These are my genuine feelings after just completing the current version, not here to hurt any feelings just to be brutally honest:
I swear this game features one of the worst depictions/understanding of maledom on this entire site. Maledom isn't even remotely the same as being a douchebag. Having basically every single maledom/"alpha" choice lead to less love from the girls is stupid.
But not nearly as stupid as having the "maledom" choice be to say "nO tHaNk YoU" or "i'M tIrEd" when a girl shows interest in you and skipping entire scenes with that girl. WTF??? That's the OPPOSITE of what a maledom path should be about. That's... I genuinely can't find the words to describe how brainless that is. Since *when* did the alpha/maledom choice become to decline girls??? I have no idea how much content I missed for trying to actually play a maledom path but it sure felt like a lot, and that's just dumb. If the game is just going to punish the player for going maledom at basically every turn, which is exactly how it feels like the whole time, then just don't bother including a maledom path at all. I'm open to be convinced otherwise but the maledom in this game feels utterly sloppy and like it's barely even an afterthought. If it's the case that the developer is secretly only interested in femdom/the "sigma" path, then please stick exclusively to that. Literally no one is going to thank you for a half-assed maledom path. Again, I hope I'm just wrong and the dev is interested in doing better. I can only hope. There is potential here but the maledom path needs a *serious* course correction if any maledom fans are supposed to take any sort of liking to it.
I swear this game features one of the worst depictions/understanding of maledom on this entire site. Maledom isn't even remotely the same as being a douchebag. Having basically every single maledom/"alpha" choice lead to less love from the girls is stupid.
But not nearly as stupid as having the "maledom" choice be to say "nO tHaNk YoU" or "i'M tIrEd" when a girl shows interest in you and skipping entire scenes with that girl. WTF??? That's the OPPOSITE of what a maledom path should be about. That's... I genuinely can't find the words to describe how brainless that is. Since *when* did the alpha/maledom choice become to decline girls??? I have no idea how much content I missed for trying to actually play a maledom path but it sure felt like a lot, and that's just dumb. If the game is just going to punish the player for going maledom at basically every turn, which is exactly how it feels like the whole time, then just don't bother including a maledom path at all. I'm open to be convinced otherwise but the maledom in this game feels utterly sloppy and like it's barely even an afterthought. If it's the case that the developer is secretly only interested in femdom/the "sigma" path, then please stick exclusively to that. Literally no one is going to thank you for a half-assed maledom path. Again, I hope I'm just wrong and the dev is interested in doing better. I can only hope. There is potential here but the maledom path needs a *serious* course correction if any maledom fans are supposed to take any sort of liking to it.