Hey guys, how are you doing? As you know, the team and I stopped production on Tales of Eleonora some time ago, and we intended to keep like that.
But after many, many people here on Discord at f95 and in other communities sent me PM after PM to continue development, by a lucky coincidence of destiny I had an anonymous backer. (The person asked not to be named).
The thing is, this person paid for the release of Tales of Eleonora on Steam. I have agreed with that person that I will only get involved in the project again if it is financially worthwhile, i.e. if the game sells reasonably well on Steam. Tales of Eleonora is not a game I can make on my own, so I need help to continue the project. In short, the game will be released with new content on Steam, and if it sells reasonably well, I can hire people to work with me and continue the project. You can expect the release in late January, early February.
Happy Holidays Somatra