I doubt in that, according to what you said next.
if you're not donating then it shouldn't bother you
That's usual tale, illogical as hell, like - if you not donated, you have no right to complaint. That's bs.
Because if any developer just making such actions that most people who see all that - don't want to even start making donations - that's enough basis for making a comment, don't you think? Like - what the f happening, dude? Are you even trying? Or what?
Let's imagine that a potential donator noticed the game for the 1st time. Downloaded it on f95. Liked the game in its promising stage. But actually the content for new is just a bunch of teasers, which have big chances to become fuckfest with loosing personalities, as it usually happens after slowburn period of such games is over. So, he is wise and experienced enough, to decide about his start of supporting the game - if he will like the next update, when any real actions will start to happen, if they ever will make that start ofc. Such type of people - they exists and they are many - formally are not donaters, yet, but they checking how it goes because they willing to become donaters. But, during that checking, while just waiting for next update - they read announces about delays... once, twice, dozen of times, a month have passed, a second one, 3rd, 4th, 5 month of never ending reasons of delays, delays, delays... and like it wasn't enough - some more delays.
Ok, there is no complaints about money that were not given yet to such maniacal delaying development type, but to comment a series of broken promises it is allowed to anyone who was reading public announces about the work of incredible reasons for delays generator.
Put it on your watch list and wait to get if for free. Problem solved.
I agree, that's an option. Quite a passive one. But still one of versions of how to react on all that.
Someone will do exactly as you told.
Some will ask what the hell happening about that delays generator?
Someone will just forget about the project, after loosing hope in unreliable development, because all what was developed well, after all, just reasons of delays.
Someone will believe in every word of announces and will give as more money as longer and more nothing he will get in returns, and yes - i believe that creative writings about delays reasons it is nothing, in comparison with providing updates in time.
Someone will write a post on f95, without any back thoughts, just to share what he thinks about all that.
People are different.
None of that reactions is so right, that everybody should do only that, like you told me to follow only your way of dealing with it. I accept if you want to make so. Do it. And allow me to ask you not to stand on my way of doing a different thing, because it makes no harm to you, or anyone around, but pretty handy to those who is open for discussion, or wish to analyze the situation, statistic of delays, time which takes updated to appear, and make a reasonable decision - to start donating on it, or not; to keep donating on it, or not; to stop donating on it, or not; to believe all that rain of reasons for delays, or say that a responsible dev wouldn't allow that to happen or will do all needed efforts to provide updates in time, no matter what, just to keep the word of own promises and make it come true, and this one doesn't looks so.
My hope is that they may not be the blathering assholes they seem to be.
I may discus types of people, or interests of grups of supporters or disapounted ex-donators or those who wished to start donating but didn't find enough updates in too many delays announces, but i wish to avoid to discuss anyone in persone. And if you say "blathering assholes" meaning me - i'd just stop the discussion and add such a talker to ignore list, which have nothing to say about the topic of discussion and changing topic to discuss personalities in a bad way;