Welp, I gave it a chance, but I had a feeling it was going to be a mistake to do that (there were several signs), and looks like I was proven right lol.
I really don't mind that Lucy was banging Mal and Rosie, because they knew each other before the MC was in the picture, so that's understandable. But, I just watched Lucy cum blast Ellie in the face, then lick her pussy, taking those firsts away from the MC, and that's just not alright with me.
Sure, I could have made different choices so that it didn't happen, but just the fact that it's even possible for those things to happen before the MC has done more than get a handjob and finger bang Ellie, taints her for me. I mean, the dev didn't give the MC the choice to do either of those (or even Rose FFS lol.) But, I guess the best is only reserved for the dev's true MC, Lucy.

Hell, I chose Mallory as the LI in the hopes that I didn't have to see Lucy fuck anything else up, but no, this dev is determined to have Lucy spoil every LI to some degree or another, and it just doesn't make sense to me.
And, no, I'm not some anti-NTR/anti-sharing guy. I would have been fine with Lucy and Rose having their fun with Ellie after the MC had progressed his and Ellie's romantic relationship, and established a sexual relationship that was at least to the oral and vaginal sex level.
Honestly, I was HOPING to see a 2-futa-on-Ellie threesome after the aforementioned had happened, because there is some earlier dialogue by the MC that showed him being okay with Ellie being naughty with Lucy and Rosie, and it would've been fucking hot as hell!
Anyways, this devs obsession with Lucy has ruined this AVN for me. The MC and Ellie's romantic and sexual progression was mostly what kept me playing, but seeing as this has the incest tab alongside the netorare tag, I guess I was being naive, and shouldn't have been surprised that the incest wasn't done right (right for me, at least.)