
Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
Oh Hi Tony, feels like a while since I've seen/spoken to you.

Now I may be remembering the original game wrong, but I'm like 90% certain the couple split up in like chapter 10 and you got a game over. So I'm firmly in the camp a game over is coming sooner rather than later for those players who try to stick the course.

I myself don't like the separation path. So have not played much of it, but to me it's just another path that is "The Anne Show" seriously, your husbands just left you for infedilty, why would you go sleep with two more men. That's the state of the marriage right there!

You do bring an interesting point about Martin. But I don't think Martin will let Anne go easily and I've got a funny feeling the Web cams are going to play into that fallout. Probably wrong, but them cams do seem very "chekovs gun" like.

Don't forget there's been a recent waitress that apparently had flags in regards to the cuckqueen. Obviously uncle Robert didn't really come into play till late game in the original and seemed to be set up for a bigger roll in TAC2. So I can appreciate that there are things set up yet to come to pass.

It's funny, cause I always forget about the tasks. Like that's the original premise, why am I forgetting. But yeah, you're right, given where the couple (Anne) is. Flash the pizza delivery or get a tattoo on your tit... Doesn't quite cut it.
I agree the cameras are going to be the nail in the coffin. He told her to do her when she asked if she was to pause her life. She bring random guys he most likely won't care, but if Martin or Ryan show up on camera its over.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
Yeah perhaps I was a little harsh to say its all on Anne - after all I know through experience that it is very easy to fall into the unfaithful path when you're on the Swinging path - Also isnt the reason Anne goes to Ryan due to Tonys infidelity? I forget the many hoops you have to jump through to get there. SO in this case I guess Tony is taking some of the blame - but to say Tony opened the door to the neighborhood fucking Anne is just a little wrong. There were rules established to stop this happening and it wasnt Tony who broke them.

your point is valid though - you should never mix business and pleasure o to speak. Just a recipe for disaster. good story telling i guess, but this has never been a pulitzer prize worth narrative
They had rules and Anne broke them your absolutely right. Anne and Ryan were talking Ryan asked Anne if she told Tony she said no he said wouldn't that be cheating. She said she just wants something for herself. He even asked do you want me to tell him she said no.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
I'm throwing it out there if he divorces Anne(I hope) he will get with Nicole. Would like him to get with Emma but once scorned dumb to take the risk. Loved the scene when he fucked her ex boss wife in the motel. Now that is balance.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
He told her to do her when she asked if she was to pause her life.
Well that's the state of the marriage right there and my major problem with the game. The "You do you" line makes absolutely no sense.

We get to make the choice for Anne to if she is joining this cheaters path or not (providing your points are high enough) if your points are high, your relationship is healthy, it makes absolute no sense for Anne to go and cheat... If they are low and the relationship is going down the toilet and divorce is inevitable. So from a certain point of view I can see why "you do you" would lead to Anne continuing to cheat.

There's are few questionable choices in this game and it seems they are given for content rather than narrative. Understandable as people do want to do/see everything. But the narrative and previous actions should drive the story so the consequences felt there after are more meaningful and make more sense
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Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
Well that's the state of the marriage right there and my major problem with the game. The "You do you" line makes absolutely no sense.

We get to make the choice for Anne to if she is joining this cheaters path or not (providing your points are high enough) if your points are high, your relationship is healthy, it makes absolute no sense for Anne to go and cheat... If they are low and the relationship is going down the toilet and divorce is inevitable. So from a certain point of view I can see why "you do you" would lead to Anne continuing to cheat.

There's are few questionable choices in this game and it seems they are given for content rather than narrative. Understandable as people do want to do/see everything. But the narrative and previous actions should drive the story so the consequences felt there after are more meaningful and make more sense
I 100 percent agree with you in the game sense. But it works in the replay sense. We know if the score is low the cheating is automatic meaning that path is set in stone. If you want to try another path you basically have to play the game from the beginning again. The choice way you can just save, do the first route, then go back to that save and do the next route. Question is was this setup like this by the dev or was it a happy accident. But story wise I agree with you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
I 100 percent agree with you in the game sense. But it works in the replay sense. We know if the score is low the cheating is automatic meaning that path is set in stone. If you want to try another path you basically have to play the game from the beginning again. The choice way you can just save, do the first route, then go back to that save and do the next route. Question is was this setup like this by the dev or was it a happy accident. But story wise I agree with you.
Funny thing is. If you are a dick to Anne with the choices, ie deny her sex, push her to sleep with someone. Not refuse the massage etc. You just so happen to have low enough points so the cheating path is entered automatically... So. It's definitely a conscious choice by the dev.

I've no problem with be given the choice. To be fair, as you said, it's a great save point for replay value. But if you make the choice and push Anne to cheat, those relationship points should be changed to reflect.

There is absolute no drama in having Anne cheat while the points are high. It makes Anne look like a c*nt of a whore and Tony look like soft and weak
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Nov 9, 2023
I feel it's partially Tony's fault in that he opened the door to the hotwifing/cucking and Anne took it a step (or more) beyond that. The suggestion is that she wouldn't have been doing anything with Ryan if the door hadn't been opened for the other stuff.
That is such a cop out. Basically you are saying the only thing keeping Anne from screwing the neighbors dog since she reached the age of puberty was Tony didnt ask her to do it. Anne has no self control, no ability to choose and zero culpability the moment Tony shares a fetish. Good thing he hasnt introduced her to snuff films, she'd screw everyone to death and when arrested say, well Tony has this fetish so its not my fault. Lol i wanna see that now
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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
That is such a cop out. Basically you are saying the only thing keeping Anne from screwing the neighbors dog since she reached the age of puberty was Tony didnt ask her to do it. Anne has no self control, no ability to choose and zero culpability the moment Tony shares a fetish. Good thing he hasnt introduced her to snuff films, she'd screw everyone to death and when arrested say, well Tony has this fetish so its not my fault. Lol i wanna see that now
It's a massive cop out and it's a common thing you hear in the swinging circle. "oh, you wanted me to sleep with others, I did, why you mad" etc etc

No I've said it before and I'll say it again Entering a swingers lifestyle does not give you a licence to cheat. And while I admit there are some hoops to jump through to get Anne to cheat with Ryan, one includes Tony being unfaithful himself (so he can take some of the blame) Martin and the others... All Anne. 100% her fault. It has nothing to do with Tony opening the door and all to do with Anne being a weak willed thunder c*nt.


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
That is such a cop out. Basically you are saying the only thing keeping Anne from screwing the neighbors dog since she reached the age of puberty was Tony didnt ask her to do it. Anne has no self control, no ability to choose and zero culpability the moment Tony shares a fetish. Good thing he hasnt introduced her to snuff films, she'd screw everyone to death and when arrested say, well Tony has this fetish so its not my fault. Lol i wanna see that now
Erm, no, I'm not saying that at all, what a weird conclusion to take...

Anne starts out as a bit of an exhibitionist. She likes it when men look at her, and she's turned on by teasing them with a little flash here and there. She then takes that energy into the bedroom with her husband. Tony wants to see her go further, he wants to see other men actually touch her, and eventually fuck her. Anne is resistant to this at first, even when they agree to start the tasks. That has nothing to do with Tony not giving her the green light, in fact, Tony gives her the green light and she still starts off a bit uncertain, and not wanting to go too far (until the spa trip when he encourages her to cross the line and she realises she's fully on board with the whole thing).

With Ryan, Anne fucks him because Tony asked her to as part of the new lifestyle they're living. He literally sends her to Ryan's room to fuck, and if the circumstances are "right", she will take that further and do it for herself, behind Tony's back. If they weren't living their new "hotwife" life, which was instigated by Tony, then Anne wouldn't have fucked Ryan. She knows that Ryan likes her and would love to fuck her, but she hasn't done anything to encourage it, because she is married and is not going to jeopardise that. Presumably Anne likes Ryan at least a bit, or she would have likely rejected the opportunity to fuck him when Tony asked her (It was "do you want to go fuck him" rather than "please go and fuck him"), but even with that in mind, there's nothing to say she would have done anything before she and Tony started their new lifestyle.

So yeah, Anne is fucking everyone and at every opportunity she gets at the moment, but that's because they are loving the hotwife life. Prior to that, she had plenty of opportunity (speculation, of course, but based on general reactions and comments she gets) and didn't take it. And as far as dogs and snuff go... if Anne is into that, it's one thing, but if she's not, she's not just going to blindly say yes if Tony turns out to be into that stuff and asks her to indulge him. It's two completely different things - she like (man)dick and is enjoying what has become a shared fetish/lifestyle at the moment.

As Lagunavii rightly says, "Entering a swingers lifestyle does not give you a licence to cheat" - but this whole thing is a bit more nuanced than that. We're talking specifically about the cheating aspect, and Ryan in particular. The Tony fault in that is in cheating himself, and pushing his wife towards someone who they know, who has ready access to them, and who already wants to do anything he can with her. It's a combination that makes it a lot more likely to happen (but not impossible to avoid).


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
As always TonyMurray swans in with his reason & Logic. Now I've held my hands up and said previously (on two occasions I think) that we can't lay the blame 100% with Anne for Ryan,there are a few underlying factors here. My main problem is when people say "it's Tony's Fault, he opened the door" yeah well maybe... But that can never justify Anne's behaviour...

Now Tony pushed this lifestyle remember cause the marriage was stale and probably going to end anyway. Why? We will never know, the story suggests to me that Anne is a size queen and a bit rampant in bed. Two things perhaps Tony does not satisfy. I can understand this lifestyle leading Anne to discover what she actually wants, craves etc and to some degree why she goes down the cheating path (I understand the cheating with Ryan most of all, Martin and the others, still winds me up)

And most of all I can understand that Anne would never have discovered anything about herself if Tony didn't open the door. But still he can't be blamed for Anne's actions once she's gone through it. That's mostly, all her.


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
Tony pushed this lifestyle remember cause the marriage was stale and probably going to end anyway.
This bit comes up quite often, so genuine question, since I can't remember it and I'm not going to play it through again to check, but is it accurate?

My memory of it is that the whole "adventurous couple/s" email thing started up as they said they wanted to spice things up a bit in the passion department (not necessarily specifically in bed, but in more general terms). I never got the impression that the marriage was stale and probably going to end (borrowed wording just because it's efficient wording, not to throw back at you, Lagunavii). Although we don't see a lot to base it on, I always got the impression that Tony and Anne were quite happy in general, and it was just a bit more of a spark that was needed for "marital duties" as the modded gallery calls them.

You'll always get people returning the argument of "sex is 100% a requirement for a marriage to succeed", but Tony and Anne were still having sex, just maybe not too regularly, and maybe not with a lot of excitement - bearing in mind they'll have been having sex together for years by that point. Doing something to bring a fresh spark is something that lots of happy couples do from time to time, and that's all that I got from the opening of the game here. I certainly didn't get the impression that they needed this (or something similar) in order to save their marriage from falling apart.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
Funny thing is. If you are a dick to Anne with the choices, ie deny her sex, push her to sleep with someone. Not refuse the massage etc. You just so happen to have low enough points so the cheating path is entered automatically... So. It's definitely a conscious choice by the dev.

I've no problem with be given the choice. To be fair, as you said, it's a great save point for replay value. But if you make the choice and push Anne to cheat, those relationship points should be changed to reflect.

There is absolute no drama in having Anne cheat while the points are high. It makes Anne look like a c*nt of a whore and Tony look like soft and weak
True. Tony being soft and weak I have to say yes and no. Yes in the sense he left instead of kicking her out. No he started fucking the moment he left. The cameras is the drama if he catches daddy or Ryan fucking her especially daddy that I feel will be explosive. Possibly violent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
This bit comes up quite often, so genuine question, since I can't remember it and I'm not going to play it through again to check, but is it accurate?

Well you have to read between the lines so to speak, but, and I can't rember what, something is mentioned right at the start. They also metion going to therapy is not an option.

I mean I don't actually remember myself what was ever said in the start, but even still, avoiding therapy? Somethings wrong.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2024
The problem that I have is regardless who opened the door. They both established rules to this, she broke the rules. Not because he cheated, she didn't know he cheated. She did it because she wanted to. I like to test different things to see outcomes especially in multiple paths and this point system. For her to cheat you don't have to cheat. I was able to stay faithful and she still will cheat. Points was under 14. Fact is people that get into these lifestyles establish rules to prevent these problems. With Ryan though I will not give Tony a pass. Yes she did it after he told her not to, but he allowed the seed to be planted groping, massages, flashing he took the risk even if she didn't cheat, Ryan might have pushed for it.


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
Well you have to read between the lines so to speak, but, and I can't rember what, something is mentioned right at the start. They also metion going to therapy is not an option.

I mean I don't actually remember myself what was ever said in the start, but even still, avoiding therapy? Somethings wrong.
Hmm, yeah, I do recall therapy coming up actually, but I don't think it was too serious a suggestion - like they're not at that stage yet. I could be misremembering though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Hmm, yeah, I do recall therapy coming up actually, but I don't think it was too serious a suggestion - like they're not at that stage yet. I could be misremembering though.
Right the exact wording from the game is as follows:
But recently something has changed, you both talked about your sexlife and have agreed that is needing some help, something to give it a jolt or make it exciting again.
You told Anne that you would do some research and see if you can find a solution to spice things up.
She agreed and asked that you both stay away from couples therapy

So it is open to some interpretation I guess, definitely a stale/mundane/boring sexlife, (some could argue this could equate to stale marriage, but I dunno)

Now the weekly tasks certainly helped and then Anne sleeping with others pushed it over the edge... But thats just the excitement. In the same prologue it mention Anne's an exhibitionist and likes being ogled and in her journey she discovers herself to be a sizequeen.

I mean yeah, I kinda am reading between the lines a little, but it's quite logical to think, with the info provided. Tony just didn't do it for Anne, hence the problems. It just took this lifestyle for her to realise.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
For her to cheat you don't have to cheat. I was able to stay faithful and she still will cheat.
While I am not saying Tony is at fault here... Generally to get the points that low at the Martin fork. You do have to be a dick to Anne.
That is to say you deny her sex with yourself
You build her up to sleep with someone else on holiday, then say no. And so on.

While as I say thats by no mean a get out of jail card for Anne - but in this case I can understand why she does cheat. It still makes her a horrible person like... Cause ends rarely justify the means.

I actually prefer this way onto the cheating path,because in the grand scheme of things there is justification. But for me this can only end in divorce. Otherwise, as I said, Tony just come across weak. Anne will forever walk all over him.

But for me that's the state of the marriage. As I just discussed with Tony. They're not in the best state. Something caused them to go down this lifestyle, to try and fix whatever was broken...
If Tony cheats, well that's where his heads at, doesn't care about marriage
If Anne cheats even if it's cause of Tony's actions (whether it's him cheating or just being a dik) well that shows where his heads at and if Anne uses his behaviour to justify her cheating, well she's not willing to fight for marriage and let's her desires take over.

Both cheating path for me can not end well and I'm all for it. For me it's what's driving the story at the moment. Without it it's like telling the story of titanic without the iceberg. No threat, no drama. I love that actions have consequences, I love the idea that if you can't do the time don't do the crime etc. If it all just gets wrapped up in a bow. Well it'll be a bit of a disappointment.


Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2022
True. Tony being soft and weak I have to say yes and no. Yes in the sense he left instead of kicking her out. No he started fucking the moment he left. The cameras is the drama if he catches daddy or Ryan fucking her especially daddy that I feel will be explosive. Possibly violent.
Forget it I will never be violent with my this game
everything is consensual between us, even what to you, it doesn't appear... because you filter it your head and + clearly you can't identify with me being the MC
This game is based on true mutual love where both of us are happy to know that the other is having fun and that is why we will never will never see violence between Anne and I in this game
The problem that I have is regardless who opened the door.
Wrong...The two of us opened the door because the previous 5 years of monogamous relationship was leading us to separation due to monotony
. They both established rules to this, she broke the rules. Not because he cheated, she didn't know he cheated.
there are no rules established or carved in stone like bible tablets in an open relationship...there was only one discussion but my wife ended it by saying she had to think about it
read how my wife answer to this question...
Dialogues are very important to understand how my wife and I ala think about the way we live our lifestyle
Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 16.03.18.jpg Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 16.01.18.jpg
and the mistake that many of you make is not to understand about the lifestyle that Anne and I have started to walk... it is ours, not yours... I understand that you would do it in a different way instead of me... but you are not me and so you should always read the dialogues and avoid interpreting them with your own morals or culture. ... what you say I respect but I will never think with ua head because after 5 years of marriage we have decided to break down all moral barriers and we go with the events that happen... adjusting the rules from time to time... no rule is carved in stone
But I respect your point...

This game is a masterpiece just because it makes people open up and discover the way they think when they comment on it

But I decided instead to identify myself with the protagonist because I have experienced and am continuing to experience a relationship very similar to the one recounted here

she didn't know he cheated. She did it because she wanted to.
this should make you realize that our north star is to live freely and in fact om the quoye there is Micom3D answerto a question

The question is from Sadowdark question 8:
8. These are the sentences the couple get from this forum, I never understood what they were for. They may not perform these tasks at all, they get nothing for them. This is redundant, or while it should provide stat points for being faithful or unfaithful, it would be more logical.

Mircom3D answer:
It’s not meant to be something that has a tangible payoff or payout. It’s about opening up Anne and the couple to adventurous sexy things to try out and become more free.
This idea was taken from a real life group that my wife and I were a part of.
The full post was posted before the TACOS part1a in march 2023
I was able to stay faithful and she still will cheat. Points was under 14. Fact is people that get into these lifestyles establish rules to prevent these problems. With Ryan though I will not give Tony a pass. Yes she did it after he told her not to, but he allowed the seed to be planted groping, massages, flashing he took the risk even if she didn't cheat, Ryan might have pushed for it.
here you're talking about how you're playing and you do well to play as many paths as you can as Mircom3D advised even though for me there is a main path... that is:
I want to discover the true Anne and she wants to discover her true husband... without any restriction.. we are on the same page.
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