Wolf RPG - Completed - The Imperial Gatekeeper [v1.75] [Tengsten]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not 100% sure if I did the uncensor right or not but it doesn't matter.

    The gameplay is solid and not too difficult. I had never played Papers Please before, but this game was not too punishing. The art is good. Once you really get a feel for how the game works, you can "inspect" and enjoy it as much as you want. I usually give extra inspection to the last person in line since you can just keep them there as long as you got them to climax.

    You can 100% the game within a day and I think it's worth playing.
    Likes: waffel
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Can I be honest? I didn't like this one too much! I know it's a favorite on this board, but like, I think it's just too grindy for me. Which is saying a lot, because number one it's a Papers Please interpretation and that's a pretty straight-forward game. And secondly, I play NIS RPGs! So I KNOW a grind, y'know?
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Time To Beat: 5~ hours

    Like everyone’s already noted, it’s a Papers Please clone that never gets too demanding or difficulty. The plot is solid, though it’s core “mystery” is introduced a bit too late into the story and predictable due to a extremely small cast. The art and animations are decent, though I wish there were about twice as many body types and clothing designs, which makes a pretty vanilla game feel even more vanilla.

    Overall, it's okay way to kill time, though innately tedious
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple game, essentially a lewd remake of 'papers please'. But a very good remake at that. Gameplay is straightforward, and hits a nice mix of interesting and challenging, without being neither to hard or easy, nor having to much grind... and occasionally someone nice comes along, and you're tempted to spend time 'searching' her, even though that will cost on your evaluation for the day. Don't expect a fuck-fest, just enjoy the simple animations, and you'll be happy with this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    How could I forget reviewing this, I played it when it was completed. 5/5 certified masterpiece.

    This was supposed to be just a dumb little "Papers please parody with porn", but it is actually a well written story, nice document checking gameplay and fantastic H-scenes. I won't spoil the story, just play the game, you won't regret it.

    You are a border security guard that makes sure bandits do not cross the border, so you carefully check who is who and validate the documents of the citizens. You have the ability to be a corrupt evil bastard if you choose so, and extort the people trying to cross with sex (even men!!! Truely insane) . Anyways, so after the recently ended war, some secret faction is trying to start causing chaos again, so you play the role of a detective as well to uncover what is happening in the country.

    The unique and fun gameplay is that, everyone is trying to smuggle illegal contraband, so you need to grope EVERYONE to find if they are carrying anything illegal. If you go too far, they will report you to the authorities of course. Sometimes you will even see women offering sex to persuade you to allow them to cross the border illegally. Nothing quite like it.

    Just like papers please, the game takes itself seriously, which is another reason to like it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    NOTE: I played the Procrastinatus stand-alone patch.

    A very fun experience. The main idea behind this game is very much papes, please but also make it lewd. The characters are not too deep but also, at least to me, were engaging enough to care about them. This game/the patch I used also offers a lot of variety in terms of body types and also allows your character to have sex with men if you so choose. The story itself is also serviceable enough to keep you playing. You can also have fun in the sandbox mode as soon as you finish the game. So yeah, overall a very fun game that will most likely give you about 8 hours of content with the main playthrough and then some more with post-game + sandbox, which is why I'm giving it 5*.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an amazing game. There is not a better gameplay loop on the site. If you like papers please but wish it allowed you to fulfill domination power fantasies, download immediately. I return to play this game shockingly often, I don't think I'll ever be sick of it
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is extremely satisfying if groping and peeping as a gatekeeper or likewise role turns you on.
    It length helps to mentally close such gestalt (by doing growingly sexual with lots types of clients up to doing anything) and move on.
    In this context the game won't seem grindy to you; I always drop or crack grindy games, but here I didn't notice it at all

    Characters have their stories and their vibes, even for the clients archetypes you can reconstruct their life through their reaction, sexual records, context.

    If you are looking for a lot of cinematic sexual cutscenes - they are not much, the majority of sexual content happens during standard encountering that is always a plus in a game.

    This game is about mechanic and choices.
    The ethical choices it gave I've never seen anywhere. If you are in to such mechanics this game can be legendary for you.
    For me it's in top-10 porn games.
    But it's a game, you have to be ok with its rules and it flow to enjoy it. It's not a porn movie in VN form as some low-raters sought.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This could be a good game but it really isnt.
    Its to grindy and the reward are lackluster animations.

    Its only for you if you can get a lot out of the setting and the "power fantasy". Maybe if someone makes this game with more gameplay variety, better focus on progression and more focused animations for the situations and scenarios.

    As i mentioned, the structure is kind of there but it really is just a skeleton and nothing else.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably my favorite game on this site, and I've been a member for a good few years, monitoring almost every game that has been uploaded here. A few are great, but nearly all of them are one-and-done kind of deal.
    This one is a sandbox game, meaning you can just hop in and play free mode whenever you need to blow off some steam.
    The gameplay is solid and varied (well, as varied as being an obvious clone of "Papers, please!" allows) so it doesn't get old.
    I just love the art style this game has, wish this artist worked on more projects.
    Overall, big fan, will be keeping an eye on these devs to see what they might release in the future.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing – the gameplay and visuals are all top-notch. The only downside is there's no sequel after so long, which is a bummer because I'd love to dive back into this world again.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I come back every once in a while to this game and it is still great. The game play loop is fun and doing the main/side missions to progress the plot or characters is pretty rewarding. The hentai scene is freaking crazy good and community support for the game is bonkers. Go play it if you haven't already.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pushing all my buttons... it's perfect for me. I first played it years ago and come back to it time and time again. I'm sure it has flaws, maybe even a lot, my brain simply can't perceive them.

    Rating: kink/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    "Papers, Please" rip-off? We do not care

    It's a really well-designed little game that will leave you with a sense of discovery until the very end.

    The main premise if that it's a game first and "content" second, and it does a really good job at pacing all gameplay mechanics in such a way so that the player is never confused or overwhelmed. Every new gameplay element is introduced after a while, so you always have enough time to get used to them.
    New mechanics will be discovered until the story's ending, and yes, this game does have a plot. It doesn't take stars off the sky, but it's pretty neat and cute nonetheless. It also has side-characters with non-animated intimate scenes.
    There is an in-game shop that sells perma upgrades and consumables, and there are some that are clearly better than the others, but the more units of an item you buy, the more expensive it becomes, so you're encouraged to use every tool at your disposal. Speaking of economy - the game isn't grindy, there is never a feeling that you have to tediously farm money or reputation.
    As far as the "content" goes - yes, animations aren't advanced, but they don't have to be, they do their purpose just right. Game appeases the feeling of domination, sadism and superiority with it's visuals really well as it is.

    Summarizing all the mentioned - you can fuck 2B, so 10/10.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Well its was a realy fun game to play with interesting desings and gameplay. . . .
    This its just a rip off of papaers please with some Lewd Cgs and a very bad animations. The gameplay becomes an grinding hell just in the first stage and in the last chapther its when you can fuck freely everythings but still very Grindy gameplay with alot of Great Desings but to shity animated to wank with.
    Still its was fun to play so thats the reason why i did not put a lower rating and the sound effects and Va are nice soo 5/10 Nice game Meh wank.
    (Sorry for my bad english)
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7655918

    I've cummed so much to this game my dick hurt, it's that good.

    Bratty girl wanna pass to see her boyfriend? - Let's see if she carry weapons under that skirt...
    She's hasty to go meet him? - Teach her a lesson with a nympho potion
    Mark her body with tattoos as your personal slut
    Fill her with semen
    Call the other guards to abuse her, get $$$ for the service and let her meet her boyfriend like that

    Girls with all kind of personalities and bodies to check so we protect our beautiful empire. All hail the empire!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright game, content feels a little bit lacking. Gameplay is enjoyable but does grow stale after a few hours of play. Just a game to knock out some free time with in the afternoon, don't come looking for anything that will blow you away and you'll have a good time
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    People who have rated this game below 4 is crazy.
    Absolute madness I say.
    I know what happened, though.
    The game takes awhile until it gives you the ability to do more erotic things.
    And if you do not have the patience to actually learn and play the game, then this game is not for you.
    This is a real GAME.
    A god damn actual adult game that incorporated erotic genre to fun game play of Papers Please.
    This is one of the only games that your actual gameplay enhances the eroticism of the content (normally, they play separately or is used as time-waster)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best game you can find on the genre.

    So it is papers please but with sex, and really good mechanics. Some ither games in this genre like permit deny, feel kinda wonky. In here is is well made.

    Overall if you are looking for a papers please, then go on, you will not lose your time
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I was looking for a game similar to Papers Please. I tried "Where girls are made" and "Rapers, please" but they were both made very poorly. This game however I made very well. The gameplay is as good as in "Papers, please", or even better because of the sexual content.
    It constantly gives you more and more content. You start with almost nothing and basic gameplay and eventually finish as boss.
    I completed 100% of the game + content mod and I can tell it's great. NTR is avoidable for those who hate it.
    An excellent title, very recommended, especially for Papers, Please enjoyers, but it's absolutely not required to know the original title