I'm not the type of guy to write rewievs for games, but this time i felt like i had to. (English is not my first language).
The game starts off strong and has good unique models and you can certantly feel the good production value of the game.
However... I feel like this game would have much better rating if something as simple as a hint system would be present. It becomes such a massive chore to go from place A to B, and nothing happends. You simply click around for about an hour to even find a character to talk to. And even then you are given nothing to help progress.
You are being reminded of random events on the left upper corner sometimes. Like "Sandra_Bus_event". So i go to the bus station to find this Sandra event, but there is nothing there?
I managed to defend Marias honour and efter the fight it looked like her questline reset or something since nothing gave me a clue on how to progress further.
After 4 hours of confusion i gave up. Such a shame, i actually liked the vibe and renders of this game.
The game starts off strong and has good unique models and you can certantly feel the good production value of the game.
However... I feel like this game would have much better rating if something as simple as a hint system would be present. It becomes such a massive chore to go from place A to B, and nothing happends. You simply click around for about an hour to even find a character to talk to. And even then you are given nothing to help progress.
You are being reminded of random events on the left upper corner sometimes. Like "Sandra_Bus_event". So i go to the bus station to find this Sandra event, but there is nothing there?
I managed to defend Marias honour and efter the fight it looked like her questline reset or something since nothing gave me a clue on how to progress further.
After 4 hours of confusion i gave up. Such a shame, i actually liked the vibe and renders of this game.