Unity - The Last Barbarian [v0.9.38 Dev Build] [Viktor Black]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game on the unity, I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of the game
    • Game Benefits:
    1. Beautiful main character, if you don't like the hair or figure, then the game has a little customization.
    2. The game has a plot, although it is not for everyone, but overall not bad, not standard.
    3. There is an opportunity to earn extra money as a prostitute, or maybe you go and beat monsters or people? watch sex scenes with them, there is interactivity in the world.
    4. Fairly diverse enemies (humans, demons, futa, ogres, werewolves).
    5. There are different locations from dungeons with demons, forests with werewolves, to hell itself, or dimensions of the gods.
    • Game flaws:
    1. The combat is just terrible, sometimes you seem to hit the enemy, but the game didn’t count the hit, although there is a choice of weapons, but you won’t feel the difference.
    2. Sometimes really ugly monsters come across, although this is a matter of taste, and I didn’t want to masturbate to it at all.
    3. The game is really poorly optimized, sometimes it freezes when moving to another location, and sometimes the mobs themselves freeze.
    4. in general, you won’t stay in the game for a long time, it’s enough to watch the quests once and forget about the game. It seemed to me that the game did not have enough animations.
    Although there are a lot of minuses in the game, but the game can be put 4, and when it is updated and optimized and quests with scenes are added, I will put 5. I have not seen similar games.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    its coollllllll .. ty for build it :) the most problem i had in game is the game menu and there is no save icone or else to make normal save and so its like u have to try everything from start if u want do other way in each quest and also need bit better UI if u ask me other wise is good . this all only reason i dong give 5 star for it
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game
    There is an interesting plot
    Read dialogue too
    I didn't have any bugs
    The game does not lag, even on the worst laptop
    But I would like to see the customization of the heroine
    Everyone was talking about it, more would add something
    The quests are interesting, but the mechanics of the game, the graphics are outdated, but this does not interfere with the game. If you transfer the game to a better engine, your laptop or computer will just catch fire, because the game is beautiful
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    In its current state, "The Last Barbarian" is pretty bare-bones and clunky. It definitely has the foundation to be a fun and interesting game, however, it is held back by outdated graphics, poor character models, an empty world, and clunky combat.

    Plot-wise, there isn't much here. You play as a slutty barbarian who likes to kill and fuck things. While there isn't anything wrong with that, the one saving grace I thought it would have, that being the combat isn't much to brag about either. The combat consists of you spam attacking an enemy with the same animation so that it doesn't hit you. Most enemies will kill you in 2-3 hits, but you can get back up by "giving yourself up", however all of your gold will be gone, which can be irritating.

    If you're looking for a quick smut game to get off to, give it a shot. The sex scenes/animations are decent. If you're looking for gameplay, wait for future versions to see if it improves.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The last Barbarian is like an interactive sfm compilation for one scantily clad 'heroine'.
    Its not quite a walking simulator as you can fight things, fall into traps, theres a puzzle or two here and there, a few objectives, etc, but its probably much closer to that than to some grand adventure game.

    I fully support it though, and if its your style to just be a hot lady who has one defining personality trait, in this case "Raging slut" then go for it.
    However don't go in expecting some next level depth, or revolutionary gameplay its fairly average in most department, and a bit lacking in the narrative and depth department.

    Can you nut to it? Yes, probably, its got a bunch there, some you might not want to engage with some you might like.

    Should you play it for its gameplay or actual plot? No. As described above this game has a really weak plot, barely strung together narrative and is basically just an excuse to give our heroine a good dicking down, to satiate her unending hunger for shaft.

    6.5/10- Situational pick
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Church the Cat

    Gameplay - Combat is clunky, but at least it isn't turn-based.

    Character Customizing - Three hairstyles that can't be colored different, but plenty of pubic hair choices. Morphable body is nice. Also features pregnancy, kinda. (She lays an egg.) :ROFLMAO:

    Sex scenes - Looks like your average SFM movie, with short robotic motions. Most of them don't even feature a "money-shot", they just end.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent fun and enjoyable couple of hours of dungeons slaying and monster hunting fun with sex scenes if you lose. Also the sex scenes are good and a variety of them. Excellent porn rpg and similar to kalyskah but less buggy.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Its really good. Not the type of game i usually go for but im not disappointed that i tried it. Gameplay is cool, game looks really good even on my shit lenovo laptop, the scenes are decent to good from what ive seen. Wouldve been a five star game but its confusing af for me. I dont know is there a map but i defo cant find it so i have no clue where even to go.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This seems like the most likely 3D porn game to get finished that has both 8-directional movement and combat, and it so happens to be the best I have played in that category. That's not to say it's perfect, but any game getting finished in this genre feels like a fucking miracle. The story also happens to be genuinely interesting. I play for the plot, I swear. Bought prior to my making an account here.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I didnt think this would be good due to odd looking pictures and graphics, but then it blew my mind. Graphics look much much better than still pictures.
    Story progression and leveling are done masterfully. I enjoyed every aspect. It even includes cheat mode for impatient!
    Looking forward to new updates.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The last barbarian looks like a game with much content on the surface. Huge amounts of levels and enemy types with multiple sex scenes are implemented. However, the art style, graphics and taste are very hard to enjoy for me.

    Sex scenes 2/5: Getting defeated triggers the choice betweensex scenes. These scenes are ok on a technical level, but the graphics and taste make them really hard to enjoy. Tentacles look disgusting and painful and enemy types are just not attractive in any way. The orcs looked average and the main character is just boring. As a barbarian you would expected some strong type of woman or a raging berserk like from Diablo 3. But the character is pale in comparison.

    Presentation 2/5: Not are the enemies rather unattractive, but I find them just off-putting. Reason for that is also the outdated graphics in use. Textures have low resolutions. Reflections, lightning effects, surface tech are outdated.While it is ok, that theenviroment looks pretty good sometimes, it tells a lot, when the surroundings look better than the characters in a porn game. The only good thing are the animations, which are just a little bit stiff.

    Atmosphere 1/5: You pretty much get dropped into a stereotypical porn dungeon out of some boomers mind. The main character is forgetable,enemies are the sameTolkien types we have seen for decades.

    Gameplay 3/5 : The good thing: the combat is rather quick and not too grindy. You get to sex scenes rather quick. Combat seems to be boring however with the best tactic being attackspamming, which will stunlock enemies in place.

    Conclusion: While the game seems promising with lots of contents it is still a bad game, when you just can't bring yourself to unlock the content out of disgust. When titles like Wild Life show how good graphics can look in a porn game, this seems rather redundant. It might come down to your taste and when being fucked by dry low resolution tentacles is your taste, then this your game, otherwise don't waste your time.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, well, well, here we've got yet another "game", which main feature is just sex, the proof that horny people will pay for anything connected to porn.

    Graphics-vise this is just awful. I am more or less OK that nobody creates their own assets anymore but it's developer's choice what to use and this choice is just bad. The main problem is enemies. They are just random bald models which look worse than even Craig from HALO Infinite presentation. And of course locations: empty-ish corridors only sometimes filled with random stuff which you can go through btw.

    Gameplay of this is basically you being a tank which can't really control itself and rather slowly killing the enemies one by one. It is a disgrace to call this "thing" hack-n-slash.

    Animations as always are not the main thing in the GAME. BUT, the animations are bad, I have never seen something so stiff and lame. The poses can be used as a ruler for geometry.

    Character customization is just basic and I'm not even gonna talk about proportions.

    Soooo, in the end this game has any potential I guess. But it doesn't matter at all, there will always be people paying purely for fetishes and porn(which will always be available for free, but who am I to judge?)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Best 3D animated Character. and Real animated Vagina.. as like Wild Life..
    Just, just little 2% less.. needed.. customizable. penis, vagina and needed..
    free modable sands box needed. then this game will best. And Last.. This game, The executable file of this game is recognized as a very dangerous level of virus and is blocked and deleted by antivirus every time. that must be fixed
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    So, heres my review of The Last Barbarian.

    You are a woman caught dungeon-like place. You need to escape and to do so you will fight through hordes of enemies. Should you lose, then you'll be raped.

    Alright, story wise this game is.. well, I guess it is like you'd expect from most H games: not amazing. But unlike some other games, this one you don't play for its story, but for the nice graphics.

    The graphics are really nice. Everything is really nicely rendered and generally looks really great. You can even change appearance in terms of clothing - that is you can pick bikini armor. More importantly you can choose your size, that is whether you are normal or petite, large or small breast and booty size.

    You will fight every time you find an enemy. The fight system is not very good, in fact it is very clunky. You will also win pretty much every single time that you fight somebody unless you fight multiple opponents.

    Then when you lose you are raped. This is generally pretty cool as the graphics are nice. Unfortunately there isn't done very much with the scenes. The enemy will pound you... and that's it. The scene never changes and the opponent never cums. You can't do anything - try to wrestle free or make him cum etc. This makes the sex part kinda boring after you witnessed it the first time. It's also unfortunate that you can't choose to submit in exchange for them leaving you.

    The Good
    • Great graphics and rendering.
    • You can change your appearance.
    • Pregnancy mechanic.
    The In-between
    • The story doesn't matter at all.
    The Bad
    • The sex scene never actually ends with the enemy cumming
    • All births are strange red eggs (as far as I've seen)
    • The combat is really clunky.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Little your dream

    This game is the best engine Unity
    There is a plot, graphics, character editor, Stealth and Dialogues, I played this game for an hour. I just studied the locations with the help of cheats. And I can say that this game is an example for all games Unity
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is everything good, have kinkys, a good story, good animation and very details what make me question myself why it's not on the steam, I trully will buy it on the steam, the game is real good, the MC have many interactions with the scenes, and you can play many times for know new things. If you want a game for play when you want a good fap for monsters, that's the game, I give it five stars and you will not regreat play it, but needs a computer who can play it.

    Follow me for more reviews.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, good storyline, wish there will be more diverging storylines from the mother nature and orcs branch. giving so many more possibilities to endings. Hopefully we get more new storyline branchs in the future, I definitely will be considering supporting
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Long review, tl;dr at the bottom.

    A while ago I've played and finished v0.9.7. Hardly any changelog of any adult game made me release as much endorphines as TLB's, hence I'm absolutely eager to play v1.0.0, when I will do another playthrough (if there are any more updates planned, ofc). This might be one of my all-time-favorite adult games ever.

    Let me get to the essence of this review:

    While I personally prefer rather petite female bodies, the main protagonist of TLB does perfectly resamble a (surprise, surprise) female barbarian. She looks, fit, she looks strong, she looks like she could hand your ass to you in a fight. Plus, you can even customize her via a couple of options. (y)

    ANIMATIONS - 5/5
    Not much to say. Animations look perfectly fine, well done.

    Yes, there is a story and it is fun to follow. Not too much dialogue, still enough to explain things properly. Very good pace for how it unfolds.
    The game world is authentic and fits the mood of the game perfectly. Also, areas are versatile.

    From my perspective the combat could use some fine-tuning. To me it felt a bit stale, almost clunky at times. But I've seen way worse, especially in other adult games.
    The balance between combat, exploring, story elements, and lewd content on the other hand is perfectly on spot for my taste. In my opinion, this is exactly how a porn game should feel.

    I don't really want to rate this, yet I want to emphasize that I enjoyed both. I never got the impression one or the other affects the experience negatively. (For me that may probably be 4.5/5, whatsoever.)

    LEWD CONTENT - 6/5 (if I may)
    Check the tags. Do you like at least half of the kinks you read? If yes, play the game. Trust me.
    If I play a porn game, I expect porn. Games were I have to play one hour plus to see half of some genitals or some kissing, just don't do it for me. TLB got it perfectly right!
    Tentacles, rape, pregnancy, inflation, lactation, internal view? Viktor Black supplies you with all of it.
    Playing through that game didn't leave much blood in my brain for a while. Triple-A.

    @Viktor Black , I sincerly hope to see more of your content, be it further TLB updates or another game. While playing TLB I didn't only feel that this game has been made by a porn enthusiast, but also by a gamer. Well done!

    Guys, if you enjoy TLB, consider supporting Viktor on Patreon/Subscribestar. Creating a game in the scale of TLB requires a huge effort, and in this particular case the outcome, in my opinion, is a masterpiece.

    ANIMATIONS - 5/5
    LEWD CONTENT - 6/5
    Great game, awesome porn. If you're not disgusted by the kinks, play it!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Open world game + story thats good + long playtime + good scenes and sounds = 5*. Definitely worth checking out and playing the game, VB is a good and friendly dev! Don't forget to support him and join his discord.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Innocent Chloe

    I have held off for a long time rating this game as I wanted to see how it was going to shape up in terms of content as the combat is not the best there is but the h-scenes were quite good but I wanted to see if any kind of progression or structure was going to be added.

    Finally now with v0.9.7 we are really starting to see a wide breath of content and progression. Combat has also definitely been improved upon since the earlier versions.

    All in all this game is really amazing and only seems to get exponentially better with each version.

    Definitely looking forward to future updates of this game, but what is there already is a solid 5-10+ hours of gameplay with quality h-scenes and cool events/progression through the story and game world.