RPGM - Completed - The Elven Slave and the Great Witch's Curse [Final] [Tail Aki]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games that is funny. The MC is legitimately a good guy.
    It's linear but you have some actions and choices you can do make.
    All characters are likeable except 2 REAL ugly bastards that get what they deserve. And it tells a good story about accepting others beyond their looks, forgiveness (that's part it's med), and SLAVERY IS FUCKING BAD, SO PUTTING IT IN YOUR EROGAME YOU MADMEN.
    The translation can be lacking sometimes but nothing awful. It's short but great.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is surprisingly great. I usually skip text but this isn't long-winded or overly complex read and I liked breezing through this. Pacing is good where with gameplay you are required to interact with the small cast of characters to progress rather than mindlessly click around the world like many adult RPGs. There is zero grind. No battle systems, major use of items that would otherwise make this more annoying- which is appreciated. The art is more than good enough and it's a nice little love story rather than what you'd expect from the title. Even the ugly fat guy transformation isn't repulsive due to how self aware the game is about it, poking fun at MC, who isn't a scumbag unless you decide to be. Often times I dislike where an MC is forced to do something horrible to the love interest in games like this to progress and that is avoided here. Imagine actually being a likeable protagonist for once. Rarely do I find a game that fleshes out the supporting cast so well like this game manages to do. They really try to give a backstory to the characters- it makes doing things in the game feel worthwhile and is weaved into the plot in a satisfying way.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love these sorts of games where consent is sexy and rewards you for being a good person. The game is also funny and very heartwarming. I give this a 4.5 out of 5 but I rounded up because I personally enjoyed this game a lot.

    • The story is really enjoyable. Despite the title of the game, it ends up being very wholesome and genuine.
    • Going around the mansion helps build the relationship between Edward and the servants. A visual novel format would not be able to translate this part well because you would only be forced to go from Point A to Point B with no fun dialogue in between.
    • The dialogue is incredibly humorous especially between the maids. Even before Edward is cursed, they have no respect for him.
    • Replaying the prologue, the foreshadowing is actually brilliant. Early on, you believe that the one saying “I’ll never forgive you” is the elf that is being assaulted. Once you have context, you’ll realize who is actually speaking and to who.
    • Early game allows you to split the route between going the pure route or going the asshole route. I feel like going down the latter route is pointless when the entire point of the game is to get an elf to fall in love with you and in this situation, it would be impossible to achieve that if you ever force yourself on her.
    • Translation is above average. Only cuts off at a few points but doesn’t ruin the immersion.
    • Edward before he’s cursed and Kaito are hot men. Finally, girls can get with kind, hot men without having to feel bad for settling for less.
    • Like everyone else said, this game would have been better off as a visual novel with how little you actually can do when it comes to moving from point A to point B. The farther in the game you go, the less options you get.
    • Menu isn’t translated. You don’t need it for this type of game, but it is annoying to open the menu and see just Japanese text.
    • I felt like the last chapter was rushed in comparison to the rest of the game. I think this could have been resolved with a paralogue that wasn’t a black screen.
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    • There’s really no point in going out to town and going to the bar. Like there is some world building but Edward doesn’t acknowledge a lot of the rumors going around. It would have helped if you went here to learn about the escaped criminals, but it’s just there for the sake of it.
    • I think there should have been another h scene with the main elf once Edward returned to normal. It feels weird that the ugly bastard scene is with her (even though it is vanilla and cute).
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    First game in which the ugly bastard is a nice guy, okay, for that to happen, a curse was necessary and a lot of comedy in the story too... I really liked this game, okay, I started playing because of the scenes that seemed good, but I stayed for the story... It's a VN pretending to be an RPG... there's not much to do, just talk to the indicated people... but it was good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Reminds me of teaching feeling but with a good comical story. The ugly bastard jokes do get a bit repetitive but with how pure the love story is, it truly is quite peak. The art style while retro is quite captivating and captures the character's emotions very well. Didn't quite expect to have mini animations in the cutscenes too.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, the story nice but still feel like 'linear' so like other said it's more like vn then sandbox
    So yeah here what i see:
    - Story = 8.9/10
    - Gameplay = not talking because for me it's VN rather then sandbox so Hit or Miss
    - Overall = 9.4/10
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    WHAT a game i have a thing for this cute vanilla shit i cry with the moment of the main character past when he just look for love,
    These are the games that I like and they continue to attract me more than anything else. After all, the best medium to have erotic stories are erogues, not animation or doujinshis. Video games, thanks to the fact that you participate, simply become unforgettable experiences and this game along with shadow core and literal valkyria have become my top 3 favorite games.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a nice story. It isn't anything unique, but I enjoyed the flow. I really expected a game that was really shallow - you ugly bastard doing naughty things to an elf girl until she likes you. But the romance was sweet and believable for a H-game.
    There are a couple of issues though, and honestly, the story is 4 stars, which is why this game gets such a high score from me at a 3.

    1. This really needed to be a VN, not an RPGM. You have very few choices, and all you do is walk around and speak to people. Talk to the right people to unlock the next step.
    2. Very few H-scenes. There are only 9, and I believe only two of them are non-romantic. Edit: looked at the full save, and there are a little more than 9 due to variations, but it's still bereft of scenes.
    3. Because there are so few choices, getting the endings is a hassle because you need to make the right choice. But that means that you needed to save beforehand, but you wouldn't know that a choice is coming up. So you would have to replay significant portions in order to get to those choices and hope that you remembered to save before you started the day. And yes, the day and not the moment before the choice, as the game tends to take away control in cutscenes with the choices sometimes being offered near the end of the cutscene. So you would enter into a cutscene that lasts 5 minutes, thinking that you'll save once it's done, only to be faced with a choice that will determine your ending.
    4. Places where it feels like you should have choice, you don't. There are times where it should feel like you the player should make a decision, but the MC chooses for you.
    5. Some of the story bits are hidden away in common dialogue. For example, one of the people in the city talk about a dark elf. She shows up later, but if you weren't paying attenion, you would have no idea who she is... In fact, after I got the first ending, I still had no idea who she was because she wasn't important.

    TL ; DR - Good story, bad game. Better VN than RPGM.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why but the story hooked me, i'm not the type to often read or post an opinion but this game deserves it for me,
    the images are well drawn and sexy elf always work, i don't know what to write more
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I checked this one out of curiousity and found the story actually kinda nice. The MC is a stand up guy who needs to have an elf fall in love with him to have the curse on his ugly ass broken.

    The dialogue/ ai translation make this barely readable. If you have a pretty good understanding of the english language, you'll be able to comprehend what the gist of what they're saying and piece it together.

    The H-scenes were okay. I think the older sister is kinda hotter than the main girl. The relationship progresses kinda quick since its just 10 days, but whatever. I'm thinking there are more endings, but I snagged one that made it seem kind of bleak. Which doesn't really suit the tone the game is going for? It's mostly positive throughout its 2 hour run, then takes a sort of dark turn at the very end when the credits roll & you get an epilogue talking about MC.

    There's no gameplay. You just walk around and click on people, then you watch cutscenes play out - that's it.

    The font used for the text kind of sucks. And the art can be really agonizing to sit through and somewhat inconsistent. Well, it's probably a throwaway RPGM game anyways, so that makes sense. I do think there's way more to the darker version of this game if you decide to be more of a creep and just outright rape the FMC, but I didn't deem it worthy of another runthrough.