It's just a joke. I did not try to show that your opinion is wrong.
Paronormal events are only part of the overall history and not the largest part of it. If you think that the next MC will shoot lightning from ass, then it is not. It's a pity...:FeelsBadMan:
P.S Not sure if I translate the text correctly. I am on a business trip now and am writing from my phone.
Don't worry about the people who don't have enough imagination to understand the appeal of fantasy and surrealism. I think your VN has been excellent so far, including the last update. Just keep it the way it is, give the reader/player something to think about, something to wonder and guess. Don't try to explain everything, it would kill the mystery and the whole vibe that it has had so far.
Now it has this whole American Gods (that I like a lot and watched) and True Blood (that I know, but didn't like enough to keep track on) kind of feeling while not copying neither. This is exactly the kind of story that I like. At least so far.
I still have nothing bad to say about your game or VN, so from the point of constructive criticism I'm still useless

ensive:. So I'm just saying thank you for making this game. You have an audience, even if there are some who don't like it for any possible reason.
The one thing I'm still quite sure about is that in this type of VN, if there is a minigame with multiple possible results in it, rollback shouldn't be fixed or blocked in any way.
And just for this here's a replacement script for the v0.1.8.5 with renpy.fix_rollback() lines commented out for those who are just starting the game for the first time and aren't feeling too enthusiastic about the fixed rollback there.
Anyone interested can just extract this patch archive into the root folder of the game (where the game launcher exe file is) and the script file will pop into the "game" subfolder.
After adding this patch the game may throw an error at the first launch. Just close the error message and game window, then start the game again, it should work on the second attempt.
This is only for the English version of the game, trying it on any other version will basically convert the game into this version.