I absolutely do not like this style of render typically, but this game is really deserving of praise, enough that I enjoyed it and forgot about the graphics.
The pacing can be a little slow and start to feel a little grindy, but not awfully so. This is a good example of a sandbox done right
The stories and twists are subtle enough to be engaging (vs say AnniesSchoolDays for an unsubtle example) and the characters have their own personalities
I appreciate that this style might be exactly what some love, for me if this had the type of renders I love (e.g. CMA, DMD) it would be a 6 star game. The render quality is surprisingly good in some areas - vaginas sometimes look more realistic than in some of the subjectively 'better' render styles
The pacing can be a little slow and start to feel a little grindy, but not awfully so. This is a good example of a sandbox done right
The stories and twists are subtle enough to be engaging (vs say AnniesSchoolDays for an unsubtle example) and the characters have their own personalities
I appreciate that this style might be exactly what some love, for me if this had the type of renders I love (e.g. CMA, DMD) it would be a 6 star game. The render quality is surprisingly good in some areas - vaginas sometimes look more realistic than in some of the subjectively 'better' render styles