Are you the guy who ranted about Dr.Bones on Rannero's Discord? Also, yes, I occasionally return to his Discord to see what new stuff he draws, checks general and see it's still the see thing. And yeah, drawing slow does matter. I follow plenty of artists like Rannero who takes a while to draw. But yeah, he's stated several times he's gotten tired of the game. I think he's just doing it to finish it out of obligation, which is hilarious when you realize there's barely any plot or development involved. There's still so much left to do with Yuuki's character, it's actually insane he's dropping her for the mom.He hasn't always been ‘so’ slow, it's mainly that he's decided to simply slow down as much as possible each time he publishes updates by finding excuses to simply continue to fill his pockets without doing too much! And the worst thing is that it works because the slightest negative sentence towards him gets his watchdogs jumping down your throat! Besides, the fact that he's a father doesn't justify the fact that he's so slow, or that he has trouble drawing sex scenes! We're talking about a guy who has no problem drawing a kid fucking an adult woman, but that's not the point, go and see what his fans are doing with ia on his discord and we can talk about it, because if we can do something decent in such a short time I don't see why he couldn't! Of course I'm not saying this to disrespect you, I'm just saying that Rannero doesn't deserve any excuses for his dubious behaviour! And if he's so fed up with his fucking game he should have accepted the help that many people have offered him but every time it's always the same refrain! No, I want to create my own game. No, I want to learn by myself. No I will use AI to go faster etc. ... He's got no fucking excuse, if he's so fed up then he should drop his game and move on to something else! But he should stop taking people for fools with his lame excuses!
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