Just glad you decided not to go with the easy rape way

, I get that in a adult game with sex scenes rape may be the first thing that comes to mind for females having a trauma or trouble (while just killing some kid while driving under the influence will also do for an overall good person

) and that showing it makes some sense as well as an extra sex scene. Thing is though besides since almost every dev thinks the same thing it does become lazy and overused, but also especially if one of the earliest or even first scene it does set a tone for your game that tends to scare of many of the players that like a more romantic game.
It is something that even in adults games should be used rarely, when you really want to use the shock value or when it is what your game is about or about its aftermath, instead of throwing it in almost every game just because it is adult and sex where it actually takes away from story value and makes it more predictable and can kill the games mood when more romantic oriented.