VN - Ren'Py - The King of Summer [v0.5.10-full] [No Try Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It just doesn't know when to stop.

    If this is your first experience, then it's easily a 4/5.
    If you follow the project since its inception... It's too much and starts crumbling on itself.
    TKoS is a great NTR game. One of the best you can find on this website. So, why 2 Stars ?

    Well, this game, at first, was a perfect sized chocolate cake. I love chocolate cake.
    Then, it became a family size chocolate cake. I'm a gourmet, so I tried to eat it whole, but felt sluggish afterward. Yummy tho.
    And then, it became an XXL ++ Over Chocolate cake.... I can't eat anymore man. Just give me another dish, it's overcooking at this point.

    The overall plot is fun and entertaining for a time, but after a while, it's a chore to keep going.

    Side characters get so much content that there could be a spin-off around them.
    The main story with Mary could have been ended multiple times. There are, in fact, early endings available, but it's clear the dev doesn't want it to stop, and it was just a halt to add more content.

    Look, I really enjoyed this game, but sometime "less" is better than "more".

    I just can't eat TKoS cake anymore. It's too big for me.

    Could you bake something else, pretty please ?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    King of summer is a very good game, it has tons of h-scenes , great animation , good cast and alot of NTR

    This games has good buildup before the real sex starts but when it starts it goes really heavy on all types of position'
    There is a huge cast of charachters and many routes to choose from and each route has its own endings to choose from.

    I do like most charachters, you have standard MC Satoshi which seems both clueless and care for his own interest ( that hits kinda close to home ) , so the reason for his cucking is not just standard having small dick and girl find bigger dick........ well its half of that but other half beeing his own inability to meet the girl halfway. He also has points where he learns from this and try to better

    Kendo the nice older Uncle with a big dick :D

    Arato beeing the rich kid with a medium dick

    The girls are the best part , Mary beeing the main focus and getting the most scenes she has huge breasts , high libido and tiny bikini. She also is quite cute and is really nice

    Shizuka is one of my faves, she is both inteligent, cute, and very seductive alot of routes is with her in it and we get alot of swinging and NTR from it which is the best part of game to me.

    Other girls is also quite nice but the review would never end if i where to comment everyone


    Hot sex, Many girls , NTR , Swinging, More hot sex
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Drawning the players with the text in a pathetic attempt to make them like the characters.

    Another garbage tier choiceless NTR.

    MC has no use to for either the plot or the player. Give him a role already. Make him a cuck, make him brake up with girl while watching his ex girl embraced by others, get him killed, make him loose his mind, turn him into sissy or even transform him into a full blown female and make him join the bulls harem... Do something with him man, or remove him already.At some point i started to consider uncle as the main protaganist.

    Couple hours of patiently reading, i started to hold ctrl.

    Uninteresting, bland koikatsu models with clipping issues. H-scenes and animations are barely enought to be middiling.

    Completely and utterly useless sandbox. It serves no purpose other than having the tag. Without choice and any kind of action why bother with sandbox. Tag it with KN and all will be well.

    I gave this game multiple tries. I really wanted to love it but cant. Unlikable characters and insanely boring writing making me sick whenever i launch this game.

    And lastly i have a personal problem. I like NTR games with a competend MC. This is way more satisfying imo. Dumb MC plots are destroying the realism elements of a game soo much its not even funny. I aint expect %100 realism ofc. But i need some sense of resemblence, heavy effort to make it more and more real. But no. A very dumb MC with small dick and can only fuck his girlfriend a single round before passing out. Like, really? Dude, this guy is very young person. Cmon. We are not DUMB, dev. Dont dare to tell me a young boy like that cannot go second, third or more rounds with how horny and full of energy they have. OFC the bulls can go alll night despite their ages, level of stamina. Dont care they were delinquets in their past. Do dumb, so unrealistic.

    The points above makes NTR aspects of the game soo cheap. Bulls arent even trying. The hate towards that MC model, sluttiness and overyle naivety of heroines adds up and you got yourself a very easy pick for bulls. What is the point of stealing a candy from a baby. Unsatisfying. Not a ounc of figting back. Too ez for it to have any kind of impact.

    Well, im ranting rn. Im sorry but that was the last time i gave this game a chance. Hoping it to change but i dont that will happen.

    Dont reccoment it even if you are into NTR genre.
  4. 1.00 star(s)




    • Extremely flat and boring writing, you have to try really hard to suspend your disbelief in order to not cringe at the story.
    • Character bloat, walking tropes with no personalities, basic KK models with no memorable appearance.
    • Meaningless sandbox that don't develop characters or set up for scenes, doing nothing but adding padding to the game.
    • Recycled animations copy pasted to different locations, models clipping during scenes.
    • Scenes have no build up or payoff, despite being a sandbox.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game! Great job devs! This is a long game, it goes into a lot of detail, does a lot of introspection and it explores character's thoughts quite thoroughly. The writing is my favorite part of this game. It has all kinds of NTR, cheating and some other fetishes but the main focus is NTR. It's a slow burn story and it's fantastic. Easy 5/5 for me. I know this is hard to ask considering how fragile people are about this genre, but I can only wish there was more cruelty, and it explored some more hardcore fetishes (around NTR) but alas, my dick is happy!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This one is... confusing? I really wanted to like this game since it has almost everything i like in NTR: smol pp loser mc, ugly bastards, giant dick bulls and doesn't rely on stuff like alcohol, drugs or mind control to corrupt the girls, but unfortunately the story telling is just so bad that it almost completely ruined it for me.

    The girls all have really cute models and have different and cool personalities, dev did a really good job on that regard. The scenarios are simple but have really a cozy vibe imo. The scenes are good but a little too repetitive and dev doesn't really explore lots of possibilities, like 80% of the game is just bj into balls deep sweaty sex, which is good and all but could've been alot better.

    Now for the story... oof. First of all, Satoshi is the most annoying, delusional and straight up childish character i've ever seen(not that the other male characters other than Kendo and Yoshi are any better), he is the worst type of loser, the one who can't accept that he is one. I really like the loser mc type cause they're usually very honest and try their best even tho it's not enough or just straight up accept their role as inferior and find joy in that, they are pathetic losers but in a cute way to me. Satoshi on the other hand is the complete opposite, he is type of loser that barely puts any effort into anything and expects the world to be at his feet and his gf to be his personal maid attending to his every demand and world view, otherwise he throws tamper tentrums, it's absolutely pathetic, which is made even worse when the dev seems like he is scared to make him face the consequences of his shitty behavior and this also brings me to my next point: NOTHING EVER HAPPENS!
    Like, dev relies way too much on the characters being mentally 5yo to keep the spice going in the story but he relies SO HEAVILY on it in fact that it ends up making the story extremely predictable and really boring after a while, you already know Kendo is gonna fuck whoever he wants and nothing is ever gonna come out of it cause there is always an excuse like

    ''Ohh, he sees someone that looks just like his gf but his pride gets in the way, since there is no way his gf would be fucking an old man''

    ''Ohh, it literally looks like her fucking someone else but no way she would make those sounds''

    ''Ohh, he is seeing it right in front of his face but his mind is trying to protect him so its like it never happened''

    It's fine using this in the story here and there but holy shit after the 50th time relying on the same thing to keep the story going it gets so fucking frustrating, nothing ever has any real implications or weight to it, cause the male characters are dumber than a rock, which in turn leads to horrendous pacing with the same things happening over and over again: build up > into build up > into nothing > repeats.
    Also it's nothing major but the girls could've used more screen time outside of just fucking the male characters, they really are super cute and save this game alongside gigachad Kendo (Rin is such a fun and cute gal), would've made them even more likable, like just talking, having fun, or just playing pranks on Kendo after every single one of them knew they were all fucking the same guy, would've added more variety to the sex scenes as well.

    Like this is a good game, but the story really makes it so much more frustrating than it needed to be, like im not even gonna go into Arato's horrendous timing for being introduced into the story, after you've already got attached to Mary's and Uncle's relationship and that it absolutely makes no sense that at that point in the story Satoshi has any sway over Mary to make her do what she did there(and Arato being inferior to uncle in every single aspect except money + being a closet cuck himself), if i went into this and more stuff (Takumi lmao) this review would be 5k words long.

    In short, it is worth giving this game a try just for the gals alone, just don't expect too much from the story.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Meh, just kinda boring.

    The story is too drawn out and too many characters are added.

    The writing is boring.

    Music generic.

    Models average just boring with few exceptions.

    Sex scenes buildup is mostly too quick, animations are almost good, they often look weird, NTR/Cuck/Netori aspect is pretty weak, mostly just generic Netori.

    Characters are very shallow, I don´t care about the cucks, they have too little screentime and are mostly just annoying and unlikeable, the uncle is okay a bit too friendly for a Bull but I still liked him, and the girls are all very uninteresting too, which makes the NTR aspect weak too because it´s a important part to actually care about the characters.

    Gameplay is weak, the sandbox just feels tacked on.

    Wouldn´t recommend, maybe if you are new or want to try fetishes like, NTR/Cuck/Netori this could be a good starting point, but if you want the emotional part of that fetish look elsewhere.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm mainly a H-content guy (I don't have the NTR hate boner or the very specific requirements people here have for the plot) and this just has so much content and isn't a slog to go through. I like the way this studio does H scenes too. Current rating is crazy low for the "enjoyment" you can get out of this if you're a fellow H-content guy.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I was very pleased when the game first started off but the storyline seemed to spiral out of control as it progressed, going from a decent NTR game to a mess.

    One of the biggest violations of any game, is unrealistic body proportions on the LIs. I've said it before, breasts come in four sizes: small, medium, large and stupid. Anything above a C cup is considered large and its easy to make breasts "too" big and this is the case on several of the girls IMHO. This includes "curves" becoming borderline too fat. I really don't understand how many devs continue to fall into this trap. Normally, I would give kudos to having a variance of body types except there weren't very many. Pretty much every female in the game was overly and unrealistically endowed.

    The lengthy dialog was my next biggest gripe. If you are going to have a long conversations with nearly no change to the background or renders, it is imperative to keep the dialog interesting or at least pertinent to the main story. Paragraphs of meaningless and mindless drivel (how is your day? Isn't it a beautiful day? You are absolutely right, it is a very beautiful day, isn't it?) don't make a good story and I found myself fast forwarding over half the game with little consequence.

    The "MC" Satoshi was just sad. There are some diehard true NTR fans out there that demand certain aspects of NTR. I have found that the best NTR games are those with choices of Netori, Netorase and Netorare. Simply put, with a few choices early on in the game, you could easily give the player what they want (sharing, cuckold, cheating, swinging) and still keep the game interesting as perhaps the antagonist(s) try to change the rules of engagement (stealing the girl, trying to get the girl to secretly cheat etc.) Also the "MC" Satoshi, I think, could have also enjoyed a few nights of reckless abandon while his girl was out getting plowed if he didn't have a needle dick.

    All in all, it seemed that the Dev developed the NTR aspect of the game too quickly between the uncle and main LI. I think if he had sprinkled the other girls/guys in earlier in the game instead of later as an afterthought, the game would have not only been much more enjoyable with different LIs and stories to pursue but also much more interesting.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    To start off, let me say that this is not a bad "game".

    And, with that being said...

    Art: 1.5/5

    - It's Koikatsu, and it uses very basic models at that.

    Story: 2/5

    - An attempt was made at having a story, and halfway through that attempt, it was given up entirely. The story is basic and repetitive... It could have been passable, had the dev not decided to introduce so many characters that detract from the "main plot" of the MC and his GF.

    All in all, the dev decided to make this game's story and dialogue ridiculously long, slow paced and full of completely pointless interactions, just to make you click through meaningless blocks of text before you can get to anything remotely interesting.

    It sort of feels like what devs from mobile cashgrab games do in order to artificially increase playtime, but here it is made sort of like an attempt to make the game seem better than what it actually is... Maybe?

    Characters: 1/5

    - Character's are bland, uninspired and mostly feel like objects to move the "plot" along. They have no soul and feel brainless most of the time, even more so for the MC and his GF. There are TOO MANY characters! That's not how you go about making an NTR game! You can't just start introducing characters who are 100% unrelated to the MC, most of which he didn't even know before, and still call this an NTR game! At this point, this is a game with ONE character being NTR'd, because the MC's girlfriend is just one among a large roster of characters.

    Gameplay: ?/5

    - This is a Ren'Py based VN, there is basically no gameplay to be had here... Which, in most cases, is good if you just want to see the "action". However, this game drags and makes you go through hours of meaningless interactions to try and make you like or relate to the characters, who are all pretty much unlikable. It also makes a sad attempt at, and wait for it, being a clickable sandbox.

    To sum things up, an attempt was made at making an NTR game, then along the way, the dev decided to change directions and make it some sort of harem game (for the MC's uncle, of course), and completely lost the plot of what actually makes an NTR game good. The way the plot goes all over the place, switching between characters, most of which are unrelated to the MC, just so the uncle could fuck them... It feels weird, out of place and even irritating at times. The way that the story's pacing drags at times, then suddenly feels rushed, only to start dragging again a few minutes later... It's irritating, and detracts from any sort of good points you might have found along the way.

    Why, then. do I not call this a bad "game"? Because there was at least an attempt at making it good here. It didn't work, but at least there was an attempt made.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This is 5 lbs of game in a 10 lbs bucket.


    Extroverted girlfriend and introverted boyfriend who can't meet her needs. They go on vacation to his extroverted uncle's resort.
    Extrovert girlfriend hits it off with uncle, they begin to mess around.
    Cue tension.

    This game falls into the same trap as a lot of NTR/infidelity games- they don't know how or are unwilling to write a break-up. The entire scenario hinges on pushing boundaries and rationalizing "lesser" indiscretions, but there's always the looming red line that means the original relationship is over. The girlfriend, about halfway through, has enthusiastic, balls-slapping, all-night, sweaty sex with the uncle. At this point she's "corrupted" fully, so that tension is released. So now it's just a cheating game where the cheatee boyfriend has to suddenly become a barely functional human to not notice, so it feels like a cheap budget porno. It'd be more satisfying if they just wrote a big blow up fight, and the boyfriend left the story. Or he accepts his role as a cuck. But the story has no climax outside the obvious ones lol.

    At this point, the game expands the cast of characters, where the uncle just seduces them, but the stakes are low, and its like... who cares? The main story is resolved and these characters aren't amazing enough to stick around past the initial tension, so I dipped.

    The "gameplay" is a typical bit of annoying visual novel faffing about. There's no puzzles or things to figure out, just choosing the right character who has a scene available to play out.

    The graphics are bog standard koikatsu. No points there- it's just premade assets.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating King of Summer is tricky. For a while, it was definitely one of my top games. These days, though, I don’t really keep up with it. I feel like it’s starting to overstay its welcome and should have wrapped up by now. Initially, I was really into the story, even though the developer has a tendency to drag things out. The plot and slow corruption arc were enough to hook me, but over time it became more tedious. The progression is extremely slow, and there’s a lot of repetitive looping, especially with Mary, who’s incredibly indecisive.

    It’s hard to rate this game. Right now, I’d say it’s a 2 or 3 because it really needs to end, but for the first several hours, it’s a solid 4. The character designs aren’t the best but are mostly good. The scenes are generally above average, with sound and long animations from multiple angles. However, the mouth animations during blowjob scenes are poorly done, which is common in 3DCD games. They look like the “tooth-toot” thing that pengu does, look it up if you don’t know what I mean.

    At first, I was very invested in Mary’s corruption arc. Some of her outfits look outdated by today’s standards, but overall she looks great. My issue with Mary is that she becomes annoying the longer the story goes on. Her constant back-and-forth indecision drags out far too long. A bit of turmoil is fine, but it becomes excessive to the point where she just grates on you.

    Erina is cute, but her story isn’t what I’m looking for in this type of game.

    Natsuki is fantastic—one of the best girls, no complaints there.

    Hanako is alright. Like Erina, she doesn’t really match what I’m looking for. Her design is a bit off with exaggerated proportions. She's not the only one with them, but hers are definitely the most extreme. That said, she does look better once her bangs are fixed. Overall, she’s okay.

    Rin is great. A hot, tanned girl? Sign me up.

    Kaoru is okay. I’m not a fan of her hairstyle, but she has a good body. Story-wise, she’s alright. I’m more interested in Rin, and since Kaoru is often paired with her, she becomes interesting by association.

    Shizuka is great. She makes the MC’s route with her more compelling, which is a big achievement considering how weak the MC is.

    The uncle fits the story. Big guy, even bigger cock, confident, but can get annoying after a while. Is he trying to cuck Satoshi, the only family member he seems to care about, because Mary reawoke his sense of manliness, even though he’s surrounded by attractive women? Is he genuinely helping Satoshi? Is he actually a nice guy? Is he a bastard? There’s a noticeable lack of self-awareness in how Kendo is written that makes him borderline annoying. The big, strong older man always gets what he wants seemingly without ever being portrayed as the bad guy. I wish he would embrace being the jerk he truly is. Like Mary, he started to wear on me as the story dragged on. I almost felt bad for Satoshi, which is saying a lot as an NTR fan. I even found myself rooting for him to get with Shizuka and hoping Arato would mistreat Mary once they’d switch partners—that’s how frustrating it got.

    The MC is your typical NTR protagonist. Timid, clueless, has a pencil dick, and a plain personality. But this is one of the rare times where I almost wanted to root for him by the end of the story.

    Overall, I’d give this game a 4. The developer has clearly put a lot of work into it, and giving it a 3 just because it’s gone on too long feels unfair. Yes, I’ve burned out on it, but it provided plenty of enjoyable hours before that. It’s a good game with a lot of potential that just drags on longer than it should.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    King of Summer [0.5.1] is fantastic Harem game... with NTR elements.

    Now, what exactly does this mean? Well, to me, an NTR game should be intimate - focused around a small cast of characters, of whom the protagonists are the main couple. The NTR experience is only complete when the husband's "faults" are slowly exploited by Chad, seducing the wife away, piece by piece.

    King of Summer stars off that way, but it is not slow, or methodical. Your girlfriend begins giving & enjoying regular blowjobs to your uncle after only several encounters with him. And the final "barrier" - sex - is reserved for a big mid-game turning point, where she completely gives in to him and they start banging. No, seriously, after that point (the "first time"), the GF and your uncle just keep banging away like rabbits, while the protagonist is laughably clueless (too clueless to make a compelling NTR story). He does have suspicions, but they are almost always cleared a few sentences later with some lame excuse. Now, the MC does eventually get too suspicious to make excuses anymore, but at that point the story just stops being an NTR story and turns into a Harem story, where the Uncle is the protagonist now - and your GF is his concubine, ready to help him achieve that harem. From that point on, there would barely be any NTR elements in the story if the GF somehow still couldn't properly let go of the protagonist, and if the dev didn't introduce a fresh new couple to spice things up.

    The game is overall still great, plenty of cheating action, all the sex scenes are animated (but they are 80% the same positions, just different locations), and the models are, for the most part, amazing (given the art style, though I was never a fan of the overblown breasts - and only a few girls are modest enough to qualify as realistic)

    As most NTR games tend to, the exposition and dialogues are too verbose. Yes, the dev needs to portray that inner turmoil through words, but I have yet to find a true NTR game that didn't go overboard with monologues/dialogues to tell that story. You will find yourself skipping a lot of text, if you're like me, and just wants to see the NTR action without the characters freaking out about "being caught" for the 15th time. In conclusion, the writing is decent, but nothing to boast about.

    And of course, the MC has a pencil dick. while every other male is at least bigger in that department - even if they are not in general. A true NTR story isn't about the woman being enchanted by the biggus dickus, it's about the excitement of cheating itself - and the attention & pleasure she is getting from someone other than her husband/boyfriend. That's the crux of the real NTR experience that many 'NTR' games fail at.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The corruption in this game is pretty much non-existent. If it wasn't for Satoshi, this would be a straightforward harem style romance game.

    The gameplay loop is decent, and the writing is good, but the story is pretty uninteresting to me.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Himeya Jun

    It was all great in the beginning, I like the MC personality, he's not a good guy and he's fully aware of it. The lewd scenes are okay, some are great.

    Until the dev suddenly introduced Arato. I really don't understand why would you have to put Arato in this story. He's worse than characters from typical NTR games. Kendo is what makes this game great, really should have focused on Kendo instead of creating one other route that nobody likes.
    overall still a good game tho.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    This is an alright game, with some hot scenes, I would give it 3.5/5. I will focus in the review on most obvious flaws that make the game worse.

    1. Mountains of text, excessive chatter that you have to go through easily becomes unbearable. The worst part is not the bloat/excessive amount of dialogues, but the way it is paced around. You click a button you get 1 word, you click a button again, you get another word. Game turns into never ending clickfest, which will make a lot of players not willing to sit for 20 hours, to press skip button, and skip most of the story content.

    2. Hypertrophying of a cuck, which turns this more into a satire. "Cuck MC" has like a 8cm member, when his uncle "real MC" has like 30cm member. Same or even more with other dimensions. This does not make the story better, it just makes it more comical, less believable.

    3. Models. While some models seem to be fairly decent (Erin) e.t.c, some are incredible annoying. Blue haired, 2 massive tits, no eyes, it just look ridiculous.

    4. The stat model feels a bit wrong, as to grow MC "manliness" stat you have to F everything that moves. It does not make it possible to skip interaction with annoying ugly girl you don't want to deal with, and when you add that those interactions have tens of thousands of pointless chatter lines, that take a dozen of minutes to skip through and you are forced to see all that it is all worse.

    5. Animations and art for most part are below average for this day and time.

    If the game was meant to be a harem style with many heroines, then a choice should be made available.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    If you're into NTRI and harems I highly recommend this game. However, I personally am a NTR fan and it does not appeal to me.

    It's a very slow burn, but I don't think it pays off in the end. There's too many girls for this story to be fun. It leans closers to harem type game rather than NTR and it lacks an overall emotional masochistic payout that I look for in most NTR games. I think each girl had their own game or chapter, it might be more enjoyable, but I can't enjoy it like this.

    You click to go from different places on a map. None of the characters feel like real people, and it's kind of exhausting having to initiate every relationship on your own. I wish there was a cuck mode where we could instead maybe find FMC getting fucked rather than us fucking everyone.

    Game is still good, art is nice enough, I feel like a lot of the FMCs' models are reused which makes it a little repetitive. The uncle is supposed to be this old man stud, but I'm not entirely sold on that based on his model.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is everything you really want from an NTR themed game, the story is having fun stealing women, and is very straight forward you take what you want and that's the end of it. Sometimes simple is perfectly fine. The art and animation although I am told it is done in an engine where that kinda stuff is basic and "easy" still looks great and goes hand in hand with the great sound, and the themes are obviously everything you really need. Swinging, cucking and cheating with different MC bulls that have fun with the main women, along with some side characters as well. I have no faults with this game there are plenty of scenes, a gallery if you don't care about the basic story, and full conversations and lengthy scenes if you do. One of the favorites and best out there for sure. 5/5

    edit: The story is starting to dip for me now that I am paying more and more attention to it. From the bull(s ) taking turns cucking each other, to the ladies of the game taking major 180s and changing completely for the males they take an interest in, it's really starting to feel like porn plot with no build up and suspense. I personally think the game is pretty much done and the current "plot points" are what if scenarios, where bulls get cucked, cucks pimp out their "partners" and swinging is everywhere. Still really like the game, I guess its faults are becoming more glaring for me now.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    First thing that comes to my mind is "Overstayed its welcome". The first 20 updates were pretty decent. Generic but passable characters with a generic but passable story and good art and animations.

    Now the only thing that has changed are the characters and story, both of which are worse than they were. Art and animations are still good, but as a VN it has become really stale.

    Only worth it if you unlock the gallery and avoid everything else.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. It has much content and is a very slow but satisfying burn.
    Only critic I have is that it takes your girlfriend and uncle wayy to long to actually haxe sex.
    itd been awesome if they did it for a whole while behind thesatoshis back.