Dev log - February 6th, 2025
3 hours ago
Hey everyone, it's time for another dev log!
Well, it's February, and it's cold as a mother trucker up here in the north. This year, I invested in a high-quality humidifier, and wow what a difference it makes! I can actually sleep through the night now without waking up feeling like I swallowed a bag of sand. Seriously, no more dry throat that makes breathing a struggle. I wake up, and it feels like a summer morning in June!
I know you're not here for a review of my sleep quality, but the good news is that it’s had a positive impact on game development. With better rest, I’ve got more energy and no longer feel like crashing at 3 PM. That means more progress on the game! Speaking of which, things are moving along smoothly with no major issues so far. I’m still on track for the first release around the end of this month, but just to set expectations, it could slip into early March. I know waiting sucks, but I want this update to be solid, and if it takes a little longer, so be it.
On that note, I’ll be dedicating 100% of my available time to the next update. This cycle had more distractions than I’d like—some my own fault, and others thanks to the holidays taking up most of December. Add to that the Halloween special and a few private commissions I fell behind on, and, well, development on the main game got delayed more than I wanted. Moving forward, my priority is making sure Chapter 8 releases in less than three months after Chapter 7. I know I can do it as long as I stay focused on the main game.
Now, onto new features! I’m working on a few quality-of-life improvements that will likely make it into either Chapter 7 or 8. One of them is the ability to name your saves, which should be helpful if you like keeping multiple paths and want to identify them easily. I’m also developing a character profile page where you’ll be able see all the info for the major characters in the game. Characters will appear as they’re revealed to avoid confusion or spoilers for new players.
Additionally, I’ll be adding the ability to rename characters. This will take a bit of work since some in-game images display character names, and those will need to be edited. Luckily, there aren’t too many of those, so it shouldn’t be a huge task. If necessary, I may bring someone in to help with these features if I find they’re eating up too much development time.
That’s about it for now! I’ll be putting up a few polls soon, there are some things I’d love your opinions on, so keep an eye out for those. I’ll also be sharing some renders here and there. I really wish I had more time to offer extra features and perks, and I might consider bringing someone on board to help with additional content. We’ll see.
As always, thanks so much for your support. I truly appreciate every one of you for being here, paying attention, and showing interest. See you in the next one!
— Bobby