I can agree with all of the things you said and it's still not worth 15 dollars a month. That is an utterly asinine price to pay, with emphasis on having to pay twice if you want demos of both their games. I call it a scam because of one simple consideration: they don't have to work on two games at once, they could just make one game faster, provide more content for it at a better pace, and more easily justify the 15 dollar price tag. Instead, they opted to intentionally make two separate projects, intentionally create two patreons and discord servers, and are already reusing sprites and animations (Prysm, a boss in one of said games, basically just transforms into bosses from TiT). We can squabble over the exact definition of a "scam" all day, but to me the part that's damning is less the price tag and more the willfull splitting of work into two separate projects and charging separately for updates and previews, all while hiding behind the "good faith" move of "releasing the game for free when it's done".
I wouldn't even be so confident in this if it wasn't such a bizarrely common thing among furry game devs: just look at almost any furry project on this site, almost none of them ever get finished, and if they do it takes years just to put out the same "skip to gallery" slop that most of the eastern solo devs are putting out yearly or even faster. It really leaves an aura of bad faith around these types of games that so many of them seem to be more concerned with "getting that bag" than actually providing anything remotely close to the value of said bag.
No amount of "intricate story" or "high quality animations" will ever justify the same price as most big network subscription services; even as someone who loathes the subscription service trend, you can't seriously argue that a couple WIP animations a week is somehow worth the same price point as a full catalogue of movies and shows. If we're being totally honest here, I feel that furry dev followers are just so down bad they're willing to pay because A. it's an incredibly niche scene and B. pretty much all of them work at a snail's pace. Speaking of, their last demo for Time Wolf was over 4 months ago. That's 60 dollars someone would have paid in subscriptions, the price of a FULL GAME, for literally nothing.
Let me lastly clarify once again: I'm not saying their game or their work is bad, but that you're outright throwing money in the garbage for what you get. It's everyone's choice if they want to pay, but they should at least know first that they're paying the price of an actual, legitimate subscription service with a full catalogue in exchange for a small handful of hyper-niche fetish animations.
Yeah, I suppose I can agree with the idea that working on two games at once was probably not a good idea and making people pay for both sucks. Also, I don't know why you're singling out furry devs for abandoning projects like this when literally every other game on this site is abandoned, I'd even wager that per capita there's probably more abandoned standard wegs than there are ones specifically focused on furry stuff. As for eastern devs, I believe a lot of those tend to be small teams, as opposed to being 1-2 man projects as you tend to see for western games, but otherwise, yeah eastern devs tend to be a lot better at making h-games, they've just kind of fostered a better culture around it (as in most people actually buy the games instead of pirating them, meaning more effort is put into them as a result) and the market has been around for longer.
However almost all arguments you're making seem to be based on the idea that you're purchasing a service or a product and the only thing that matters is the raw value you get from that. Obviously most people on here probably have that mindset, because this is a website focused on getting things for free, but most patreon supporters aren't doing so because they want value for their money (otherwise you'd just wait for the whole thing to come out and pay for it then.) The entire point is to send money to someone in order to support their work in general, it being niche is part of it, but it's also due to people having a sense of community with artists doing things they enjoy (the furry community tends to be very strong in this regard as well.) Hell, the website is literally called,
patreon, as in patr(e)on, as in e-patron, you know, a patron literally being defined as "a person who supports with money, gifts, efforts, or endorsement an artist, writer, museum, cause, charity, institution, special event, or the like". The point isn't to buy something of value, but to financially support someone whose work you enjoy.
To better understand this mindset, let's use your example of a streaming service, like netflix for example. Using your mindset, as in directly comparing the value of the product, a netflix subscription grants you access to tons of, whereas a patreon subscription for a niche erotic game that you
really like might end up leaving you getting a preview of maybe 2-3 animations a month, which despite your enjoyment, isn't a lot of content, so in theory, getting the netflix subscription is the better deal. Now instead, think of what happens to that ~10$ a month, what will netflix produce? Well going by their track record, they'll probably take some beloved property from your childhood and butcher it with a terrible adaptaion, or maybe throw some money at some B-list actor to star in some shitty action/romance/comedy/amalgamation of those three that everyone will forget about a week after it comes out, whereas your patreon artist of choice will spend that money on what they need to work on that niche project that you
really like. So when you compare those two things, the obvious answer is to give your money to the person who will use it to
make the thing you want, as opposed to the company that will use it to make something you probably don't want. Yes you don't get as much quantatative value for your money, but you know that your money is being spent on something that you want to see more of.
At the end of the day, it's your money, you can spend it however you like, and if you think that it's better to spend it on something that provides a more adequate service, then there's nothing wrong with that, however it's not impossible to understand that people might instead want to give their money to someone that would appreciate it more and use it on something they want, rather than give it to someone who doesn't care about them, and probably doesn't even like them.