Unity - The After Hours Office Predators [v0.1.1_Demo] [TigerRollGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a solid foundation but not much else. The quality is above average, and there aren't any obvious bugs, but it's not quite all there, and there are a few glaring issues that plague this project as a game.

    First and foremost, the visuals are a little rough around the edges. Character animations are floaty and lack impact, and the lower resolution background is a bit of an eyesore when paired with the more high fidelity 3D models. Additionally, the lack of solid shadows paired with the awkward orthogonal perspective makes it hard to place where characters are in relation to each other, which makes placing attacks more difficult. Maybe these things will be changed as development goes along, but who knows. Character design, however, is solid and the 2D art part of the game is enjoyable to look at.

    The gameplay itself is functional but lacks a lot of polish. The stiff movement paired with the floaty combat feels awkward, when my character slides effortlessly forward with attacks but blinks to areas in an instant and sticks to the floor. Because of this, the dodge isn't really worth using, and you're better off just walking around for the increased responsiveness and better visual readability. I'd recommend to not have the camera snapped to the character's position 100% of the time to combat the readability issue. The secondary attack is also extremely lacking, feeling like it has half the power with half the speed, meaning I'd just never use it over the primary attack.

    Additionally, because of the floaty animations, enemies are difficult to read because their animations have little anticipation to them, which is crucial in a game like this to help readability. On top of this, melee attacks will animate attacking away from you but will spawn a projectile that moves directly to you, which makes strafing melee enemies impossible. On top of this, enemies will be obscured by terrain and don't automatically aggro to you, which can make finding them difficult and draw out combat encounters more than necessary, if they don't flatout hit you by surprise, anyway.

    The elemental perks suffer from a lack of obvious tells of what they do, other than change the color of your attacks. From my best guess, fire increases power, lightning increases power a little less but with crit chance, and ice... probably slows movement speed.

    The H-Scenes have good animation along with solid sound design paired with good 2D art, but they lack the level of polish and detail to make them truly good animations. Transitions are linear and have body parts move through each other. Cumming animations lack fluids of any kind. And the characters' static expressions give them the look of being dolls rather than actual beings.

    So, yes, the game absolutely works. It's clearly a project with time and thought put into it. It has the potential to be really good, and it looks like the developer isn't too familiar with making games just yet. I can respect the effort that's gone into this and wanting to get something out, but it's also good to achieve maximum polish so that the game doesn't acquire even more flaws while it's being developed to make sure it remains enjoyable.