
Nov 12, 2016
If those scenes put you off, you are not the target audience.
Was my proposal too unreasonable to deserve the scowl and the facepalm?
There are non sharing bits in this game and one would think it's in the dev's best interest to reach the most patrons for his project.

They don't put me off, but I think the biggest complaint is that there are no tags to cover the action, such as [Sharing] and / or [Group Sex]
There's that too.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Damn it another game i liked gone down the drain.... i do not like sharing and NTR content unless it is made avoidable.. worse is the fact there are no tags for it. this sucks cause its just another lost hope for those of us that dont like this stuff only to have it shoved in our face cause of the missing tags.
The sharing was in last update so you didn't like the game that much if you didn't play.

They don't put me off, but I think the biggest complaint is that there are no tags to cover the action, such as [Sharing] and / or [Group Sex]
I agree, it should have been tagged.

Funny thing is you can see people out themselves as complaining just for the sake of complaining. People claiming it ruined a game they love when sharing has been in it for ages now yet they are acting like it was just added.

Was my proposal too unreasonable to deserve the scowl and the facepalm?
There are non sharing bits in this game and one would think it's in the dev's best interest to reach the most patrons for his project.
The dev obviously has his own idea of how things should go and it's their game so it's their right to do what they like.

The guy involved did not touch any of the women the MC has any close relationship with but this isn't a harem "catch them all" for the MC game, a few of the women are quite liberal with their love, 2 of the girls are already in a relationship with each other and 1 is a superstar who fucks people on a regular basis.

If sharing puts you off then it isn't the game for you, I don't see why the dev should have to alter his story, characters and game to suit you.

You are an adult, if you see something you don;t like then find something you do.


Mar 26, 2019
MichaelFenix - is there a reason that some of the renders are dark, so dark they're unviewable? This is the only VN that I have to change my monitor settings to see.


Fenix Games
Game Developer
Sep 10, 2019
Update day always seems to cause a ruckus on this site for this game it seems. FOR ANYONE WHO IS COMPLAINING ABOUT TAGS CONTACT THE MODS! I have requested sharing tags added, they were for like 3 days then for some reason removed. I have had issues with the mods here for other stuff as well, so I gave up working with the mods on this site for anything and just post the links here then get back to work.

Now one more time for the people screaming about non-existent NTR, Pay close attention to the big bold words:


NTR or , ( . 寝取られ, 寝(ne) as in 寝取られ means "sleep", in this case, " sleeping with someone (cheating)". 取られ(torare) is a noun coming from 取られる(torareru), "have something stolen/robbed".

It is a genre of anime (most commonly found in ), with a specific idea at its centre - cheating. It has a (main) story where the protagonist has his/her lover stolen by someone. The sex in an Netorare hentai/NTR hentai will focus more on the couple that is having an affair together, rather than the married or dating couple whose relationship is being violated. Netorare/NTR usually has a female character as the one who is cheating on her husband or boyfriend, but it can also be a male character as well sleeping with other girls. Quite often, Netorare hentai/NTR hentai end in depressed, , and rage-filled characters rather than happy endings.


For those who had a problem with a second guy coming to the orgy in version 3? I think it was, come back and complain when you have actually been in one. Spoiler alert there is usually a lot more than just two guys at any good orgy, Hell one I was in some years ago was 2:1 so yeah, an abundance of penis. Usually, there is a guy just standing next to a couple stroking it waiting their turn. I am sorry to burst your delusional bubble of how the porn industry has portrayed an orgy now, so be thankful I only added one guy to the party. If it will help you sleep at night he was strictly a one-off for the party and will not be returning to the game.


Fenix Games
Game Developer
Sep 10, 2019
I agree and came here to post this. Even in a dark room many are still too dark to see.
I have had a handful of people mention this to me now. I chose to go with more realistic lighting instead of the hollywood blue light wash for night scenes. The problem being now BOTH of my monitors and my phone (Note8) all on default settings still look dark as intended but not unviewable. I have started keeping the interior light's on a dim setting at night for interior scenes to brighten it up some and hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2019
Good job on the copy/paste of the ntr deffinition,thats gonna make things better and stop people from complaining,i was gonna retry this game but with the dev's attitude its clearly not for me.I was hooked up when the 0.1 came out but after the comments i'll put this game on the ignore list and btw dev in case you didnt know everyone has their own deffinition of ntr (if thats close or far to what was originally intended well to each their own) but if you wanna make a living out of this and get more patreons my advice is be more in touch with the ones trying out your game.Good luck buddy!


Fenix Games
Game Developer
Sep 10, 2019
Look every single update since this whole argument started the same people keep repeating the same thing on here about 1 scene 4 updates (7 months) ago. And how they didn't like it. Fine, this is not going to be for everyone and I get that. But when you have people just coming back over and over for the sake of being negative and giving bad publicity. Eventually I have to speak my mind. And I did so in a much nicer way than what i would've liked to have said.

If you play the novel and don't like it fine, if you like it great. But if you don't then speak your mind and move on to something you will enjoy instead of repeatedly coming back strictly to deter new users from experiencing the story for themselves.
If someone plays it and actually has constructive comments I pay attention. Some I have even worked with to change things in the story. But snyone who thinks that I'm going to tailor this story just for them and then HOPE they decide to support the project are quite mistaken.

And not to be a complete dick but your comment everyone has their own definition of something just sounds rather silly, there is the actual definition of something, or there is just being wrong.
Good job on the copy/paste of the ntr deffinition,thats gonna make things better and stop people from complaining,i was gonna retry this game but with the dev's attitude its clearly not for me.I was hooked up when the 0.1 came out but after the comments i'll put this game on the ignore list and btw dev in case you didnt know everyone has their own deffinition of ntr (if thats close or far to what was originally intended well to each their own) but if you wanna make a living out of this and get more patreons my advice is be more in touch with the ones trying out your game.Good luck buddy!


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I see people facepalm the dev for making the game he wants and not catering to them.....

I see at least 2 of those are common names in situations like this.

in case you didnt know everyone has their own deffinition of ntr
People can think up any old bullshit they want, it doesn't make them any less wrong.

my advice is be more in touch with the ones trying out your game.
In other words "stop making the game you want and cater to me me me me".
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
I liked this game when it was first released, and because of that I gave it another go from the first chapter, but this playthrough just made all the problems that there are in the game more visible. From the beginning of chapter 2-3, 3 more I guess, the story becomes a huge mess. You have plot points contradicted for no real reason other than some sex scenes could be shoved into the game. Yep, I called it shoved, because that's how it feels like, when there's zero naturality to it. For the sake of "story progression", you cross your own logic quite often, which is anything but a good way to create a story.

One of the single greatest example of that is the so called main character. The guy who was shown as some sort of an Elon Musk with a high libido in Waterworld, was reduced to a doormat from chapter 3, so that the flow could go in a certain way which gets you to some sex scenes that becomes utterly repetitive after a while. He asks Haley not to include the girls in their things at the very beginning, she does that at the first chance she has, and he's just fine with it. He founds it they were all drugged, and he's just fine with it. The girl who never even kissed a girl turns into a lesbian overnight who'll refuse every dick from that point on, and her new girlfriend, who given the choices - which are miniscule by the way - literally commands him to do something, and he's just fine with it. And on and on and on. I'm not sure if the stripper thing with Haley happens anymore, her getting together with her and telling you she's coming, but that was another good example of this process.

While I do understand some of the decisions behind those reactions from the writer, the execution is plain bad, and could've done in a much better way that doesn't feel unnatural. Problem is, when everything that was said and done, can and will be negated on a whim, there isn't a point of reading all those text, and you might just click through the game or the pictures. Story cohesion is a serious problem here, you might want to take a few step back and think it over what you want to do with this project, because sacrificing the structural integrity is never a good thing.


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
So version 6 is just around the corner. As I stated on my patreon thanks to my addition at the end of V5 I received a hefty $2000 donation and used it to build a dedicated rendering rig. This will hopefully speed up updates in the future since I will be using two systems to work on stuff. Also, I will be using the original tower to focus on the animations. I have found a new way to make them and started re-doing some of the earlier ones and they are a lot better quality now, these will start being implemented in V6 and more added as time allows. The patron who gave this sizable donation will also be helping me with some minor things that tie up my time working on the project, administrating the new discord channel, tracking down sound files (Another thing being added in the future is more sounds.), and fielding patron and forum questions. (probably not much on here.) as he doesn't dwell on f95 much.

So here is version 5 for you all to enjoy or hate or bitch about missing tags or whatnot. If anyone encounters any bugs they can be reported on my patreon as I will only be posting on here from now on when I am giving out a version that hasn't been already leaked on here.



Windows 32bit:





the first link isnt working


Mar 26, 2019
I see people facepalm the dev for making the game he wants and not catering to them.....

I see at least 2 of those are common names in situations like this.

People can think up any old bullshit they want, it doesn't make them any less wrong.

In other words "stop making the game you want and cater to me me me me".
Precisely these points...

I have much more respect for a developer making the VN/game that they want than "approval chasers" that are looking for validation, here or through Patreon. I can't speak for MichaelFenix, but I wouldn't take this for ten minutes - I would want people to enjoy my artistic efforts, but in the end I would be doing it for myself and serial complainers would just be told to find something else to do.

This "complain every release because the developer didn't custom-make the game for me" narrative in literally every F95 thread is extremely tedious.


Oct 11, 2017
Precisely these points...

I have much more respect for a developer making the VN/game that they want than "approval chasers" that are looking for validation, here or through Patreon. I can't speak for MichaelFenix, but I wouldn't take this for ten minutes - I would want people to enjoy my artistic efforts, but in the end I would be doing it for myself and serial complainers would just be told to find something else to do.

This "complain every release because the developer didn't custom-make the game for me" narrative in literally every F95 thread is extremely tedious.
Would not be a bad idea if people who were complaining had to post a tag so we could just filter their negativity out. I think if people had suggestions Most develops read them and consider them. But if you don't like someones work, it is not like you paid for it if you are d/l'ing here, so just STFU if you don't have something positive to add to the discussion.
I love the game, the art and the characters. I don't have the imagination or the skill or the time to produce this sort of work.
Thanks to every developer who is putting their life hours into making entertainment for us.
Capt Red


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
so just STFU if you don't have something positive to add to the discussion.Capt Red
I don't mind people complaining, we all like a good whine every now and then and we all have things we don't like.

What grates on my not very large tits is when people try and force a dev to change their content to suit them. By all means, state things they don't like and then move on. It goes beyond that though and then they start with the passive aggressive nonsense of "I used to like your game now i'm going to delete it and ignore it" and the always fun "you should cater to everyone" horseshit.

You can never cater to everyone and devs should be allowed to make the game they want without these people coming in trying to force them to things they don't want to do.

This "complain every release because the developer didn't custom-make the game for me" narrative in literally every F95 thread is extremely tedious.
It does get real old. Especially when it's the same few names.

I don't understand why they find it so very hard to just move along if they don't like something. No, they have to try and force the dev to change his entire plans to fit around them. People so arrogant they can't imagine a game not created for them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
Look every single update since this whole argument started the same people keep repeating the same thing on here about 1 scene 4 updates (7 months) ago. And how they didn't like it. Fine, this is not going to be for everyone and I get that. But when you have people just coming back over and over for the sake of being negative and giving bad publicity. Eventually I have to speak my mind. And I did so in a much nicer way than what i would've liked to have said.

If you play the novel and don't like it fine, if you like it great. But if you don't then speak your mind and move on to something you will enjoy instead of repeatedly coming back strictly to deter new users from experiencing the story for themselves.
If someone plays it and actually has constructive comments I pay attention. Some I have even worked with to change things in the story. But snyone who thinks that I'm going to tailor this story just for them and then HOPE they decide to support the project are quite mistaken.

And not to be a complete dick but your comment everyone has their own definition of something just sounds rather silly, there is the actual definition of something, or there is just being wrong.

I mean, its not always the same people my dude. Some people started playing on this current version and there isnt anything in the tags to suggest what the content is. So yea, people will continue to post about it until it is fixed. Some people play early and don't like it, wait for a few updates and try again to see if its different.

Not everyone plays every single version for every game that comes out.
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