After reading your reply and some others here. I came to the conclusion I absolutely missed the hut of the witch.. Finished that "quest" now as well. The "hut" I was referring to in my post had a reference to lord of the eggs or something? if I'm not mistaken guess it might have been more of a house or cave and that created the misunderstanding. Anyways, since I already had the gem I only had the option to give it to her.. Well she kinda "took" it from me I guess

But that whole situation was shady a.f if I had the option I would have liked to know a bit more before deciding on giving that gem away........
Although the transformation and reward seemed to be worth it..
On a side note, unlike she says. If you come back to her you can't get a "reminder" for your silence. It just goes over the same dialogue in the "state" you first meet her. Also no new dialogue with Emily after the "event" (looking forward to next update)
Can't believe I missed this in my first play through..

Missed the wicked witch of the east.
Though I didn't see any silver shoe's but the trapdoor has potential... something about being a tyrant and have others slave away
About the lucky coin,
that's really helpful probably shouldn't sell it then. There is however no extra information when I check my inventory on the coin so wasn't sure what it did and I could sell it at least to the blacksmith... maybe others too not sure
The dove,
cool I didn't expect there to be more in this version. Do you expect to extent on that character in the future?
There was also a creature in a cave you can pet and the Sirkath I think the woman under the waterfall was called? are you planning future content there?
Well for some locations especially which the player will revisit in the future like the hut or the portals, I think some sort of map with a fog of war would be excellent to easily get to discovered locations. Some people here seem to be struggling with making money and buying the portal scrolls, from what I've seen so far its pretty easy (I get about 4k to 6k coming back to Neavy alone that is excluding the money from gathering flowers, boar meat, harpy's, bandits etc.) and there are also a lot of portal locations to get you back for free, once discovered I'm sure that will be a huge help. Also, I myself am not much of a reader. I mean I don't mind navigating this way but revisiting and reading the same text over and over gets old quick. I think this would be easier with some visual stimuli just a background of a field, forest, river with some text or options to do there.
All in all it's a really strong first release, yes there are things to be improved upon but there seems to be a solid foundation for a great story, there is already plenty to discover and do. Even more so now I finally found the hut and got that over with as well

It's really spread out too introducing characters, items and basic exploration system. Really leaves a lot to the imagination of what is to come. Great Job Tjop really interesting so far and looking forward for more.