you are right. however I was surprised that his best friend was the head of another family
if Straffan is really dead (maybe they didn't kill him but he just passed out?), he should have a younger brother

chissà se il MC è figlio unico o ha dei fratelli ?!
I would like to ask you all for a question, after the scene of Luna with the gun to her head, is it not that she could soften too much and lose concentration, now that she has become too attached to the protagonist? Because Grace with flirtation has always remained the same, the only one is Luna who seems almost "more docile"
Jalen's not the head, that would be Pops, the current Don of the Kaskar Family.
His position is "Capo Bastone" which is compared to Antonio's Underboss position in the DeLucas.
Regarding Straffan, well I highly doubt anyone can survive from getting choked by a garrote.
Not sure I'd want to see a younger brother to his character tbh (kinda feel like that chapter of his character is closed and we're moving onto new chapters now).
Nah, Luna now loves the MC, but she will not stop her vendetta against the Mysterious 6.
Just because she's now in love I don't think it means she's gonna go soft on her enemies. That's just not who Luna is.
And besides now MC is just as pissed off towards the Mysterious 6 after finding out everything she went through in their hands.
There will be vengeance, & I'm getting the feeling it will be bloody. Very bloody.
IDK, it kinda feels like quite an even split, so far?
We have Cordia, Wilfred, Giocabbe + Father of MC's friend from that age group. Are there more? Can't remember others, apart from the old guy in town who owns the freezer.
Then Antonio, Isabell & Serpents(?) from that age group.
Then MC, Gracie, Luna, Eiza + sister, MC's friend + his sister & Straffan, all from MC's age group. (I didn't include Joey, as we're not talking about mental age! lol)
Cordia's age group feels the least represented, with MC's age the most, from that.
With Cordia's generation, there would be:
- Cordia
- Wilfred
- Pops
- Layla Kaskar (Jalen & Charvi's mom)
- "Serpent" (assuming he is Rina's ex-fiance and "friend" that Cordia mentions)
- Giocabbe
- Rina (MC's mom)
- Vincent (old capo)
- Trutillo (Giocabbe's Consigliere)
- Lucan (Luna and Gracie's father)
- MC's father
- Janitor (in my name is Luna event)
- The Mysterious 6 (quite possible MC's father could be one of them, but still, it's not certain, so putting them separately)
Antonio's age group
- Antonio
- Isabel
- Gottardo
- Cynthia
- 4th yet unnamed Serpent
- Angelo (Capo)
- Caterina (Capo)
- Batista (Capo)
- Amata (nun Capo)
- Amara (nun Capo, not sure if I have her name right)
- Gray (Elite Soldado)
- Pelata (Elite Soldado)
- Biondo (Elite Soldado)
- Leliana & Jokren "The Bear" Daxen (Twin elite Soldados in Caterina's crew, in Isabel's event)
- Lady DeLuca interrogator (mentioned by Wilfred in Eiza's event. Hopes said she will make an appearance at some point)
- "New" character from previews who MC meets in his Contract (from the looks of it, she looks a bit older than MC's age, but younger than Isabel & Antonio, so I'd still put her here)
MC's age group:
- MC
- Luna
- Gracie
- Jalen
- Charvi
- Eiza
- Straffan
- Apce (martial artist who fought agaisnt Luna & lost in the Staffan mission)
- TJ the gunsmith (haven't made a formal appearance yet [though Hopes might be considering it]. Regarding age, while it is unclear, I might guess he might be similar age to Luna due to the way she calls out to him in Musala Hills Bee event)
- Gaia, Viola, Sofia (captive friends of Luna in her My name is Luna flashback)
I think the biggest cluster of characters is around Antonio's age group, then followed by Cordia's age group, then lastly MC's age.
Obviously with more updates, this cast of characters will continue to expand, but I just have a feeling a lot of that addition of characters may be focused on Cordia's generation and Antonio's age group (since we'll see more DeLuca soldados, Capos possibly and see them in more conflicts with other families and their own soldiers, as well as Serpents getting in the mix. Not to mention all the other Dons of the rest of the Big 5, and also perhaps other Families as well).
That's why I wish for more characters in MC's age group who comes into conflict with MC and his inner circle.
For instance, I loved the inclusion of Apce in Straffan's event. His character serves as a nice rival to Luna, and I look forward to their future matches where they are duking each other out once again.
I'd probably want someone similar for Gracie as well. Gracie has been basically on a roll especially in terms of her use of intelligence, so what I want to see is Gracie actually losing to someone in terms of game (or chess match) of minds, distraught for a while then get back up again, to win in a rematch with that person.
Point of this is not really to bring Gracie down, but to show she's not always unbeatable in terms of intelligence, and give her an obstacle that she first takes a fall, but overcomes on her second try. I don't think Gracie has yet experienced something like this, and I think these situations really builds character.
With MC, perhaps a foe or an enemy that he has in another Family I believe could bring an interest mix to the plot. As would potential new allies or friendship he may make (outside the Kaskars).
That's why I think children of the other Dons (of the rest of the Big 5 Crime Families) would be a great way to explore them.