HTML - Onhold - The Company [v5.12.0 Public] [Westane]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4552948

    [ Update for version 5.5 ]
    The added content is nice, but there isn't a lot of it and much of it isn't available in story mode and needs to be accessed with freeplay or cheats. At least not enough to rewrite my review as nothing fundamental to the game has been changed. Future updates will have more major changes, so I'll do a rewrite for version 6.0.

    [ Review for version 5.4 ]

    TL;DR: The Company is a game that caters to many fetishes, genders, sexualities and inclinations. That is, if they also are into a story where you play as the asshole who greated a drug that turn people into sex slaves and gave it away to the unambiguously most evil company in existance (after Amazon).

    The Good: Incest! And the chance to impregnate or be impregnated! You are spoilt for choice in this game. You can play as a cruel domme who surround yourself with sex starved slaves (i.e. be a loser), or as a sub who surround themselves with tops who demand you satisfy them unconditionally (i.e. be a cultured individual). You can be male, female or trans. There are multiple outcomes as well so you can mix up different playthrough

    The Average: No matter what you want out of this game you still are the bad guy doing bad things for your own gain without concern for the evil done onto other people. If you are into this kind of setting you might like this, but otherwise there is no way to roleplay not evil/callous without ignoring a massive part of the game.

    The Bad: The outcome of choices are not very well explained by the dialogue choices provided. I tried roleplaying as a sub and make people more assertive by 'juicing' them up with mind controlling serum, but that made my character end up becoming supper dominant because I kept being approached by cock-hungry characters that made me take the dominant role in sex without options. Also, you can't have anything bigger than an average sized dick without becoming super dominant passively in an in-game week. The author also conflate submissiveness with femininity. If you become too submissive you will start becoming less masculine and will eventually be treated as a girl (end up getting pegged and have your dick locked up). This to me is just really unimaginative on the author's part.

    Thorough Review:

    Story: Good

    The story follows a chemistry graduate who developed a serum that allows mind control of the recipient but making them internalise verbal instruction while under the influence of it and retain that instruction after the drug has left their body (allowing you to program them). This is obviously used by "the company" to program sex slaves to sell on the black market, rather than the much more logical use in military and national security application or interogation (the company lacks imagination...).

    The player as an employee of The Company will over time, along with his lab assistant, create increasingly powerful drugs that do other things as well which further expands the possibilities of The Company's slave trading abilities - which the player can take part in later in the game.

    While all of this is going on the internal power struggle of The Compay starts seeping into view of the player character and it becomes clear that this house of cards has the potential to destroy itself from the inside unless the right (or wrong) person can wrestle control over it.

    Characters: Competent

    There are many characters that I like, but not a single one I feel is deeply fleshed out. You know their name, what their naked bodies looks like, what they do for a living and what their kinks are (the latter since you can literally program these kinks into them). Because you have a lot of control over character's nature through the serums no character is written with any particular level of convictions, so they are technically not very different from each other since you can turn them into basically the same characters sexually.

    Gameplay: Competent

    It's a text based game with a time system that is competently put together. It plays more like a point and click game. I wish the author would implement a key input system so the game can be easily played with one hand.

    The dialogue in this game is a cut above many text-based games I've played on here, which is amazing given that I am generally not into these corruption type games. Sex scenes could be a bit longer and maybe have one extra gif so it doesn't come across that you did one thing and one thing only, no foreplay, not post-coital clean-up.

    Visuals: Good

    The Company is a 'real porn' game using gifs and picture of real porn actors/actresses, a practice I am generally not in favour of since it is essentially stealing assets. The choice of actresses/actors is really good though. The game is currently undergoing an art overhaul implementing drawings (dunno if they are comissioned or AI generated), and they actually look really good. A little too cute for the extremely dark setting the game is set in, but I like it.

    Summary: Good

    The Company is well worth playing! I suggest you do a quick run through of the game and don't worry too much about the outcomes just so you get an idea of what options you will have chapter to chapter. You can then do a replay and be more throrough with your decisions to get the most of your fantasies out of the game.


    > More femdom that doesn't involve sodomizing the male MC
    > More femdom that involves penetrative sex of the woman.
    > Ability to chose if you will take the submissive or dominant role in random events, such as being fucked in the morning by your step/mother, so that you don't gain dominance or submissiveness without warning.
    > Uncouple the femininity/masculinity and dick size to whether you are dominant. It's weird that I turn into a twink when I am submissive, but all the NPC women I turn dominant remain women and don't become butches. Be consistent!
    > Having a big dick does not inherently make you want to dominate people, nor does having a small dick make you want to be abused. Let people roleplay smalldicked tops and fatcocked bottoms.
    > Fix Step/mother domme to not be disgusted by MC and step/sister having sex. She is in-lore having sex with both of them, so why is she surprised by this development?
    > More random encounters when people you've given your number to will call you, and maybe even booty call you.
    > Let me change which path character are on. If the serums can program a certain behaviour into a person, it should also be able to undo that programming using the exact same method.
    > The moneymaking system needs a review. I can make diazepam and ketamine in the lab, but can't sell it? But I CAN sell mind altering serum which is supposed to be a super well kept company secret? Who am I selling this to, and why don't they want ket and benzos?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best HTML porn games I've played. If you talk about the genre it is a must mention. Good character selection with great images and gifs for each of them. A very good replayability because of the branching, you can have very different runs depending on your choices. Also a great story with a great amount of content. Doesn't feel too grindy.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    So, i only played 5-ish or so hours but so far i'm utterly confused to what to do or how to do something. It gives very little/bad information on how to accually get to progress characters that i could find in game and most of the choices either lead to deadends or my understanding of things and the creators understanding of things are VERY diffrent. I get that it probaly isn't for me as i could find very little of the tags i was hoping to find and mostly found the tags i didn't want.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good game that probably needs to complete some time soon.

    The game is all about a guy who is employed by a secretive pharmaceuticals company based on the fact that he's discovered a mind-control serum. The early game-play is all about moving back and forth between working in the lab to produce 'potions' and developing your relationships with the NPCS to get them to the point where specific 'potions' will have specific effects.

    This sand-boxy affair is complicated by a plot involving the internal politics of the corporation that is never all that relevant and never really comes into focus either. It just means in practice that there are times when you either need to produce specific potions to order or apply specific potions to specific people by certain times in order to advance the game.

    All of this is further complicated by the fact that you occasionally get splashed by potions and these change your apparent gender. Gender is dependent upon how you act but there's also a question of which equipment you have. So if you act in a way that the game determines to be feminine, you drift from dude to fem, then to transwoman and then you can get rid of your junk. You can also be more dominant or more submissive. Different genders can yield different outcomes so there's a bit of juggling in order to keep yourself on-track.

    The images are pretty well-chosen and the characters are (for the most part) pretty well-written but the game has a lot of characters and involves a lot of potion-making and so you spend a lot of time in game. Unfortunately, once you reach a level where you 'unlock' a character's behaviour-changes, you can't turn it off so what starts off as fun, sexy discovery soon becomes slightly creepy. For example, it's one thing to wake up to discover your mom is going down on you but having her forcibly go down on you every single morning gets repetitive, dull, and starts to feel a bit like rape to be honest.

    The decisions you make with the characters are all irreversible too. There's a tree to each of them but the amount of grinding in-between them means that in order to see the different evolutions of the characters, you have to submit to hours of replay and hours of being forcibly sucked, fucked, fingered, and rubbed in the exact same way day after day. I admire the thought that has gone into the different evolutions of the characters but I'm generally done after a single run and that does create some FOMO and decision paralysis that undermines the sense of satisfaction.

    Also weird is the fact that, late in the game, you unlock a weird basement where you can not just develop different sex slaves but also surgically alter them in really drastic ways. Aside from being a complete non-sequitur from the rest of the game's kink palate ('what if the cute transgirl at the office was into me?' is 1000 miles from ('what if I abducted someone, cut off their legs, and turned them into a mindless grunting sex-pig with wings?') this section is really poorly implemented and has nothing to do with the rest of the story.

    This was a really tight,clever and well-executed game that has grown increasingly bloated and weird with the passage of time. Time to start thinking of bringing this girl into port... time's up. Time to move on to the next project.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's like the 4th text-based game that I play, I liked it, I mean the interactions, the personalities and the way the npc act on the main character are good, the grind is a bit complex, but not difficult if you allocate your time, but has plenty of +18 content the way you get it.


    -Drawing/3D modeling: 0 (they are images and gift, there is zero effort creating the character design, but it does not mean that this is a bad thing, he knows how to use that content at the right times..)

    -Music/Background sound: 0 (I don't know how the background sound works in text-based games, I don't know if they can be set or not, but something that would have been nice to add to the scene)

    -Plot: 3.5 (The argument, I feel that the beginning is a bit forced, they introduce you to the main character, you think that he is someone normal and suddenly they tell you that he is a scientist who invented x product that does x thing, out of nowhere this may seem a bit forced, of course then the game develops and begins to make some sense and you solidify the story, however if it is a bit rushed at least that's what I think)

    -Map: 5 (Well designed, it indicates the places so that one can know which npc are there.)

    -Animation: 4 (well, there is no animation as such, they are gif/photos/videos taken from the internet, however they are well used according to the context of the scene situation, so this is something that can be positively pointed out)

    - 18+ Scenes: 5 (there is a lot of content +18, there is nothing more to say)

    -Gameplay: 4 (It lets you do several things and actions per day, it doesn't limit you and that's fine)

    -Interface: 5

    I think it's a good text-based game, it's not boring like others that literally are like 100 lines of text and 1 image, something that at least I don't like is that I feel that the story, the main plot, goes too slow, you arrive to a point where you've done almost all of the "sandbox" and you're stuck with no content, but that doesn't take away from the goodness of the game. As I am someone who really likes the plot and a plis of +18, I recommend this game, you can take it as a different way to watch more interactive porn.

    I rated it out of 7 items, I didn't add 3D design/modeling because there's no point in rating it with that aspect

    :lepew: 3.8/5 :lepew:
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack D

    One of my favorite games, and I still consistently look forward to more content releases. Dev is communicative, interested in feedback and makes good stuff. The new artstyle releases look good, but the dedication to continuing to release with the real porn graphics is something that a lot of other games would skimp on.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v4.3 Complete

    I will say, this game is one of the better HTML games i had played, yet it still suffers from the pointless grind and figuring out what you need to do to progress a characters story is a pain. So for that reason, the wiki is required, which is a damn shame, if you need a wiki to navigate a game and progress, well then you failed somewhat.
    When it comes to the game itself, it pretty fun with quite a bit of variation and the ability to choose between dominance and submission is great, considering both path have quite a decent amount of content in them.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of Public 4.3 on 3/5/2022]

    I'll start by saying that this was one of the first HTML games of its style that I played many, many updates ago. I didn't review it back then, however, because frankly I had no interest in reviewing porn games at the time. I'm honestly not sure why the urge to start doing so has hit me, but that's neither here nor there.

    More importantly, what do I think about this game? It's good. In fact, it's better than a lot of games made in a similair style, and frankly, it's better by a long shot. There's little grammatical mistakes here and there -- for some reason, the apostrophe-'s' seems to keep disappearing from the phrase "someone['s] cock" -- but none of it is catastrophic or often enough to ruin the reading experience.

    The embedded content, the short and soundless clips accompanying almost every scene, come from snippets of other porn you can find floating around on the internet. Each character's scenes from those other pornos are recontextualized into the game's own story, making the writing a significant contribution to enjoyment of the game's content. Helpfully, the characters are also all named after the porn actors portraying themselves, which made it very easy to locate the sources of each scene if you like the snippets more than the writing. For myself, this was rarely the case.

    The gameplay is... well, I don't enjoy it. There's no actual challenge from what I can tell; it's largely just a grindfest of components, money, and chemically induced mind control and interpersonal progress with the characters. This easy but time-consuming gameplay is frustratingly common among these HTML games. I understand that this is probably the best format in which to present this game's style of writing and/or content, but I'd rather there was either a challenge of some sort or at least a reduction in the grind. It's totally possible to build atmosphere without having players mash through the same text descriptions over and over again.

    So, do I recommend it? Well, again, the writing and presentation is good. My understanding is that this game is actually based on a series of erotic shorts that someone appreciated enought to base this off of, and I doubt the primary developer would have settled for subpar writing or presentation when making such an homage. So, while I'm far from calling it perfect, I'd say this is worth trying out on that fact alone.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The game seems quite garbage. Have finished Chapter 1 (in 4 uneventful hours) - not a single femdom scene. My character is Completely Submissive, Uncontrollably Aroused, and yet all the _TWO_ sex scenes I got were with unavoidable harsh maledom (and the gifs were all tanned Californian porn "stars" sucking long schlongs).

    All the choices I got was either drug women (or withhold), or get larger male boobs (or not). Where is femdom? Where is the story? Where are the characters?

    I wouldn't mind the grind (who am I kidding), but after a few days, I seem to have stopped getting character reputation increases after talking to them.

    The best and most attractive character is John (no homo), a lively bald muscular guy. Would want more of John, were it not a pornographic game. And if the dev didn't hint on making him a red shirt with his homophobic remarks. (Please, don't kill John, he's misunderstood.)

    P.S. The dev made it so that buttplugs make the protagonist more feminine, whereas chastity cages shrink his penis. Yes, gender locking is an option, but still, connecting four different fetishes into such stereotypical pairs is counter-intuitive and slightly offensive (what's next, chastity predetermines NTR?).

    The good part is that these changes are totally irrelevant through Chapter 1, i.e., 4 boring hours with nothing happening. 1/5 for effort. What do people even find in this game?
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for quiet some time now and with every major update, Westain manages to make the project even better. The new Freemode is just brilliant.

    Plus with the Discord community there are character sets that can easily be swapped in and out. 10/10
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good over all.

    Grading this off the 4.0.0 update (there's a new one that just dropped earlier today ver that I haven't played yet). Saw the new update and remembered I never got around to rating/reviewing this one.

    So let me just preface this by saying I only played a couple of the possible roots in this game. I have no interest in gay, futa, trans, or genderbender content so I completely avoided the routes involving that kind of content.

    That said, there's still a few options left to play around with that leave the MC as a straight male and I ended up replaying the game a few times to see the different ways things happen if you play only as either a dominant, neutral, or sub straight guy. Little bit grindy at times, but the cheats you can use at the beginning of the game help alleviate that issue to an extent.

    Nothing really groundbreaking here. Sometimes it's a bit dark. Sometimes things go a little off the rails. And at a few points it did get a bit boring waiting for the next events to unlock, but over all it was still fun.

    Would rate it higher, but there's a lot of focus placed on things outside my comfort zone that I had to avoid as well as the boring bits.

    Over all I'd still say its worth a try. Plus if you like games that sissify or genderbend the MC there'll be even more options for you to play through than I was willing to engage in.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Adequate, but nothing to write home about. I was generally a fan of the ability to change various characters' personalities through drugs and corruption, but each character has so little content that the grind didn't feel worth it. Incidentally, the game is very grindy, and while skipping is approachable, you miss out on resources.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    The F-Team

    Best real porn game Ive seen so far!
    Played the Mommy Love route and that was so much fun.
    Rest of the story is a bit weak sometimes, but still good.
    Good choice of actresses and scenes. RIP Dakota Skye :((
    The guide and wiki are really outdated, which is sad.
    All in all one of the better html porn games.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I've been playing a lot of HTML real porn games as of late and unfortunately this game is the most boring of them all.
    The amount of grind is absolutely tiresome. $10K to progress with the "mother" because of an item. The over all game play is slow and there are a lot of repetitive scenes and dialogue. No possible way to open the other paths, you're locked and have to replay the whole game from the beginning if you make the incorrect choice. The guide only covers two of the characters, the others the player doesn't get any hints or suggestions on how to progress.
    The borrowed porn clips from the Internet are low quality and most of the gay/futa/trans scenes are unavoidable*. (I was hoping they were because of the discussions around the subject. This doesn't drag down the over all score as I can ignore scenes if the other content is good, which isn't the case in this game)
    The story itself lift this game up not to be terrible(1/5)

    Further down the road maybe this game gets a polish/remake which makes it more pleasant and fluid. Until then, good luck devs!

    Rated: 2/5
    Based on: v4.0.2 Complete

    *See the events in the Company
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Theres to much violence and forced stuff for me. I wish the boys didn't need so much violence to jerk off. All the kinks and fetishes can ocur in a narrative without the need of tricking or abuse someone.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    If I could I would rate 0 stars, because after my MC gets arrested by Tasha and John to be cattle in the Pit and the forced sybian szene, my dick nearly exploded. A warning would've been nice ;) " -> that girl from Pigeon Blood

    Amazing game with diffrent "routes" and kinks. Thanks for the great work, ll definitly visit the patreon page!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 4.0.1

    IMPORTANT: I pretty much always play with cheats on so i can't speak much about the grinding aspect of this game. I hate grinding and unnecessary repetition.

    One of the best HTML games out there, the game has a very nice overall quality.

    Graphically, the game use real porn and pictures, but there is a good quality for both the images and the gif used. So nothing to say here, it serve the purpose.

    Writing wise, it's very good! The writing is intelligent, thoughful and properly paced without going into huge walls of text so it's quite engaging and fun to read through. Characters are nice too although i would haved liked more ways to interact with them and do activities, but that's really a detail. The story is relatively simple, yet give you ample room to make your choices and decide what kind of content you'll get. And there is plenty of content and routes you can get.

    Gameplay is simple but effective, you make a variety of chemical compounds which can be made in minimal quantities, but can be upgraded to make larger quantities, giving a good purpose for money and the different objects, chemicals and other stuff you can get.

    Perhaps the lewd scenes could use a bit more variety of gifs and images, as it can be repetitive to see the same ones again and again. It would also give more purpose to replay the different routes and such.

    Overall, pretty solid game.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This could be the best HTML game on this site, but sadly, it isn't. There are hints of greatness: Interesting setup, branching decisions, above average writing. But it's repetitive as hell. You click through the same screens over and over and over again. To make things worse, there are lots of unskippable "random events", which also repeat themselves.

    This game needs some serious trimming. Get rid of the repetition. Focus on the storylines. Make navigating the menus less tedious. Communicate goals clearly.

    As it is a real porn game, image quality is very inconsistent. Character portraits and some phots are well chosen. Some GIFs look horrendously bad, though.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The Company has a few elements in desperate need of additional content, but ultimately it's one of the game's few HTML games that I'm actively willing to play from start to finish each time, the writing is just that good.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has good graphics and story involving the slow teasing and sensible direction of story. The developer of game is active and the story direction about mother and daughter is very interesting. Looking forward to more content in the upcoming releases.