The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Chapter 2...
This is a full on NTR visual novel, and I mean NTR all over the place... Should change the title to The NTR Mother...

And of course it includes the overused Family Sex stuff (even if it's only been peep and touch so far)...
The visuals of the characters are ok, but the female protagonist (the mother) has almost mutant type proportions... They try to play off her absolutely huge butt, as a genetic thing, but look at the rest of her body... Her legs are as also very thick, yet her waist is that of an anorexic super model, and then her breasts are large, and her shoulders are wide, and her eye positions are not right either... Plus, any time she smiles, her face looks almost demonic, especially since she sticks her tongue out every time... She just, over all, looks a bit disturbing... Plus, every single man she runs into finds her butt super attractive, which is entirely unrealistic... And most of the penis' look mutated as well, completely unrealistic looking... You can tell that either the authors are into extreme butt sizes, or they are trying to cater to butt fetish players/readers... Some of the backdrops look unique, but a lot of them are ones we've all seen a millions times before in other erotic VN's (such as the clothing shop)...
The script for the most part is readable, as they try to play off some of the broken English as the two protagonists being from a foreign country... Most times it works fine, and others it doesn't... I rarely saw any spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around two protagonists, the son and his mother... The son is a game designer that lusts after his mother... The mother is being portrayed as an innocent, but the story sais otherwise... She is actually very knowledgeable about sex acts and sex and all that jazz, which means she isn't an innocent... She is a foreigner who just has a language/culture barrier problem, which is not the same thing as innocent... Which makes me kind of angry when I played this VN/Game, because every single character she runs into, ends up trying to take advantage of her, due to her inability to realize what people are saying and/or doing, when she is acting perfectly normal in her eyes... She does catch on very quickly when it goes too far, which is not a sign of innocence, but a sign of misunderstanding the situation, or what is being said due to that same language/culture barrier, yet she does catch on most of the time... And due to her handicap, she keeps getting manipulated, conned, and taken advantage of by folks who have bad intentions, or people who misread the situations and even they don't catch on when she sais NO... Really?
Then we get to the masseuse's wife, who acts like she's a gang member about to cap her butt (pardon the pun), twice, and then threatens to stab her and take advantage of her son in a later scene... Talk about over the top melodrama... Totally unrealistic, and hard to believe it would escalate that quickly over nothing really, since the mom didn't do anything with either guy, and in fact they hit on the mom...
It just rubs me the wrong way, to see a story about someone being surrounded by nothing but people who want to take advantage of her, which is so over the top... Not one character is actually on her side, and helping her in any way... And with her not really being an innocent, but just being someone with a language barrier handicap, it makes me angry that she is basically this person, with a target on her back, surrounded by nothing but perverts and bullies... There is no path I could see, where she doesn't end up a victim to most characters in this story...
Overall, even though it is a creative concept, it's execution kind of disturbs me a bit, since there seems to be no path for the mother to have any sort of happy ending, at least not based off the current content... This isn't a VN/Game about innocence lost or corruption of an innocent, it's about everyone taking advantage of a foreigner with a language barrier... Will I revisit this one? Nope, because it would require too many changes to make the story more appealing...