Always says "not close enough to..."
Well, let me share my 2 cents here, that's what I've done to get corruption up:
Do what some people have already said: Don't make breakfast, wash, etc, if you want you can also not cleaning the church, but I personally prefer to do that when it have the 'very dirty' status in order to get some points with the father.
Visit the church in the afternoon, to meet with the old bald guy whenever it is possible.
Do the leaflet task in the church by the evening (not available everyday).
Keep talking with the uncle until he asks her to start taking some photos to give to the bald guy, that's the way you'll get points with the uncle and getting to drink with him and study with him, so from this point forward it'll be easier to get 'good points' lower and raise corruption, at least that was mainly what I did.
Hope it helps for this fking grindy crappy game that I cannot stop playing for fk sake.