Well, that literally happens immediately after talking to Big John. He hasn't had time to really think about the consequences of the deal he just made. His primary focus at that time was getting Big John to leave his mother alone, and he was willing to concede other things, to make it happen. It doesn't mean you have to actually work with Big John or Uncle Carson. There will be another choice when he has had time to think about everything, where you will choose how you want to deal with things. Plus, other information will come to light to help better inform that decision. No one is forcing you, as the player to follow anyone's orders.
Mhh, maybe i'll try to play further another time. I'm not realy in the mood now.

Don't get me wrong i won't rate this VN low just because there is something i personaly
don't like without knowing how it turns out.
It is somewhat strange that he accepts in the first place. The day before he talks about all the places
he could go and the next he accepts. But its the plot and i can overlook the reason to get the plot rolling.

It's, just based one this scene and the following scenes it felt like everything the MC did, thought
and the dialogue options i took as the player didn't matter anymore.
I mean....
He goes on doing something with Lucy and Sam and after that he went to Elena and does
something with her too. He likes/loves those girls in my playthrough and not once during that
scenes he thinks about the fact that some of their most intimate (first time) moments are going live.
It just felt off for me. He acts like the cams don't exist.
But i'll try to play further at some time.
I realy want it to be good or acceptable for me coz i'm looking forward for your next VN, could be interesting.
I hope there isn't too much drama (some drama is fine) in it.

Harems are not my most favourite type of
VN but when i read/play one, i do it because they are mostly nice "shut your brain off and relax" VN's no
hughe drama, no picking a single route for a girl and keep track so you dont fuck it up, ect.
Edit: But not important.
Can we reject a girl? And if we can, do other girls still fuck around with that girl if that girl is Bi. Don't know wich
girls are Bi, but it's a harem game so i asume quite a few. I usualy don't let the mc reject a girl based on looks, but
Julia is for some reason realy no interest. Maybe at some point. No offence to anyone who likes her.

So, can my MC reject Julia and if so, does she still hook up with others if she is Bi?