I checked it comes from this routine.
def v05DressChoice(dress):
if dress == "b":
setattr(store, "v05Dress", "b")
setattr(store, "temp", "black")
elif dress == "r":
setattr(store, "v05Dress", "r")
setattr(store, "temp", "red")
elif dress == "s":
setattr(store, "v05Dress", "s")
setattr(store, "temp", "silver")
I can not even chose the dress in the compressed version

And your not alone i would chose the black one to
That switch is missing in this new update or something went wrong with the compression.
if persistent.inGameWT:
scene black with dissolve
"Would you like a reminder of how she looks in them?"
"Yes, please":
menu dress_reminder:
scene v04_113 with dissolve:
zoom 0.5
jump dress_reminder
scene v04_110 with dissolve:
zoom 0.5
jump dress_reminder
scene v04_108 with dissolve:
zoom 0.5
jump dress_reminder
scene v05_150 with dissolve
it "Hmm. Which dress should I wear?"
"No, thank you":
$ v05Dress = 'b'
scene expression "v05_151[v05Dress]" with dissolve
isa "I think I'll wear the black one."
$ v05Dress = 'r'
scene expression "v05_151[v05Dress]" with dissolve
isa "I think I'll wear the red one."
$ v05Dress = 's'
scene expression "v05_151[v05Dress]" with dissolve
isa "I think I'll wear the silver one."
scene black with longfade
cen "Sometime later..."
play music sexy fadeout 1
$ toggle_qm_off()
$ _game_menu_screen = None
scene expression "v05_152[v05Dress]" at pan_loop() with dissolve
$ _game_menu_screen = 'save'
$ toggle_qm_on()
if v05Dress == "b":
scene expression "v05_152[v05Dress]" with dissolve:
zoom 0.5
mc "..."
scene expression "v05_153[v05Dress]" with dissolve
isa "{d1}, say something please?"
scene expression "v05_154[v05Dress]" with dissolve
ro "I told you he'd be speechless."
mc "Wow, {isan}! Just... Wow!"
scene expression "v05_154[v05Dress]" with dissolve
mc "You look beautiful, {isan}."
That is from the 0.6 version of the game