Hey everyone!
I fuckin' loved this game and followed it's developement eagerly since day one ( OG version, not the newer one ). I was, just like you guys bummed when I learned that the game that I loved and supported won't get continued. It has so much potential and I still think it's one of the most original, cleverly and lovely written MC fetish game out there.
So, I did some sleuthing around ( because I couldn't let this game go xD ) and found the guy's email who was credited as the writer of the reloaded version of the game. I striked up a conversation with him asking on any news about the project.
He said that he and Mr.ZZ have parted on 100% good terms and he confirmed that Mr.ZZ really had some personal issues going on and it wasn't just some moneygrabbing scheme. He also said that they haven't talked since September, but both of them had a lot of ideas, characters and story arc that they wanted to do. So, obviously they had a full story in their minds and were not just crap shooting around. He said it's safe to say to move on and that the game is abandoned forever. I asked if we could pick up the project ourselves, but he said that's up to Mr.ZZ and should ask him.
My overall impression and from what I've talked to him is that the game is dead, so don't get your hopes high up. It won't return anytime soon. Sorry, guys, it's time to let this one go. Just wanted to clear things up a little.