Ren'Py - The Lord of Time [v1.0] [IndianaTK]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice renders, tedious game play. Very little actual sex. It's alright if you really like women built like in the screenshots, otherwise meh. You also can't have sex with all of them, which is a weird choice for a h-game.
    It's also somewhat buggy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game, good tags, ability to fuck awesome obedient android, slave tag, prostitution tag, what else you need? Even storyline and cgs are great, this is really interesting to play game, especially for 0.1 version, hope for more scenes with victoria, plus some outfits.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    A massive nonsense game, nothing makes any sense, things just happen for the sake of happening there's no sort of actual storytelling with any kind of pacing or cohesion whatsoever.

    And the UI isn't actually good, it's just dressed up with "fancy" squiggles to look "detailed" and "futuristic", it's still a nightmare to navigate and you basically need to click all the buttons randomly sometimes just to find out what you're supposed to be doing.

    On the subject, it's one of those games where you have to press "work for money" or "go to gym" a thousand times in a row just to grind up a stat FOR NO REASON. This game needs the sandbox tag because it absolutely is the most annoying kind of sandbox game.

    And if the pointless grinding wasn't enough already, the game has hidden d20 rolls it does behind the scenes, again for absolutely no reason to benefit the player, literally all it achieves is waste your time, to see if certain actions succeed or not, just so you have to keep clicking more.

    Oh and the models are decent but you don't even get to see them all that much in game, there's very few sex scenes and with no coherent story to set them up it all feels like nonsense.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    god this is awful, how can you make consept of time travel boring

    You start and you learn you have "amnesia" pick ur name and points that has no effect on anything and go find your ships manuel, on earth, on the ground......

    Next THE b!tch comes and steals it from you... now you learn whole game is about 1 ugly looking bad written character, good job thats awful

    for some reason you act as her teacher to make her comfortable with you for some reason... so you can take your manuel back from her

    After repeating the cycle over and over she gets comfortable and wants 10k cash for the manual she stole... our genius mc says lets get you to usa with my time machine

    and for some reason she is a resident in your time machine now........

    Graphic: 3/5

    Writing: 5 years old

    Sound: nobody cares

    Gameplay: sandbox 2/5


    Conclusion: Dont bother playing this
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an Innovative UI, a rather creative story, some ice and sexy characters. Mixing time travel, with ancient civilizations while in a futurist environment is fun. This lloks like a promising game so far. Keep on the good job, thanks.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    After playing for 10 minutes, I completely lost my patience. Where am I now? What should I do? I have no idea at all. Seeing these attractive girls but being helpless, I decided to uninstall the game directly.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of content for 0.1. The story is pretty good and the girls in the game are hot. Definitely one of his better games. Still I feel like his content isnt very refined yet and it feels like it is lacking something. I look forward to future updates.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.1:
    Good game, even though I'm not really familiar with the Doctor Who universe.
    The story happens a bit too fast though and could benefit from being slowed down at some points.
    I liked the idea of the water making the women curvier on that planet.
    Could need more sex scenes though.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm rating v0.1 here so a lot can change.
    I think the game has a really good general idea and the potential to become really big (like the breasts in this game).
    I think the plot needs some polishing, but the art is quite good.
    If the game focuses more on building up a slave harem, it will be quite popular.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Version of review [v0.1]

    Short summary: an interesting concept with GREAT art but is in essence just a 'click to see the scene' game. That being said, it's only early on and could improve drastically. Give it a shot.

    • The Art: The models and renders used are pretty good. Especially if you like the more voluptuous body-types (which I do)
    • The concept: An interesting concept, you play a Dr. Who knockoff who was sent to conquer the world.
    • The Story: Hit or miss for me, But I did like the parts with building a world. Did not care for the Liu parts.
    • Easy acces to sexual things: Absolutely, you get an eyefull pretty early on and you get frequent new scenes.
    • Shortcuts: A few of the more important menus have shortcuts, making the game less tedious than it should be if you needed to go through the menu every time.

    • "Gameplay": It's very grindy, and not much is explained. There's not really any 'choices' you can make and there's no reason not to grind out all the items in the cybermarket and just click on events as they emerge.
    • The Fight: This has got to be the most redious bit of the whole thing. You need to fight a guy by picking the right fighting style out of three, three times in a row, in sequences of 5. And if you pick wrong, you have to start over, so prepare to start over a lot.

      If youjust want the solutions, here they are:
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    • Inefficient clicking: The game has way too much unnecesarry menus or intermediate steps between what needs to happen, it also doesn't register if you already have a particular item to start the requisite story event immediately. There's also a lot of spaces in the ship that don't serve a particular purpose.
      BONUS: The Dev seems to have realized this at the end, and the later parts of the game have you simply clicking the 'next story/scene' button instead of having you travel everywhere.

      CONCLUSION: 4/5 Stars
      REASON/ mostly for the art, concept and 'eroticism'. Leniency is given because it's an early concept, so 4 stars because a good looking game and some hot things arethe make or break parts of a game.
      The 'game' itself is basically a 2 star at most, but most people aren't here for gameplay.