But that's the thing, there's no way to know. AFAIK when it comes to f96zone tagging rules, you're basically expected and encouraged to put every single tag on your game that appears even once, no matter how small. The tag system doesn't let us understand what's the main focus of the game or what is something that just appears once in a small and completely avoidable scene.Okay, I hear ya... but the tags "Female domination" and "Humiliation" represent a portion of what you say is "the main focus of the game", right? So, you know by default they exist whether we pretend the don't or not... they are stated clearly. I'm not trying to pick hairs here, just saying your being very picky that (to date) the very best VN's ever produced (by mass view/DL/review criteria) all have in common... the element of surprise and unexpected which may or may not be in favor of the player ("Acting Lessons" comes to mind as a perfect example). There has to be an accepted tolerance of surprise as with any fictional media representing it's intended realm whether it be a VN, a motion picture, a book, a song, whatever. Again, I see your point of view but there's more to it than the very basic aspect you are trying to place a "perfect VN for you" in...imho of course. This is the the debate of old... how many folks can a developer/author satisfy or not. Just like any great novel or movie there will be critics on both sides that defend their view to the grave... so I get it. I only hope that the VN is not ruined for you as I personally see it as a potential to be one of the few outstanding we get to experience. Time will certainly tell us whether that is true or not for sure.
Also, like usual, the tags doesn't tell enough. The "Humiliation" tag doesn't say who's doing and who's receiving the humiliation. Because for me there's a GIGANTIC difference between whether it's the MC who's getting humiliated or whether he humiliates someone else.
Just as a hypothetical, if there was any way to tell that a core focus of this game was meant to be humiliation of the MC, I would just pressed ignore on this game and have forgotten it forever, and that would have been for the best. But as it stands, there's just no way to know.
And this isn't about removing all surprise. You can still surprise your audience, just don't ever do it with new kinks, because doing that is a surefire way to disappoint a good amount of people. There are so many other story elements that you can surprise with, there's no reason to do it with kinks.
As for "how many people can a developer" satisfy, I think that's one of the problems, that too many games tries to cater to too many kinks/fetishes/themes and it just *always* makes the games suffer for it. It doesn't matter if it's NTR, humiliation, watersports or literally any other kink, the BEST thing you can do is have a heavy focus on it or leave it out completely. NO ONE is going to be thankful because your game has a certain kink every 5-10 updates or something. If you make sure you game focuses on, for example, humiliation, then EVERYONE will be happier because humiliation fans are ecstatic and humiliation haters like myself am also happy, because then I understand without the shadow of a doubt that this game isn't for me. If a game has humiliation rarely, it's a disappointment for everyone instead. Humiliation fans don't get enough, humiliation haters get too much.
Doesn't matter how successful a game is (because there are so many other factors at play), if a developer tightens down the kinks in it so it contains fewer kinks but each kinks gets much more content, it's 100% going to be more successful and 100% have a lot fewer people complaining about the content of the game.