Unity - Completed - The Knight Girl and Dungeons [v2024-12-10] [KonekoBokushi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    i agree with most reviews.

    game could be good but it isn't. plus what not many ppl mentioned is that it runs bad as well on low fps. not as bad as some other games but it's still a problem. but main character looks hot.

    but H-scenes are a bit simplistic, and to get H-scenes are a bit briandead too. (get beaten lol)
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    If this game didnt have sex in it, then frankly no one would really play this. It is really rough around the edges and it feels like its more of a demo rather than a full game considering the amount of content in here. But overall i give this game a higher rating than it deserves purely because its an actually finished and not so buggy Unity game. Even if its pretty scuffed in all honesty

    For what content there is, i think i could recommend trying it out. But its a 50/50 toss up, give it a shot if you are interested.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Sum Gi

    It is beyond me how this has such a high rating. Like most japanese 3d games, it is unbearable slop slapped together from premade assets and plays like complete ass. Their development cycles and team sizes simply do not allow for a project of this scope to exist as anything but that. If you play it, go in with extremely low expectations. Perhaps people already have that practice down pat and that is why it has received such a "warm" reception.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    }> V <{

    This game was decent enough and it kept me invested for a while longe than i expected, here is what i liked and disliked about it.

    The main character could have used some more refining but it's not bad even in its current stat it is pretty decent model.

    Clothing are also pretty decent but there are only a few sets available, Hoenstly it wouldn't have hurt to add some more because in my opinion there is no such thing as too many clothes.

    Combat was challenging enough to keep the game interesting for at least a while, the only thing that felt a bit boring was that enemy were always in the same spot instead of spawning randomly at random spots, honestly that would have made the combat a bit more fun.

    Visual are good, not great but not bad either, for a game this small i think the visuals were pretty nice.

    The map was a bit too small, there are only 3 levels.

    The grind is really bad in this one, at fresh start especially for new players the grind may seem like a nightmare, with each skill upgrade the amount of game currency needed to upgrade all other skills keeps going higher and higher. it took me more than an hour to get enough skills to get through the first level without being defeated, i try to do that if the game allows it because i always try to get the best/good ending for first playthrough even if i have to go through a grind nightmare...

    Animations are not really that great, its the usual two/three second loop and that's it. honestly this game deserved better.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Its a bad soulslike (like real bad only 2 enemies no bosses bad) with decent graphics but dog ass animations. Idk what the devs where thinking here... The only positive thing about the game is the borrowing money skit was funny... but still expected lol.
    Whoever gives this game more than 2 stars is downright delusional
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is incredibly fun but but needs more content such more dungeons, enemies, bosses, more clothing options such enable or disable cloth damage, options to remove a part of the cloth such bottomless or topless, better settings (eg: mouse dpi, sounds etc...), better optimization and a better ng+
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game was hard to rate. It looks great, clothing break/changing is great, combat is okay, animations are pretty good for the most part. But...

    There's almost no content and very few animations. With just this, I was still thinking of giving it a 3 or 4 stars. To make matters even worse though, I looked at the developer's profile and they have another game. The previous game has almost exactly every single system that this game has. In fact, it had even more because it also had struggle animations. What did the developer even do in this new game except add a new, small map and some melee combat? Seemingly nothing, and that lack of hope for the developer to really utilize some of the great systems in this game makes me leave a 2 star here.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Feels like I'm playing a demo of the game rather than a finished game. Sexy girl in the dungeon what will happen? Seg and seg.
    Same animation for most of the creeps in the game. You will spend a lot of time to restore stamina, wait for monsters to attack and then parry over and over again. Or if you cheat, the game will take about 15 minutes to complete.
    If you want quick burst try the game yourself. If not, find another game to play.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good fap, very fun gameplay. It's like Dark Souls with porn.
    You can play New Game + after the first clear, but it got repetitive after a second run. Also the upgrade gets more and more ridiculously expensive as you proceed.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Esta bastante bien...
    Es corto y con poco contenido, pero al menos tiene un final (no como la mayoria de este tipo de juegos 3D, que nunca terminan y quedan en una version pre-alpha sin sentido).

    Lo mejor son los gráficos y las fisicas del cuerpo de la chica al moverse.

    Las escenas podrian llegar a ser mas hardcore o al menos haber mas variedad, las note todas muy "vanilla", excepto cuando te capturan y te llevan al calaboso, que por cierto, ese momento en el que te capturan y te dejan manejar el personaje antes del TP al calabozo, es de lo mejor del juego.

    It's pretty good...
    It's short and light on content, but at least it has an ending (unlike most games of this type, which never end and remain stuck in a nonsensical pre-alpha version).

    The best part is the graphics and the body physics of the girl as she moves.

    The scenes could be a bit more hardcore or at least have more variety; I found them all very "vanilla," except for when you get captured and taken to the cell. By the way, that moment when you're captured and allowed to control the character before the teleport to the dungeon/cell is one of the game's highlights.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A decent souls-like game, by hentai games standards. You can compare it to Dark Souls II and Sekiro, but dodging is absolutely not viable, except final boss, so you mostly parry and block. And usually, when it comes to unity trash - it's also some meat-slapping competition with next to zero skill required, hitboxes being weird, registering before hit, and mechanics not working well together with the game, but it's not the case with this game.

    Gameplay here allows you to consistently parry enemies, you CAN outskill them. My build was pure endurance+luck, and it worked, tanking wasn't required at all. Zombies require a different strategy, orcs, demons and goblins can all be parried on sight, and so can be the final boss. Magic system encourages you to use it, because mana replenishes on kills, so it is fun to use.

    The mimic here is terrifying, Dark Souls got nothing on it.

    Game very much suffers from being just a short bland dungeon, and having little to no variety in enemy animations. If only it was bigger... But oh well, it is satisfying to go through this little adventure in-between other games.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Souls like controls
    The player model looks pretty decent
    Animations are okay, but kind of stiff, so I'm not even sure if I would call that a pro. XD
    Clothing destruction system

    Overall, the graphics aren't really that amazing
    It's like 15 minutes long
    Basically, all the enemies share the same animations, with one added for the bigger orc
    The clothing that you can find doesn't really make sense and doesn't fit into the setting
    There was one trap chest in the entire game; what's even the point?
    In a way, you probably wouldn't even need to upgrade once

    Let's be real, the game isn't that great, and I don't even know if it's worth the 15 minutes that I spend on it. The game is so easy that there is no way you get to see any of the animations until you beat the game and unlock the “memory” section. Neither will you ever need to borrow money from the trader. If I had to rate it from 1 to 10, I'd give it a 3.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    To be fair, as a tech demo, it might be 5 stars, but the developer claims this is a complete game, so have to rate it as that.

    Well, the game is completable, so there's that. And the graphics are decent enough, if perhaps not the best optimized ever.

    Where the porn starts coming apart is when you realize the "goblins" are just some kind of weird green-skinned slender short take on the fat ugly bastard trope. This could look more fantasy-tastic with a bit of effort (at least at trying harder to find stock assets to flip).

    Where the product comes apart and looks like a tech demo is when it introduces ideas that aren't actually used. Gags that prevent spellcasting? Sounds good. Piercings that reduce stamina? Now there's a handicap for losing!

    Except there isn't. The way to get handicap items is to get captured, and when you're captured, you have to escape to the trader, who'll remove your arm bindings that prevent combat ... along with everything else that could be a hinderance.

    Sure, you can put the items back on in the clothing menu, where the game really turns to shit when you realize the developer couldn't be arsed for three seconds to try and find unlocks that fit the fantasy theme instead of bunny costumes and a schoolgirl outfit.

    Now if somebodfy willing to do actual work instead of an asset flip took the ideas, there might be a 5 star game somewhere ... but this ain't it.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Its a bit meh in just about everything, the graphics are good and the gameplay works fine, but there is no story, no real dialogs and you could complete the game without ever seeing a single sex scene since they only happen if you lose a fight.

    Its a very short game and you can finish it in proberly 10-15 mins, all its about is running around a dungon kill a few monsters then kill the boss and exit the dungon and game is done.

    Fighting is very easy, do a heavy hit once or twice and you have won the fight, use magic to pull a single ennemy instend of a small group not that either is a big issue to win.

    Animations are a also just meh, i would barely call them average.

    Music/effects are pretty decent.

    I would call this more like a demo then a real game, so if you dont expect much then try it out if you want but there really isent all that much to come for.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Mediocre game with decent graphics.

    90% of the game is you just chopping your way through the same few generic enemies.

    There's a couple animation for each enemy, a couple for the shop, and 2 for getting caught. All of them are a few loops of 1 second worth of animations, which are pretty decent but that's it.

    Combat is very unsatisfying, your attacks do nothing but reduce enemy hp: no knockback, no special effects, no nothing. You do however get knocked out of your attacks by any enemy attack, so doubly unsatisfying.

    Maybe 30 minutes of playtime to beat if you actually bother to use your shield.

    Also if you get caught before opening the second teleport point, you will get softlocked because the teleporter is bugged.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, it's better than their last game, "Escape from the Mansion", at least? Honestly, I can't see a whole lot to praise—it's functionally identical to the last game in its premise, just that you're in a "Souls-like" (and I use the term very loosely) hack-'n'-slash instead of a third-person shooter... which, for me, is already putting it slightly ahead. Outfits are the same as the last game, with all their benefits and flaws; the upgrades are functionally identical...

    ...oh, speaking of, there's a "glitch"(?) where if you have either of the stamina-halving piercings equipped (unlocked when you get caught by one of the masked enemies by letting them beat on your shield and dizzy you after a while) and try to purchase a stamina upgrade while wearing them, some sort of integer underflow occurs—I went from having one (1) point in stamina... to having -13.5. Yeah, figure that one out. I could give you my best guess, but it'd probably be wrong.

    It also annoys me that you're able to be tied up—both with your arms behind you and in a steel yoke—yet nothing is done to let the player capitalize on their bound state and attack with kicks or something. The goblin enemies are easy enough to two-shot with your mandatory sword attacks, and parry timings are easy enough to get the hang of, but your sword swings have next to no weight to them; I can't count the number of times I've swung my sword during an orc's wind-up, only to be flung backwards frames later because they don't get staggered. Even the final boss gets staggered when you hit it.

    I don't know, maybe I expect too much? But the only parts that really draw me to the game (the bondage elements) are more for show than anything else—now I kinda get how people feel when the only sex scenes in a game are rape on defeat. Without that, it's just a very mid dungeon crawler.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    And yes, it deserves the 5 stars enough to be above the multitudes of games that do not have a developed essence in having the pleasure of playing it.
    If most of the time the 3D erotic games give you an embarrassing "fail", here things are different: The graphic engine works brilliantly on the Win7 OS with maximum details and this denotes a professional inclination, the game mechanics are similar to those of to From Software with their Dark Souls where RPG elements are included to increase the player's level, and the clothing and inventory part is taken from Escape From The Mansion.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It would be more correct to call this game something like a techno demo. It is completely passable from start to finish, all its mechanics work well and do not contradict each other. But this game is scant on content, like a demo version. It's a good game, there are no flaws in it, but it's small and not complex enough to feel complete. It's more like a draft or a sketch of a great game. The developer should either make the mechanics deeper, or inflate the scale. Although deeper mechanics at the same scale seem like a better idea to me.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v2024-03-29
    It's a cool, short Souls like game.
    For it's shortness it has enough content.
    The game play is not very polished, but it works good enough.
    The model is hot and you can even have different clothes.
    I would say biggest downsides are monotone animations.
    If the sex animations would be a bit more dynamic, with option to change speed, I would give the game 5 stars as "short but gold".
    Likes: M.Ed
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    It was good fun but wish it was longer and had a gallery (Or atleast I can't find one). It's great how it has a good variety of clothing options too I just wish I could customize the hair. Otherwise above mentioned addressed would have gotten a five star.

    Those complaining about needing cheats to complete this, you know the saying; "Get Good".