about humiliating topic I already make my point
All quoted sentences refer to my previous posts in the back pages
Being a cuck does not mean being humiliated!
Because if you are the husband of my wife Anne the only alternative for you would be: “get rid of her”
I believe that all people who grow up suffer humiliation sooner or later inside their love relatonship (fathers are often the ones who humiliate their children sometimes even mothers--being humiliated is part of growing up into adulthood), and only fools can laugh at this... however, those who where having suffered find their way and build a family with the girl they love, have evidently overcome the problem and moved on. (
I am talking about people with a Western culture and free from bigotry due to Middle Eastern religions where women just have to be shy of the dominant male)
In this story after 8/9 years of loyal in true love relationship with Anne we continue to be together and i love ger as she love me....
Personally I also live well with my wife and the real humiliation would be to live in loneliness for fear of love and possible betrayals that exist in every marital relationship (even without the partner's knowledge).
When love is mutual, the “bullies” who laugh at the decision that my wife Anne and I made together are only to be pitied because they live in a narrow world that does not allow them to know what they are missing by not trying new adventures and that at the first sign of betrayal they quarrel by separating. This kind of feeling is not true love, it is possession of the partner as if he/she were a mere object
This story is not about creating a harem for me and another harem for my wife Anne. This story is about a possibility that I think we all experience (especially when we are teenagers) when a relationship of true love for each other is at a stage of tiredness where the couple realizes that they can no longer continue to exist without a jolt that renews our desire for each other by testing their true love with extreme experiences that would destroy the relationship in most couples existing in the real world.
If you read well the dialogues about how the story between me and Anne began during college you will easily understand that Anne is my true first love and that I am the same to her; I am her first true love as she is to me
We are practically putting our love to the ultimate test, and if we can overcome all the most extreme challenges including those that happen seemingly outside the rules, which are impossible to predict during the theoretical talks we had, we will be sure that nothing in the world can ever divide us
Anne was and is still today the real lightning bolt to my heart .. I will never consider Emma as the substitute for my wife Anne
I consider that my true love will always and only be Anne (and i'm sure this feeling is the same for my wife)
The ones I ignore will continue to humiliate themselves by saying bullshit about something they will never get to experience in their own lives and laugh at like dumb people do
I don't care about them because tonight I have my wife with me and they are alone and masturbating.
This is an amazing and very well written story!