the game was interesting, i like that you put a moral take with consequences to the isekai genre, and i like how the game on purpose glitched out when sakura killed herself and the dark tone shifts at time when the mc doubts the moral aspects of the world his desires created, good prologue overall (ver 0.922881)
that being said i think the sex scenes could be better, the girls are cute but more animations would make them more immersive and hotter, and more sex scenes in general considering this game is about a dream harem lol
the models are decent but they could be better imo, the male character especially too imo his ingame model looks pretty generic. the naked body renders could use work too, male and female alike, jiggle physics for the tiddies if possible? and dont be afraid to add huge tiddies some ppl find it unrealistic but as a huge tiddy enjoyer myself that shit super hot and it would def help create a more anime-hentai vibe if you want that
also maybe add a masochistic yandere pls, i think you could go in some interesting directions by making the girls have distinct personalities considering this game focuses on women and the harem idea in general you could explore diff female archetypes using the characters in an all girl setting it would def make the harem more interesting if the women in said harem embodied diff archetypal females considering you barely have to spend any time developing male characters. also maybe make cybele more goddesss looking as far as clothing goes, considering she shares the name of an ancient mother goddess (maybe make her more milf looking lol like an ancient roman goddess milf, but srsly make her more goddess looking it would help with the idea of her as a goddess be more convincing not just some hentai-isekai chick)
it could also benefit from more dialogue options and free roaming imo like it would be much better with an interative environment like clicking on doors and diff girls and travelling on a map, maybe a cellphone type menu
but overall i have high hopes for the game. i like the angle you took on the isekai genre, despite my criticisms for the gameplay which i found to lack immersion, the story is interesting enough that i would def play it once it updates and im excited for how the story will flesh out in the future considering how it left off on a cliffhanger, which was a good way to end the prologue imo. i have faith in you dev u better not abandon this project, or stop this moral consequence to isekai angle you got going i think its a refreshing spin to isekais and a nice commentary on desire in general
im curious how you will develop this god incarnate idea, maybe look into religious ideas about avatars and god incarnation more bc i think if done well it would be an interesting dimension to the isekai idea. not many hentai games have religious themes and the religious vibe ties in with the idea of consequences and desire you got going on in the game. this game has a degree of depth going for it story wise so keep that up. you could even get into some interesting philosophical ideas about desire, reality, free will, consequences, morality, which you could be aided in by looking more into religious studies considering you have god incarnation as part of your game. sometimes when devs add religious stuff to their game it can be pretty shitty and cringey and i can tell they obviously havent studied religions much especially their deeper philosophical aspects, so i recommend you do that.
considering the game features reincarnation, god-avatars and centers around desire and consequences, maybe you could look into eastern religions for philosophical themes and inspiration regarding the religiously inspired aspects of the game, if done well it can definitely help add depth imo and make the idea of a god incarnating into a yuri harem setting much more meaningful if taking the religious implications of ideas like god incarnation and morality of consequences into account
i know this game is harem based and centered around a male fantasy but at the same time you should def also focus on its deeper aspect storywise in terms of themes bc i think this game has great potential in that area so dont be afraid to go deeper and really put effort into developing a meaningful story with layers, themes and motifs, and trying to flesh out your characters especially sakura and the little sister.
and for the love of god please never add ntr or i swear to allah i will never play this i hate when devs add that

dont fuck this up pls ik this is just a prologue but dont dissapoint bc you got my hopes up u got something dope going

or else by zeus i will give a low rating in the future and a harsh review