4.60 star(s) 16 Votes


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
my av (comodo) says TLERevival-32.exe is malicious. prolly false positive.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2017
He probably lives in Kazakhstan. He's profile says .


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
If you select a different spell like ice or energy impulse it shows the ice/energy impulse icon going back and forth but the actual spell that hits the shield and dialogue is that of the fire spell.

Ayna looked hot in her nightie. I think the fiery red headed BFF was the best character in the old update as she was always trying to grope the FC and get her to do things with her and the late night groping neck licking scene was the most erotic scene there was. This one not so much as it was just mostly just a kiss and it seems like the FC is more open to everything then she was in the original where she was trying to resist her friend.

Guess I'll have to wait for power vacuum to be updated this month to get my fix of the redheaded fox.

It looks like there is only 2 characters the FC can have a relationship with so far and they are Annie and Ayna as you can get relationship points with both of these characters. Now I'm off to play neko paradise.


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
I hate sandbox. and its not because the ideas are bad or that the gameplay is boring initially, but that eventually all sandbox I have played will make it grindy and a chore. clicking and clicking and clicking for very little content and when we get to update 3+ it will start to get annoying to replay and redo things that took awhile to do because of the clicking. a normal VN we can always use the "skip" key that, even with a lot of content it will fastforward until you reach the desired scene.

so, how "grindy/sandboxy" is this game? I would appreciate an answer from a person that usually doesnt enjoy grindy/sandbox.


Apr 9, 2019
This version is better than previous one which was already great. Indeed, improved graphics and nice swirling sounds too and fun scenario with smooth progress. One thing I was wondering though: If you a dress without any underwear, which can be done, will that have any effect on future stories ?


Mar 9, 2019
At the moment I can't extract the launcher.exe because Norton detects it as unsafe and removes it. It might be completely fine but last time I gave a possible malicious game exemption it turned out to give me a virus XD not going to name which game but I think I will wait until the files are cleaned up, really excited for this, almost cried when it was first shut down


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

I wouldn't trust Norton as far as I can throw it and the farthest that I would throw it would be right into the trash right beside me. The best site to use for scanning files is


Mar 9, 2019

I wouldn't trust Norton as far as I can throw it and the farthest that I would throw it would be right into the trash right beside me. The best site to use for scanning files is
As said the last game it warned me about having a virus did end up giving me a virus, so I am simply taking it safe regardless of what anti virus stuff I use


Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2020

Hello everyone.

Since there was some misunderstanding between you and me, I decided to clarify some aspects concerning the romantic paths in the game and the “corruption” attribute of the main character.

In the first release of the game, I made a mistake because of which many players thought that all romances with all the characters in the game would depend on the “corruption” stat. I apologize for this. In the new version, I removed this stat from the kissing scene between Lora and Annie, but it is still present in the game. Let’s study the role it plays and how romantic paths will be developed in the next updates.

To begin with, the “corruption” stat DOES NOT in any way influence the possibility of starting the romances with the characters of the game that do not require Lora to have “corruption”. That is, this attribute DOES NOT play any role in the formation of the romantic relationships in which one character loves another character. The attributes “relationship with…” are responsible for the possibility of a romance between the main character and any other character.

“Corruption” is responsible for how low Lora is ready to fall, in both sexual and moral contexts. High “corruption” stat will allow Lora to take the side of evil more often, to do bad things, to commit various sexual perversions, and so on.

But, there is something that needs to be clarified. “Corruption” will still influence the romantic paths of the main character but will determine how debauched Lora can be in a relationship.

I will give you an example to demonstrate how all the attributes work. So, the player wants Lora to romance a character. In order to do this, the player will need to improve the relationship with this character, after which from time to time the player will be presented with choices that will lead to the start of the romance. The “corruption” attribute triggers only after the romance between the protagonist and a character is started and depends entirely on the choice of the player. If the player wants the relationship to evolve along the path of love, the path of romance, then the “corruption” stat won’t play any role in the relationship. If the player wants different perversions to be present in the relationship, if they want to dominate their partner and do other “dirty” things (partner swapping, group sex, etc.), then, in that case, the “corruption” attribute will be responsible for which perversions are available to the player. The higher this stat is, the more sexual perversions the player can commit with their partner.

I don't think there will be any more questions concerning the avoidability of any sexual content.

P. S. Ah, yes. Even if you wish to have only one relationship (homosexual or heterosexual), and you still want to see the perverted scenes, you will be able to earn the “corruption” points without taking part in the scenes which are unacceptable to you as the “corruption” points can be earned not only for taking part in sex scenes but for any morally wrong choices.

That’s all from me for now. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.


MrgT (Nu’ar Games)



Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
I was never forced with a dick ever during any of my play through as you had choices to what you wanted to do and I had plenty of corruption points.

I still think the fiery redhead BFF corrupting the FC was the hottest as she was slowly corrupting the FC by groping and licking her neck in the night that then switched to the kissing before it sadly ended. The corruption points never mattered to me since you controlled what the FC did in each scene.


Active User
Apr 8, 2018
As said the last game it warned me about having a virus did end up giving me a virus, so I am simply taking it safe regardless of what anti virus stuff I use
Can anyone confirm that the launcher.exe file is not a virus? It's pretty unusual to get a virus alert on a Renpy game. Obviously being able to play it is not a confirmation. I'm trying to extract the Windows version...


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
tlerevival.exe doean't get triggered but tlerevival-32.exe got triggered but game works w/o latter.
4.60 star(s) 16 Votes