully there is a two? Genetic engineering and a breading farm would be amazing to play threw having to rescue all the mothers!

    But this game is good
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is 2D run and gun, but most of the time your best strategy is to avoid all the enemies, take a screenshot of the map, and rush to the next boss fight. Sadly all bosses are the same, and also you are often too slow and you get ambushed by infinitely spawning fast chasing enemies. After your suit gets quickly destroyed you will take health damage, to heal you need to rush to a medical station.

    The atmosphere with the music creates a very nice vibe to follow the objective - to rescue your fellow crewmates and to find your sister.

    There's a bad ending if you don't listen to the messages you have and end up saving not your colleague, but the evil scientist.

    At the end you rush to the exit as the ship is rigged to explode and you evacuate on a large pod with all of the rescued crewmates who will receive special medical treatment on some other location.

    So, why is this not a 5/5 you may ask?

    Well, first, the gameplay quickly gets very repetitive, same bosses, same enemies, same guns, same shooting. During the start and during the end there is literally no difference in the gameplay. The only thing keeping you playing is to finish all the rescuing.

    Second, you can't do a level without taking heavy damage. It doesn't matter how well you run, it doesn't matter how well you shoot, the enemies literally teleport around you infinitely and when they hit you you get slowed for a second. I get the idea of the horror game elements, but this is just bullshit, I am sorry.

    Third, the H-scenes. There's like, 1 H-scene for each rescue, 1 H-scene for the medical stations in the levels, one H-scene where you get attacked in the level, the endings CGI-s and that's it, nothing else. With these evil tentacles there could have been so many opportunities for H-scenes to really make the porn fun, but nothing was done.

    And fourth - no gallery after beating the game.

    I really hope the devs learn from their mistakes and use their skills to make much better masterpieces in the future.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Art style, atmosphere, ambience, and animations are extremely high quality. Pity, the gameplay, movement, and sense of direction weren't better. Reasons it gets 1 star:

    1) There is no key rebinding, and you are forced to use Arrow Keys to move. Z is fire and sometimes menu select and sometimes not menu select (its very inconsistent). X is also sometimes menu select and sometimes not.

    2) Limited ammo and its hard to aim unless the tentacle is right ontop of you.

    3) Tentacles bypass terrain, but your shots and yourself do not, so you often get unavoidable damage.

    4) There is no map, until you reach the map station. Problem is, if you leave the area, and return later, you have no map again, until you revisit the map station.

    5) Figuring out where to go to is extremely confusing. You have to memorize the maps fairly well, otherwise you will get lost.

    6) You can only save the game after defeating a boss and saving a crewmember.

    7) There isn't any powerups or way to repair your armor.

    8) Interacting with controls, the map station or the auto-doctor, all requires you to stand put for like 4 consecutive seconds. Move just slightly and have to redo it.

    9) Once you get to arousal state, you are basically screwed. Both literally and figuratively. I almost made it to the auto doctor, was at like 81% of accessing the doc, when I hit 999% and gave up.

    10) Enemies spawn from every direction, even areas you just cleared.


    I hate giving a game of such polished quality for the multimedia portions, but the gameplay is too hard, too unforgiving, and the controls are just way too clunky, for me to recommend this to anyone.

    There also isn't a gallery skip as far as I know, so you have to fully play the game, to experience the animations.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, it makes references to films about space and aliens, the story is very simple and the gameplay is a little repetitive but still very good. It's a short game, there are less than 10 crew members to rescue and the aliens are easy to deal with, there is an impostor but nothing that adds much.
    The design and style of play are very good and that's why it's excellent, I recommend it.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A rather quick and fun game! Very well made! Wish there was an animated 'game over' screen. But they did a porn as reward really well!~

    I hope this sees a sequel, as well. Would be super fun without a doubt!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Greatly stylish game in retro, pixel-art style with good-made animations and pictures. It's really very-very short and sometimes too challeging to finish. Some more gameplay mechanics would be appreciated. Definetely requires some sequel or just more work.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is so hard lmao, and not because it's actually hard per se, more about how annoying the gameplay is.

    First, there's no tutorial or whatsoever, i take hours to know what these inhibitors even for which i still don't have the idea what for, idk if they reduce dmg or what but they seem to save you if you reach 100% arousal.
    Second, they don't care how many enemies they spawn even on a confined space, like, they spawn 3 bulky tentacles that can turn into boulders and chase you with 100 mach speed across 5 sections unless you kill them, and still spawn countless others everywhere. Which is fine.
    Third, they don't care where they spawn, oh, you're walking toward a gate? no problem we'll drop one right on your face. And worse, they can move through obstacles, while you need to move around, and sometimes your bullet can't reach them.
    Lastly, you're locked to 8 cardinal direction, would've more bearable if we can shoot 360° with mouse while you move. Tho we can still shoot at 1 direction while moving the opposite way, its still annoying to do. It's especially noticable when you're trying to unlock doors and enemies keep spawning from off angles you either take their hit or cancel the progress to kill them.

    It's almost like it's designed to get you killed in every corner, no, every step lol. I keep getting hit on my first run, and even after mapping the level and knowing how to fight them it's still annoying. And since you get nothing from killing them, it's almost always better to just run away and let them despawn, except against a bulky tentacle. For some reason moving diagonally seems a bit faster than normally

    The graphic is fire though, artist cooked hard. Scenes mostly from the tentacles getting into your suit, removing them in autodoc, and from the captured crewmates. Idk if there's more, haven't finished yet as i'm trying to not get any tentacle get into the suit lol.
    Love it overall, if you set aside the annoying part.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This was a simple, yet challenging game (until you learn the strat that is). The only annoying thing about this game is the controls. However, to be honest, once you know the strat, you won't even need to master them. As for the scenes an animation, a master piece (IMO); especially because this was all done in pixel art.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    doe, this game deserve a sequel. i don't care how hard it was you can still overcome it with cheat (if u were looking for the story). the story pretty much "alien-like", player was distracted by the difficulty all the time, and didn't even realize that the ending kinda predictable.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Touche petit gat

    The gameplay is terrible. Maybe the worst thing I've ever played . It was infuriating.
    If you want to shoot and walk into opposite directions, first you have to walk into that direction and then shoot to "lock" your aim. The problem is that the enemies spawn constantly all around you at extremely close range. Meaning that if an enemy spawn right next to you, if you want to shoot at it immediately, you have to walk into him and take damages.
    So what you do most of the time is create some distance and then readjust your aim. It just doesn't work and it feels extremely unatural. And I'm not even talking about enemies spawning right into you... How is that fair?
    With so many enemies in such a small space, it should have been mandatory to be able to shoot in whatever direction immediately.

    Another thing that is completely absurd is the tasks you have to do. For instance, you have lots of computers where you can turn on power or unlock a door. The problem here is that you need to be right next to the computer and wait for the completion of the task. Meaning that if enemies spawn around you, again you have to step into multiples directions to aim at them, so you step out of the task you are doing, canceling it, and have to start all over again.
    And of course, you can only shoot in 8 directions. You don't have the full 360° coverage... So you have to wait for the completion of a task in a very small area and shoot at enemies coming at you... but if an enemy is in your blind spot, you just can't shoot at it. To cover your blind spot, you have to move around but if you move you leave the task you are doing and have to start again.

    Maybe the developers purposely made the controls terrible to make the game difficult and create challenge but it only created a mediocre game. I've played countless clunky game and never I've experienced something this terrible.

    I've finished the game because I'm stupid and didn't want to quit and I had one of my worst experience with video games, period. It's as if the developers didn't even play it.
    It deserves less than 0/5 because 0 would mean I had no fun. Here I had less than no fun, I only experienced frustration and anger. A truly horrible game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    As an Alien "vibes" game, I think it does a few things well. The general tone of hopelessness even after you win, the "twist", the clunky gameplay meaning you can't just blast your way with your l33t gam3r skillz, the realistic escape pod mechanics, and just the general scenery provided from the pixel art.

    But that's also about all it does right. The animations, while fluid, don't have much happening in them. Sure, there's lots of tentacles, but its on a short loop and they aren't that varied throughout the game. The gameplay might be intentionally clunky, but that doesn't make it fun to play.

    I dunno, it just feels like some real talent went into this project and just wasted it.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is fine but eventually becomes too easy as you realize you can't die if you just run around and grab stims. You get drip-fed small pieces of (admittedly good) animation but it's just not enough imo.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of good things for how small it is.
    Good things:
    -The animations and art style work so well
    -The levels are pretty simple but entertaining
    -The combat is not tedious
    Bad things:
    -This game could be so much better if there was more enemy variety in turn giving more animations for the MC
    -Once you realize you can just pre plan a route you can ignore 90% of the combat
    -(Not so much of a bad thing) I need more!!!
    Overall if you got an hour or two to spend playing this and tentacles scratch your itch I would definitely recommend it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A nice nostalgic trip through in the styles of old NES era shooters. Really nailed the vibe with the art. Honestly not too hard if you aren't bad at games. That being said I'm more playing for the pretty art and the gameplay than the porn. It is nice, but the gameplay gets in the way of it (but that's what I'm looking for tbh).
  19. 4.00 star(s)



    The game is pretty short, about 2 hours.

    Overall is good, the story is nice and clear, although the ending is to be expected. The cgs are nice, and the animation inside the suit is also pretty nice. I like that there is pubic hair but that is a personal preference.

    GAMEPLAY wise, is ok, fun and I did not found the game as hard as everyone else in the comments are pointing out, it does require some focus but is nothing out of this world.

    My reason for not giving 5 stars, is because overall i think there are few scenes, and they could have included more for the suit, at least 1 per enemy, (3 enemies in total). And maybe one for the ending.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    As many others have said, the game basically tries to use a twin stick shooter style, but ultimately fails because there is only one stick. This means that in order to aim, you have to move into the direction you are shooting first making you closer to the enemies you need to avoid. Enemies will quite often spawn on top of you, taking cheap shot at your incredibly frail armor. There seems to be no way to repair armor in a level, so if you take too many of these cheap shots you are pretty screwed in terms of defense. The flamethrower has next to no range so even though it's powerful, you are more likely to get hit while using it. The game loves to give you plenty of ammo when you're full but tends to neglect you when you're low. Enemies will also camp the medbay door so if you go into there for safety the enemies will hang outside the door and hit you as you open it.

    TLDR; The art and animation is good but the gameplay is so under optimized that it doesn't seem worth the effort.