Y'all got any porn in this porn game...?
It's got Akabur's DNA spattered all over it. That art style was always charming and this game is biting on that hard. That's about as positive as I can be.
Do yourself a favor and immediately go into the settings and increase the gollum grind to 200%. Hopefully the dev makes it 500%. This game has the worst fucking grind, and it's miserable the entire time because YOU NEVER GET ANY H-SCENES. Progression is obtuse, the in-game quest guide is horrible, the walkthrough is mandatory.
I always try to play games on the default settings at least once before toggling "easy mode" quality-of-life stuff. I deeply regret this. This game has no respect for your time.
The map is tedious to navigate and repetitive. Every day you're doing the same shit, sometimes backtracking multiple times. The only way you know if something is interactable is by highlighting it. I have a suggestion: remove all the navigation and make it a single room (you know, like Akabur did).
There's crafting systems and minigames. Oh Boy Skyrim Lockpicking, THANKS DUDE. Maybe we'll get the pipe game too? What is the pay-off for these minigames? Often just a single image. You're not jerking off while playing this game brother.
Brings me to the cardinal sin: WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS. Nothing sexy, nothing erotic, no tension. Just a slurry of boring-ass text where people are constantly making sarcastic "jokes", also revealing the thoughts of both people in the conversation (for double the words) and NONE OF IT IS HOT, AT ALL.
hire a damn editor, cut out like 2/3 of all the text in the game. Go back to basics and figure out how to make exciting H-scenes. This game made me ANGRY, because the potential of the story is absolutely squandered on this boring-as-shit "gameplay"
It's got Akabur's DNA spattered all over it. That art style was always charming and this game is biting on that hard. That's about as positive as I can be.
Do yourself a favor and immediately go into the settings and increase the gollum grind to 200%. Hopefully the dev makes it 500%. This game has the worst fucking grind, and it's miserable the entire time because YOU NEVER GET ANY H-SCENES. Progression is obtuse, the in-game quest guide is horrible, the walkthrough is mandatory.
I always try to play games on the default settings at least once before toggling "easy mode" quality-of-life stuff. I deeply regret this. This game has no respect for your time.
The map is tedious to navigate and repetitive. Every day you're doing the same shit, sometimes backtracking multiple times. The only way you know if something is interactable is by highlighting it. I have a suggestion: remove all the navigation and make it a single room (you know, like Akabur did).
There's crafting systems and minigames. Oh Boy Skyrim Lockpicking, THANKS DUDE. Maybe we'll get the pipe game too? What is the pay-off for these minigames? Often just a single image. You're not jerking off while playing this game brother.
Brings me to the cardinal sin: WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS. Nothing sexy, nothing erotic, no tension. Just a slurry of boring-ass text where people are constantly making sarcastic "jokes", also revealing the thoughts of both people in the conversation (for double the words) and NONE OF IT IS HOT, AT ALL.
hire a damn editor, cut out like 2/3 of all the text in the game. Go back to basics and figure out how to make exciting H-scenes. This game made me ANGRY, because the potential of the story is absolutely squandered on this boring-as-shit "gameplay"