Wow this last update is amazing! Well done. I thought I'd give my humble input on this. Just opinion.
In terms of body modification, I think the only more or less essential part that's missing would be skin tan colour. Otherwise, I definitely love how you can look with less make up on.
My personal body part size choices are these: Breast 4, Buttocks 1, Thighs 4(max), Waist 2.
Reasoning- *breast: Personally I can't stand fake breasts irl and I actually can't choose bigger, because 4 shape starts to look unnaturally silicon'y because of the way they are rounded. 4 is the biggest that's more or less passable as real. Somehow it looks good on the dragon and succubi, maybe their posture gives the illusion of slight proper sagginess that breasts that size must have.
*Buttocks: TBH verything bigger than 1 (the smallest) is just kardashian butt. At least when you look from the sides, looks very, very wrong. From the back or front 2 is also alright. If there was an option that's between 1 and 2, or if 2 didn't bulge up horizontally, that would be neat.
*Thighs: now judging by her texture and meshes (and the fact that she's a warrior duh) it looks to be implied that she should be pretty sporty and have higher than average muscle mass, right? So even if you try to make her as slim as possible at the moment, 1-2 looks like she's been missing leg-day a lot

doesn't fit with those abs.
*Waist: I don't think there is a reason to have 1 or 3 atm, only a pure anorexic would have 1, while 3 makes her look fat(but not bad while pregnant). 2 fits and is excellent in all aspects and every situation. But I'm not trying to say 1 and 3 should be removed. It is always good to have an option, I'm sure a lot of people like it.
Speaking of options, personally, (and this may only appeal to the minority) other than skin tan colour, the true icing on the cake would be the option to choose body hair (since we're already in the bush zone

) for that extra emersion, realism and appeal to the "community" that doesn't mind, or is even very much into all natural. I'm not EXACTLY into hairy armpits or pseudo-furries, but other than a bush, for example a bit or more of womanly shin hair is what seals the deal for me $$$$$$. Haha. Anyway, well done regardless