Unity - The Fairy Tale of Holy Knight Ricca: Two Winged Sisters [v1.3.8] [Mogurasoft]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well made in all aspects:

    Graphics: i was expecting my GPU to burn after playing this for an hour but surprisingly it was VERY STABLE, idk if the dev optimized the codes to the pinnacle or the assets are low poly but its an instant 5 star for me in the technical aspect

    Art direction: The art direction is really well done and it kinda stands out from the cookie cutter art style of koikatsu models. The enemies however are some simple designed drag and dropped from some workshop type but were here for the herione not the monster so thats barely a concern for me.

    Level design: Nothing really new or innovative with the 2d side scroller this game uses but the execution of it is really well done which deserves an applause, Theres no frustrating platformer portions that skill checks you and makes you wanna tear your hair out. Enemies are well placed in maps to stop you from speed running the game and thank god there wasnt a monster gallore where monsters are placed en mass to fuck with you. Theres also various hidden items thats worth getting for the upgrades and power ups to your skills.
    Level also comes with a minimap for those with no mental mapping or total brain dead gaming moments

    Combat: Nothing really new with the combat mechanics but the execution of it and tight control scheming is implemented to a tee that it deserves another recognition. Skill tree isnt frustrating to navigate and skills arent too gimmicky that youre gonna stick to one gimmick and beat the game with it. Various weapons and items lets you mix and match and even min max your build if youre focusing on one stat. Honestly it was fun to come back to this game from time to time to speed run levels once you beat the game

    Story: The overarching plot and story is generic but well implemented throughout the story that it wont bore you or confuse you. Some twists and turns here and there and a lot of character development and interaction that makes you tune in to the story. By the second half of the game i was playing for the story with both hands and the ending although generic still makes me glad i played this game.

    Hentai: OH BOY!I feel like its redundant to say this but the scenes are animated and well done. The scenes play out similar to other games with parameter scrolling with on and off toggles to customize how you want our heroine to look like while her dignity is trampled, her pride shattered, her reality twisted, her humanity along with yours incinerated <3

    The only negatives i can point out is the bullshit necromancer boss that requires a certain gimmick to defeat and the wasted corruption theme that could have been implemented. Im not gonna give a low rating to a game just because its missing some niche shit and stuff that's targeted to specific people.

    Play this game you wont regret it

    Regarding the review of @Adto below.
    Not everyone is a Roguelike junky that needs a skill check to be ramped up like the metaphorical dildo of difficulty getting rammed up their ass for people to enjoy a game. The high reviews in the gameplay aspect is in relation to other similar games in this site. If i wanted to actually play a game that will skill check me id be searching on steam not here. But i do get your point in wanting to play an H game with actual skill check and engaging mechanics, sadly those are just myths and fantasy youd be hard pressed to find in this site and in this genre
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very high quality.

    Visuals, customization & scenes are top-notch - the game-play is actually pretty dam decent if you want to turn up the difficulty - it's definitely a far superior to majority of RPGM's.

    Ez 5/5 - there's nothing that stands out to even be critiqued.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game holy shit. It's made with Unity and it really does do everything right with the engine.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    The gameplay is quite nice is actually substantial. It's action combat with a skill tree and different weapons and equipment. Ricca has quite a few moves that she can do. It's not exactly Devil May Cry, but it was fun enough and clearly had a lot of thought put into it. My gripe though is that some levels are really annoying, and Ricca moves a bit too slow and floaty for the platforming to feel truly satisfying. Other than that, fun gameplay from beginning to end.

    H-content: 5/5
    Holy sweet jesus the H-content goes crazy. Fully voice-acted, well-animated, well-written, the whole package. First up is the writing. In porn games, often the porn is only as good as the writing will let it be. It needs context, build-up, and climax. The writing of Ricca provides all of that. Each H-scene is written very well and adds greatly to the experience. Next, let me talk about the animation quality for a bit. I've seen a lot of 3D animated porn and most of them have this stiff uncanny quality to them. What separates good 3D hentai and bad 3D hentai is this subtle life-like quality to the movements. It's kinda hard to explain. Holy Knight Ricca is full of that. All of the H animations feel fluid, impactful, and just really nice to look at. You got a shit load of variety too. Not only does this game have quality, it also has quantity. Hats off to the devs - they really cooked with this one. Let me also mention the voice acting, which is great from beginning to end. Ricca really is the star here; her seiyuu can really scream and moan her lungs out. Side characters were no slack either, and each of them had fire H scenes too. Finally, the unsung hero of the H-scenes is definitely the camera work. The camera is absolute FIRE in this game. They got a free camera if you want, but the preset camera angles are crazy. Did Alfred Hitchcock himself film this shit? Oh yeah, let's not forget the POV camera too, from both the male and female perspective. It's got it all, man.

    If I HAD to criticize anything about the H-scenes, it would be that I feel that the devs tried to cast as wide a net as possible with the content. This game has a scene catering to every single japanese fantasy eroge fetish under the sun, vore, bestiality, futa included. It's not that I hate these fetishes, but I personally would have preferred if the game specialized in a few fetishes and REALLY hammered them in, instead of going for everything all at once. Still, the dedication and versatility of the dev team to include a bit of everything is impressive, and if someone out there enjoyed some of these more esoteric scenes, then I'm happy for them.

    A little disclaimer: the H content is 70% defeat scenes and 30% mandatory story scenes, which I don't really have an issue with, but I can understand why some players would not be happy with that.

    Story: 3/5
    While I don't play porn games for the story, some story is appreciated in order to establish some emotional stakes in the H scenes and in gameplay. Holy Knight Ricca has a story that does just that. It's generic and predictable, but it hits all the right beats for a story. It actually stands on its own without the porn. Don't expect Shakespeare going in, though. You've read this stuff a hundred other times in other fantasy eroges.

    Overall: 5/5
    Objectively speaking, I'd give Ricca a 4/5, but the overall amount of thought and effort the devs put into it, plus the sheer quality of everything about this game, from the gameplay, to the voice acting, to the H content, to story and writing, really won me over. I'll give it a 5/5 out of love. I'll be waiting with bated breath for what Mogurasoft comes out with next. They really have really grabbed the eroge community (or at least me) by the nuts and I don't want them to let go anytime soon.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is made with very good quality and kinda interesting, Character editor is also well made. graphics 8.5/10. Sex scenes and lore are rude... (depends on you that's plus or minus). "free look" is not implemented in story mode (then text appears), but still a cool feature!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Different level of quality from mainstream real-time combat H game. Characters are full 3D both in game and in the scenes, and good quality too.
    Controls are responsive (Looking at you, Sheryl and Ukiyo Illusion Fair)
    Story is enjoyable, beyond my expectation from an action H game, characters are quite believable, but it is really grim and may be too long for someone who want to play to fap.
    Weapon and armor costumizations are A LOT, and while it does not have significant attack pattern difference (like Night of Revenge), but there is still a noticable difference in attack speed (I do not feel the movement speed so much).
    Grinding is not a lot, you'll need it to level up skills (which some you need to get from swords 'hidden' in the map), but you'll need to at least do a level twice since geting the H scene is a game over (be warned that most of it is a grapple defeat, not just a 0 HP defeat).
    Overall, 5/5 *for an action hentai game, nice gameplay, quite responsive controls, engaging story, and good hentai scenes

    *rating limited to action and hentai game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    very well polished looking game. Its fun but some combat is a bit repetitive. animations are smooth ,the model/character look cute, and voicing are great. Il be honest i mostly just like dressing her up
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This feels as if you put a full-functioning Ren'y but anime. Not alot of anime games are 3D and most of them are either western-cartoon-looking if not pixels. Oh and the selling point for me is still the flexibility behind its character customization with HD textures. The gameplay is pretty generic to me like your classic metroidvania BS: ROTN and not as intensively-unique like TEVI, oh thats arcades but hey, PARRY mechanic leggo
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a fantastic game, gameplay was enjoyable and challenging 10/10(I played on Hard) the VN Scenes where fantastic, H Scenes with camera movement was a breath of fresh air to use.

    Story was 10/10 its extremely dark and not for everyone but I became Ricca #1 Fan by the end of it!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    would absolutely recommend it was a very exciting game wish there was a sequel cuz its really hard to find a good hentai game that not only focuses on story telling but also allows for character customization.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is insanely high quality, at least when it comes to actual game designs and attention to details. Smooth gameplay loop, a decent amount of engaging mechanics progression, customization and an engaging story - This got it all.

    Hilarious enough the worst part about this game is probably the scripted H-scenes cause 1. They are looong and 2. They are BRUTAL. And not in the sense of masochist enjoyment in games like Euphoria either, but in the sense that the heroine straight up got raped to near death and hated every seconds of it. Seeing a cheerful kindhearted girl got beaten up while she suffer mental breakdown is a "kink" not for everyone. The first 2 scenes with the goblins are probably the worst offender.

    Still, if you like it considers buying a copy to support the devs. After all playing this for free feel kind of criminal lmao.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I give this game 5 stars because I actually feel so bad for Ricca.

    I have played so many H games, mostly 2dcg (shimobashira workshop's and the like), and already familiar with rapey games. But this is the first game that makes me feel sad for the protagonist.

    I can't even play the game anymore after she got the
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    , it's so painful, and the way the protagonist react to it (or every other scene) make me feel so bad. I would like to dodge as many scenes as possible but there are many forced scenes, and one of them forces ricca to lose her virginity.

    Don't get me wrong, the game, the graphic itself is very good but the story, at least for me, is too tragic. I came here for a good fap, and left with misery.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and twists with the best sexual scenes hidden within. The writing and characters are great and make the story worth playing through! Definitely cannot wait for more games from this publisher.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my very first review and the reason why I choose to write it cause there is so much fucking talk in this "game"! Some VN have less unnecessary bloat than this. Just yapping yapping yapping for 15-30 minutes straight! Like I can literally replay to text while I hold skip. Even tho I enjoyed multiple Japanese games where they talk like there is no tomorrow and multiple VN this is just too much for me. Too much talk for an adult game.

    If you fine with reading this much this game is gonna be fine for you, the fighting, animation, graphics looks great, sometimes the fight feels just fine, but overall these are the good part of the game. Story idk, I couldn't care less after an hour of reading...

    -Too Much Fricking TALK!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great but not a 10/10 "everyone must play!" either due to how extreme the themes are. The first scene in particular was brutal as numerous revews mention.

    I say this because I was certainly not too into "Ryona" content and this is littered with pain, abuse, suffering, and very harrowing themes. This is not a scenario where the heroine secretly enjoys this. It is very clear the focus is on her pain. Whether it is physical, emotional or whatever. Really think about that before you blindly assume this will fit your palate. I've played a range of H-games and corruption/rape are often very frivolous in them. Where it is optional, not discussed, or is clearly divorced from any narrative beats. This game revels in the anguish on every level for the MC. Sadly she never gets much agency from what I can see a little less than halfway through. The gritty reality would be nice if she also got her revenge in brutal ways or something.

    Instead all of the realism is purely in service of hurting the MC as enemies never really get any focus on their punishment. They get killed like any other generic enemy and this does cheapen the feel of the plot. For me it helped me to start to frame my mind as this being about the scenes and helped me lose my investment in the MC. Especially as she fails to really adapt up to where I am . She mentions her suffering a lot but really it feels like it is more for people who enjoy that as opposed to a true deep analysis. In short it is smutty shock value. People saying it is super deep or really analyzes what it's like to be a victim are singing its praises a bit too high. It's there to get your rocks off if you like the suffering angle.

    Now I know some people like these harsher themes! Even with my discomfort with how extreme some scenes were, they were still well made.

    There is lots of fun ideas, positions, great sound work, and it's awesome that you can do so much during the scenes. You can change perspectives, move the camera everywhere, change costumes, change the damage of your outfit, change your body proportions, change the speed, and even have mini-cams of different angles.

    The gameplay outside of sex scenes is okay. People give it a lot of credit but that's just because it is good by h-game standards. It's not anything you'd likely play just for combat or platforming. The story is also not so good that you'd find it amazingly satisfying without the h-scenes. Some people overhype this aspect. There is some platforming, secrets, a skill tree, but it's nothing to write home about. It's fine and don't assume you're missing out on the best h-game ever if the themes bother you at all.

    The story itself is kind of okay. The MC acts realistically in her mental anguish but not really outside of it. A lot of the choices she makes are in service to getting into trouble. For example withholding issues she faces from her fairy companion. In essence it is best to accept she is just there to be abused and act innocent as long as possible, even when she should be acting differently or could have interesting development. She doesn't seem to get angry or get vengeance in a way that could give her some agency after her suffering. For me this takes me out of the tale but it does help to make it easier to stomach I suppose?

    TL ; DR consider the brutality of the theme and understand it's not your standard "heroine secretly wants it". Skip if that sort of theme bothers you.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good side stroller game. Great story and combat. It also have very good H scenes. The way one can develop and modify his character makes this game an excellent one!! Also includes armor and weapon modification to play as one s liking!! Next played an H game like this one!! Surly A must play!!!
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Even with an older PC, I was already thinking that this game was going to be pain in first glance. I don't actually get why so many people love this game so much with that painful start.
    Normally, the game has to make the player want to interact with the gameplay, and even more so when it is a tutorial, you have to at least make it interesting or minimally entertaining. If you want to spend 2 fucking hours pressing 3 buttons in succession, this game is perfect for you; But if you expect to have a scene or something related to... I don't know... Porn? You will find it at some point in prehistory.
    And the worst thing is that this game is praised with a 5/5 in gameplay... And I ask, have you played another game other than Dark Souls or Skrim? As I say, it is using a single button in succession, I don't see anything interesting in it. Not to mention that I don't play these types of games for story.
    It won't reach anyone, considering that this game is stuck with 5 stars, but if you are reading this, first thank you; and second, it is 100 times better for you to download Karryn, with less weight, instead of this terrible experience.
    Just saying u.u
    (Unless you have a save or something, but i don't like to download H games to just grab a save and start fapping. For that, i could just watch it on Xvideos)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, with an interesting gameplay and amazing animations that supports character customization. The story overall very generic yet not bad. Also have a different weapons each with different wielding style, that make the gameplay even better.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This Game is very good and classical ryona lots of stage boss everything problem is that uncracking full uncensored it must be fully scripted file meaning already patched up so many players find it hard thread by thread just for this simple situation and ETC finding the 1st page until the last discussion list and everything. 10/10 rate of the Game
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Djoni Makaroni

    There are already a lot of ratings to tell you that this game is great. To address some low ratings: this game's genre is rape and it's somewhat demanding on resources but for a 3D game less than usual which means dev actually optimized the game.
    This is a REAL game, tested with attention to details.
    It has tons of cut scenes and H-scenes and camera work is amazing. You can set camera to Auto and enjoy great views or you can customize your view. The scenes are great too with real physics.
    The story, character developement and the scenes together with voice acting quality are above average anime.
    The character is customizable.
    The fighting is polished and the fighting moves are great. There are well designed bosses with nice move sets (my favorite is chapter 18 boss - Poseidon). The platforming is engaging with a lot of secret chests that are fun to find.
    TBH I have never played H game that has this much work put into it.
    When you think there are rpgs with 10 CGs, making those feels like a sin compated to this.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This actually has some pretty nice sidescrolling gameplay - I actually got invested in the skill tree. Voice acting is top notch and the scenes are hot. The story is pretty nice and the amount of content is decent too. Full marks.