But what if their father was kicked out of the family? Its most likely the serpent whose face was burned out of that old picture the MC finds in the office. He betrayed the DeLucas/Cordia and so is no longer considered one of them. Antonio is still family because he's Cordia's son, but the MC has no relation to the family as he has a different mother.
But nothing. It doesn't alter anything.
Half brothers share a parent, so are related by blood. MC would still be related by blood to Antonio.
If MC has no blood relations in the family, he cannot be Antonio's half brother.
Suspicion is that the betrayal of Cordia, by MC's Father, burnt Serpent, was either him leaving her for, or cheating on her with, MC's Mother.
To answer your question about Luna's rank:
Ah, thanks.

So her official rank is daughter of the Don.
Her skill level is low-tier capo.
Subtle difference.