That's a huge assumption on your part. PL has never said so, and if you haven't noticed, PL likes to throw unexpected curves into the story.
What we know is that the MC is god-awful powerful and has been trained literally all his life to deal with a situation like what he is going through. He looks to be in bad shape, but he's been known to play possum in the past. It's been pretty clearly established that he's supposed to be able to heal himself, easily. So, we should ask ourselves: why hasn't he? It might be because he's tired and weak, but it's also very possible that he's using himself as bait in a trap to catch someone or something off guard. It's also possible that PL has another resolution to that situation planned we haven't thought of yet.
From conversations with PL, I have no reason to think we're near the end of this story yet. Speculation about how things might go is fun, but I'd warn anybody against putting too much stock into their own theories. He has a plan for the story which is very well thought out, and he is including tons of switchbacks and misdirects to keep us off balance. (
PixelsLab I'm still salty about you making us think Teagan was dead, you bastard!

) Hold on tight and let it unfold!