Unity - Completed - The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and the Detective Servant [v1.08] [PantyParrot]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic scenes and pretty decent writing.
    Huge bonus points for customisable appearances that are animated (choice of hairstyle, clothing, and underwear.

    Gameplay mechanics are on the simple side and it's a bit slow to start but works out fine.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Same as first game, incredibly boring gameplay, little customisation and calling this a "trainer" is an insult to eroToho type of games. There's no different outcomes to training, it's basically required you max out everything to get the stats to meet the mission requirements. CG is generic, neither good nor bad, animations are the same, outfits are boring, gameplay is boring mobiletype crap.
    Likes: BakaG
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall 7/10 - want good Hscenes play this game
    Hscenes - carry this game from the ground.
    Female MC is cool, dialogue is fun interacts
    Boring, repetitive, easy gameplay.
    Story 5/10
    Human sex with Humanoid Kaiju, cum/sex = loyalty idk something silly.
    Your mission conquer this planet
    Gameplay 2/10
    Starcraft for ants
    Train Siege conquer
    Art/ animation 8/10
    Hscenes in this game are very good - carry this game hard
    Sounds - 7/10
    Female MC has a good voice
    Hscenes - moist
    Soothing bgm
    Amount of content - n/n
    Conquering plant is way too easy, only really 1 female. Alot of things to do in Hscenes so that once again carries.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll make this one quick.

    Story 3/5

    You are the detective... Yeah he doesn't look like one but anyway.

    You are the detective who summoned by Kaiju Princess Arrogant Tsundere. who want you! To gain more people to worship her by raid their village and offer the help later or else she will destroy their world by snap the finger...

    I know the story doesn't make sense sometime. it's cliche, but at least it's enjoyable, and funny.

    Gameplay 3/5

    Gameplay is very fucking simple. Grinding, Spend time with Princess, and have sex with her.

    you gonna need to grinding the strength, army, and money to raid the village. it isn't take much time.
    Also you can power up faster by fuck the princess. that's right. You can have sex with her to get a bonus to boost all your stats. it's take much time than normal, but hey this is the reason why you play this game. so this is your reward.

    I swear to god, if someone is impatient and say "Oh my god I need to grind again, this game suck 1/5" I'm gonna fuck their m-

    Art 4/5

    Art is good. the animate is smooth, but also weird sometimes. you will know when you play it. but overall it's good.

    Overall 3.5/5

    I gave it 3.5/5 because it's a fair score the story isn't new, gameplay is fun but also short and too easy.

    Anyway I still recommend to play this game if you can't find any quality Ero-games. so try it out and you won't regret it.
    (Except you hate this Princess, cause she can be a bitch sometimes.)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid 4,5/5 game.

    Story was moderately fun with some shining moment of interest;
    Sexual scenes were ok, and arousing at times, I kinda liked the dynamics;
    While cliche, the tsundere princes sold me the whole game to be honest ahah
    Simple, straight to the point and moderately enjoyable

    A bit too long for my tastes, maybe they could have avoided the second-last boss and story, but if you play it from time to time like me it might be a decent ride!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great h-game that is more mechanics focused than story-based. If you're into battle-sex type games then this is up your alley. The characters involved in the games aren't the best, but follow anime style trope characters. The scenes are enjoyable, but the gameplay loop is a big plus.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    AA Game

    Have you ever wonder how a Adult AA game should look? Look no further. Game made by a group of people, polished, with lots of content and descent quality. This is how you make a game right. Basically this is good VN with simple interactive gameplay. This balance won't let you get tired from reading the story. H-Scenese are well made, no complains. Story is on acceptable level.

    Also it's pure vanilla. Must play game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Game looks as advertised, well voice-acted, and has great character interactions with a simple story to move things along.
    It's obviously high quality and I recommend it.

    But I'm rating it 4/5 because sex scenes are distributed very unevenly.
    There is a main scene which contains actual H-gameplay, and short event cutscenes.
    Issue is, the main scene is what you're doing 80% of the time. There is only a single pose, you don't really get upgrades (outfits aside, only upgrade I have is a vibrator, and I'm well in the second half of the game). The scenes are pretty vanilla too - there hasn't even been so much as anal.

    Still, it's a good game, you just may have to wait longer for new scenes than you'd expect.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The Sequel to Kaiju Princess, Not much to say its an upgrade to the original game while i did like the first girl more the current girl does grow on you but other aspects of the game are just straightg improvements from the original, if i have 1 complaint its that they are very generous with the time like you have to be playing very bad to lose.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Art for the game is great, being able to change the clothes for the heroine when there are interactive scenes show the amount of effort put into design etc.

    My one and only gripe with the game is that we aren't able to do interactive H scenes with the side heroines, although its understandable under the context of the story.

    100% worth playing for the art, costumes and voices
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story telling, character building, some funny moment (for me at least), but the main reason I like are "Voiced" and "Animations". There's also other character which also got their own animations... I recommend it since I'm always playing other game that has "Voiced" and "Animations" combinations. I really need other game that same as this one...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic! The gameplay is insanely good. While some positions unlock a bit late, the well-made visuals and Live2D animations enhance the enjoyment. It's incredibly entertaining and definitely worth both your time and money on Steam. The plot is a simple twist to the isekai genre, but it still is pretty good for a game that doesn't have it as the main focus.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually interesting story.

    The game is perfect in all aspects, albeit, definitely the studio cut alot of content in order to finish the product.
    BUT! You can see it is done with heart.

    I will buy this game as soon as possible, because I want to support them for the future games. They surely have something interesting in mind.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    If it wasn't for the quality H-scenes, this would be a 2/5 for the annoying grind, the memey and sometimes good story and the horrendously arrogant and annoying princess who is actually a divine being which can nuke planets by snapping her fingers, no joke.

    Due to the high quality H-scenes, this is a 5/5, nothing else.

    It's a bit grindy, but you will get the hang of it eventually.

    Should you grind? Ehhh, maybe you should save up on time and drop a save file instead.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    well animated, great art... one of the better impressive ones out there that just came out recently, i really think the animation has been done really well

    there is a good enough variety of girls for you to enjoy, and the plot is quite decent as well
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Game
    Very nice art and decent animations with a simple but fun isekai story and full character voice acting thats very fitting with the girls personalities. Gameplay overall is a bit simple but the amount dialogue and different interactions with Daigneux as the affection and story progress make up for it. Its like a visual novel with a simulator h scene player.
    Overall great game do recommend
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent upgrade and expansion of the previous game's mechanics with a cute (if a bit simple) story. The animations are clean, the upgrades and events feel earned, and a lot of the repetitiveness that marred the previous game has been addressed. Definitely worth your time and money to support the creator buy buying on steam.

    Here are a few constructive nitpicks in case the creator peruses this forum:
    • The actual mainline tasks are still a bit too easy. Even optimal playing shouldn't have me achieving the goal only 1-2 days into the time limit. It is a lot more interesting than last time, but I think it could be a lot more challenging to balance all the different growth aspects of the game.
    • Missionary and Doggy unlock way too late into the game. The costumes were paced almost perfectly, but I was bored with the cowgirl animations long before I unlocked 2/3 of the game's h variety. That being said, they were absolutely worth it.
    • I think, at least early on, it would be fun if there were more nuance to the h-game half of the gameplay other than fill the bars and unlock achievements to play for longer. Part of the first entry that I really liked was you introducing the heroine to sex. Here, it feels like she is mind broken practically after you get the first stat to level 3. Maybe the first couple times you need a certain combination of he assist items to even get her off. Maybe its not just endurance the MC improves on, but skill as well. I think a bit more complexity would take this game into the top tiers.
    TLDR: An excellent game and h-game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    i love this game after i finnish this game i went to steam and bogth this game for this is somone i want to suport no alphas no shit just plain and good game.

    i want more of this.

    awsome sound

    really nice animation.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A visual novel, an isekai anime, and a god-damn proper porn game.

    This game has a prequel, and the intro assumes that you have played it. The premise fades away naturally.

    The animation is THE best I have ever seen in a porn game, full stop. With the art style that goes nicely with the theme, It really make this game a standout masterpiece.

    The gameplay is on the weaker side, but the playable H-scene is a bit better.

    The story is that of typical isekai anime. "Story in a game is like story in a porn movie." And for a porn game, it is more than acceptable.

    The sound is decent, with the voice casts giving rich dialogues.

    All in all, this game quenched my thirst of Mirror 2, which is never to be.
    I definitely recommend this along with Peeping Dorm Manager, which is another banger.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and the Detective Servant is a management game in the loosest sense of the word. Essentially, you, the Detective Servant, must keep a tsundere princess happy while you conquer the world for her. If not, she'll destroy it.

    It's played for laughs mind you. The story is straight humor all the way down, even the protagonist's existential horror that he is the only thing standing between a world and its destruction. Honestly, it's well done. I found myself laughing occasionally over the course of the game.

    Daigneux manages to hit a pretty decent sweet spot between imperious bitch and needy, possessive, lonely, queen. She swaps between cute and bitchy with impressive tsundere skill and her airheadedness/lack of knowledge of human customs is both amusing and endearing. Overall, she's a pretty great primary love interest, which is fortunate because the protagonist basically only exists are her straight man/fuck buddy. I suppose there's a little bit of smart ass and arrogance to him, but it definitely takes a back seat to Daigneux.

    Other than Daigneux, the protagonist fucks with one girl from each of the conquered territories. Each of the girls only has one scene and feature very rarely once their territory is conquered. The scenes are generally worth seeing and a nice break from getting pounded into the floor by Daigneux.

    The management portion of the game could use a little work. If you play the game even close to optimally you have an absolutely insane amount of free time between milestones to troll around and event collect. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough events to justify so much filler time. I think the game would be better with tighter deadlines and a quicker milestone progression.

    It also seems like Daigneux's mood doesn't factor into anything as near as I can tell. You can just pass each day doing nothing and as long as you complete the overall quest within the (very easy) deadline, you can't lose. Why even include a mood meter if it doesn't matter?

    The sex minigame is kinda entertaining the first few times you play it. As the game progresses you unlock new items and abilities to help you turn the bitch queen into a quivering mess and that's always a good time. Also, whatever Daigneux is wearing when you start the scene is utilized in the minigame, so there's a pretty good outfit variety. Overall, it's fun and sexy... however.

    In order to unlock the final stamina boost deed, you need to ejaculate 1,000,000 semen into Daigneux. A late game mini-game session can net you around 30,000. So at that rate you need to play the mini game in excess of 40 to 50 times with a sole focus on cumming as much as possible in order to finally unlock everything. It's a nice minigame and all, but not that nice.

    Overall though, The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and the Detective Servant is a pretty decent porn game. The management portion isn't strong enough to allow the game to stand alone frankly, but given the solid art, decent story, and good characters, I wasn't disappointed. I'd recommend it if you like the screenshots and silly tsunderes.