It is one of few prolects what can be called a game, it is not one of html "click many times to see photo" type of "games", it has story, fights, different locations and even quests.Considering all above, amount and quality of animations and the fact that you can download it for free, makes it is one of the best adult games. Talking about things I liked, I was pleasantly surprised by quality of face animation (I still have "my face is tired" nightmares sometimes), also I not expected to find body sliders. About things to add. 1.More quests with different ways to complete.I know it's pain in the ass but judging by the game You can do it. 2.Inventory. You will need it if You want to make more different and difficult quests, no need to make full inventory system, just a list of items player have to use or give. 3.More smooth camera movement in observation mode. Now the most important part, my wishes

. 1.Pregnancy. Different types of pregnancies from different creatures, giving various buffs and debuffs during gestation, and ability to sell your babies. 2.More monsters, most enemies in the game are humanlike and adding some creatures and abominations would be great, but every npc is a new model, new animations, more worktime and resources, so it is up to You. 3.Have fun. It is great when you enjoy what you do, but deadlines, responsibilities and money can make it just another job, so see it like a hobby, not a work. Stay safe and good luck.