It's a bit tiresome reading all those comments about the patch, "bending the knee" (I cringe every time I read that), how a cash grab I am and so on. I won't get into much detail, because it has been discussed so many times.
I did what I thought was best for those that play my game and chose to make the changes patreon asked me to do.
Here's why:
the money from patreon goes into a couple of things:
-assets from the store (yes you can pirate those, but I think they deserve every penny for it.)
-voice over actresses (price is about 0.20 per word, it varies) -> you can argue that you don't need that, but tell that to those that post me everyday a message and ask when the voice over patch comes. And I personally love voice over in games, so I stick with it no matter what you say, you can always turn them off anyway...
-computer parts (rarely)
-paying editor for my texts/dialogues
-most importantly: Time, time I can spend on devolping the game so I can work full time on it instead of having a normal job and working on it in my free time
Now if I'd give patreon the middle finger, they'd just throw me out, ok, cool, so I'd go to subscribestar, right? Easy solution.
Wrong. Unless you're like a really big dev, mr dots for example. I don't think that you have a big chance on subscribestar as you'd have on patreon. It's been proven many times and there has been many posts about it. Even here on the forum itself.
I also have a subscribestar account for a side project to test the waters and it's nowhere close to patreon.
Just take a look at devs that publish their work both on patreon and subscribestar and tell me that I'm wrong.
So if I'd choose to go all in to subscribestar it would take a while to get where I'm now and the development process would definitely take a hit aswell and I don't think that's in favor for those that play the game.
Besides all that, I already made a post that I'll make an awakening unrated version anyway on subscribestar, so I don't understand what the big deal is.
Right now I'm just a bit tired to be honest, been working on it since 2017 and barely took a day off. But I'll make it at some point. I'm just a human too and not a machine that prints render after render every day.(Though to be honest it really feels like it lately.)
I hope this clears things up a bit. And it's not like things won't change, things always change. Maybe things will shift towards subscribestar and we all can make uncensored adult content, I'd love to see that change, but right now, this is what I thought was best for the game.
Really tired writing this, also did probably a mediocre job at what I'm trying to say, but hopefully you get the idea.
I rather want to see posts about the game itself rather than this crap to be honest. (