- Jul 20, 2018
- 376
- 844
Thanks for the suggestion. I have modified the crafting script to show the item effect and it will be part of the next update.that's quite a quick reply, thanks for info.
About extra suggestions I strongly believe there should be a description of what the item does on crafting menu.
View attachment 2100534
People will have no idea what the item does unless they actually try it out OR it's dang obvious( for example red berry jam)
Hi! Thank you for your feedback.Darts seem to NOT work, regardless of how many you hit the target with.
Managed to put three darts in the same target before they got to me, and it just stuns them for a moment, but doesn't put them to sleep.
While the stealth and dart system seems to be a 'good idea' on paper, in practice it's just a new method of save-scumming if you're trying to simply get through a section.
Additionally, the alligators seem to be a little too fast on the escape/death speed bar.
Edit to above: So I've reached the point where I'm supposed to find the guardians.As mentioned earlier, I've managed to learn how to make the darts, and use the blowgun, to ZERO EFFECT. I've put multiple darts in the same target. I see the 'hit' animation on them, and they stumble for a moment, but nothing actually stops them from getting too close.
Secondly, what the heck are you supposed to do now? I get that you have to find the guardians. Fine, dandy. I've explored their camp, and moved everywhere I can with the character. Unfortunatly, every time I try to leave the area (after the dart failing to take effect) I just get darted myself and thrown back with the others. So, now I'm stumped.
Finally, can we have an option to speed up visuals and text that appear when something occurs. I get that you want to make sure that the person reads the message. However, when you've seen the SAME TEXT a dozen times over because you're having to reload repeatedly, it gets IRKSOME!
yeah the skip the dialogue fix is in Also in the current test version the dart doesnt hit the resources nodes anymore. Still trying to enlarge the hitbox tho. If you try, can you try a new save? When you start a new game, you can skip directly to Cliffside Camp or in the swamp. There's a way to start a game at various way points in the game and I think many of your bugs will disapears that way.Pushinka
If you make the bedroll from leaves, you can use that to sleep anywhere. Personally, I sleep IN THE CAMP, even if the character isn't tired. So far, no lunacy has happened, but your mileage may vary.
I can confirm that aiming for the legs works on the darts. Not exactly perfect, but its a work in progress, so it's understandable.
Currently using version and I don't (yet) find the exit crystal.
I also don't seem to be able to quickly skip the chat, even by using control/enter/clicking. Maybe it's just me.
Finally, I don't see a way to return to the main menu from inside the game. You can save/load, but not main menu. I had to shut it down entirely so that I could find out what specific version I am using.
Update: Downloaded the latest version, tried to load my save. Recieved the error of View attachment 2105288
That is the thing I can't sleep in the camp if MC isn't tiered she just tells me the she is not tiered and that is it, then the game suggests to skip time till night and if I skip time and then press to sleep again the game goes in the jungle sleep mode, even thou I am in the camp, and hangs it self on some process. I figured out the what the bedroll for. At this point it would be a clutch to bypass a bug.If you make the bedroll from leaves, you can use that to sleep anywhere. Personally, I sleep IN THE CAMP, even if the character isn't tired. So far, no lunacy has happened, but your mileage may vary.
Hi, which version of the game are you using?That is the thing I can't sleep in the camp if MC isn't tiered she just tells me the she is not tiered and that is it, then the game suggests to skip time till night and if I skip time and then press to sleep again the game goes in the jungle sleep mode, even thou I am in the camp, and hangs it self on some process. I figured out the what the bedroll for. At this point it would be a clutch to bypass a bug. Started a new game. It started right after the step-bro went missing.Hi, which version of the game are you using?
Ok I have fixed this but I guess its in my current test version. I will try to reproduce just to be sure tho. Thanks for the bug report, I appreciate it0.4.2.4 Started a new game. It started right after the step-bro went missing.
Pick a number, any number. You're telling the rich dude how much you'd want for having sex with him.what is the firstsex game on the yacht whit the 4digits
Hi! Can you be more specific?Hello, I have a problem with getting to the camp in the swamps, I found it but I don't know how to get to it.
Not at the moment, the game is only about 2 months old but we're planing a Wiki soon!Is there some sort of a walkthrough for this?
Hi! We are testing the version right now, a Plublic version will follow up soonAny chance of getting Version 0.5.0 soon?
Since Version 0.5.1 came out for the Patrons today?