VN - Ren'Py - The Lost Love [Ep.5 U3 2025-01-14] [SpeedPostX]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviews can have a tendency to exaggerate but I can say: Believe RandyPhoenix Review.

    You can check this yourself by just skipping through the game to the sex scenes. This game is cock blocking the player as if its the devs fetish.
    I was skeptical at first but after two scenes ended into cock blocking, I skipped ahead and can confirm what RandyPhoenix says.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Bro , I need to write this.
    This is one of the best Erotic/porn game out there.
    The dev has created such a masterpiece.

    • The Renders are amazing.

    •The story writing, the dialogues , the plot everything is perfect.

    •All the Characters are Great , feel real (as real as possible in a porn game), they have personality and don't feel like props.

    • Most Importantly, this game has EROTICA, that many few porn games can boast to have. And it's done masterfully.

    The Dev feels like a absolute Veteran at this, this is a work of art. Huge props to the dev @SpeedPostx
    I hope we at f95 can spread the word about this absolute gem of a game and make this achieve the popularity it deserves.
    Honestly, such a PERFECT adult game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has really good renders and really nice characters. Unfortunately, the plot is not my cup of tea. I'm not the biggest fan and honestly there is just a lot going on. I hope more of the characters get some scenes soon, especially the ones that have been there from the start.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In terms of pure VN this game does all the things I care most about right. the smut is hot, and does a good job with some of the stuff that can be often hard to execute well, particularly in its dom/sub stuff, multi/poly stuff and most unusually for me the incest stuff since that isn't really one of my kinks but in this game I can say the relationship is very charming and adorable (helps that ashley is HOT), I big thing helping these aspects feel well done is the g amount and consistancy of customization of relationships, pet names and such which does a good job allowing you to match a lot of interactions and scenes to your own tastes.
    The strongest aspect of this VN, at least for me, is the genuinely interesting and cool story, that did a great job keeping me invested and entertained between scenes and has me actually hyped to see more. Especially with the amount of mystery and intrigue worked into so many of the characters history and for some even current actions and motivations. I know it isn't an important aspect to some but to others like me who get the most enjoyment out of porn games that have an actual good story and plot supporting the smut this game is a real gem and I am super excited to see what the dev has cooking in future.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A unique approach to the harem genre. Beautiful women that ooze sex appeal and an interesting story keeps things moving at a good pace. The neighbor scenario with the abusive husband is pretty hot. The characters have different personalities, and the dialog is entertaining, funny and interesting.
    Looking forward to seeing more.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hitting that download button was one of the best decisions that I ever made. This game is freaking goooooooooooooooooood. huge s/o to the developer, aka the creator of this masterpiece. Thank you for creating this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    i dont have much to say but this game is very Good , i like games where you re given some control of the story like you can chose , most dont even let you do that also very nice not very complicated story would recommend if i could i would have supported the Dev so if anyone could please do "once you try the game and like it ofc"
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Visual quality is decent.
    + Sex scenes has animations.

    Bad Points
    - Jesus Christ... Amount of cockblocking, tease, and interruption scenes this game has is something... This is literally worst part of the game, any hot scene can become utter garbage just in a second and you can just become angry instead of horny, it's happening over and over again and definetaly a terrible game design.
    - It has a lot of love interests, and very little content for them, and even the ones with content mostly has cockblocking content not sure we should count them as a content either...
    - DEV has to made up his mind, neither story, love interests or MC has stable writing and things are all over the place.
    - Most of love interests are unlikeable.

    For The End
    This game needs some serious fixes to become decent, otherwise it's just poor with current bad points and not worth playing.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5
    I found it pretty tuff with this one, mostly due to liking alot of the story aspects and how MC acts at some points in the story (when hes dom), like when you can trow the drugy cam-whore out on the streets i really loved that part, but then theres other times where MC acts alot more submissive its almost like he has a split personalty which im not really a fan off.

    Also MC seeing people who arent there just dident make sense to me, thinking about the hole Rei scene, first MC knows she a lesbian but constantly thinks about her going on a date with him? why? then he walks into a storage area in the office and starts seeing and talking to an ugly bimbo whos not real and not only that he also starts undressing? and is about jerk him self off? in the middle of the freaking office where anyone can walk in, it truely feels like hes not in controle of him self anymore, but yet hes able to stop when cought? then shouldent he be fully aware of what he was doing and never start pulling hes dick out in the fucking storage area? i dunno very weird scene and all due to a lesbian girl he shouldent really have a chance with since shes not just a lesbian, shes also already in a relationship......

    You also has 0 choice about the past and your forced to watch sex scenes with ugly bimbos, like getting a BJ from someone i personaly wouldent want to touch with a 10ft pole, this shit is really the stuff that kills the immersion and story since you controle nothing.

    Then theres the girls and i can almost say i dident like any of them since i dont have a big tit fetish and 95% is in my eyes ugly bimbos i want nothing to do with, so when people talk about good animations i saw 0 since all i ever did was click "close route" whenever it asked, it wasent untill the very end of current version i finaly saw one i liked, did see maybe one or two ealiere but they arent LIs apprently or atleast not yet and proberly never will be since theres already to many bimbo LIs so screen time will proberly be very low for each girl without adding more.

    Its also quite annoying to constantly see girls on the phone when they a nude, even if you close down their routes dev still wants to force that big tit fetish on you, showing it all the time.

    Girls 2/5
    Like i said before there just little to no diversity in builds, 95% bimbos which i just dont care about, its like 8 out of 9 so truely no diversity, so as it sits now if you dont have a big tit fetish its really not worth playing.

    Animations 3/5
    I had to put this at a 3 since theres close to nothing i care to see in the game, the little i did see looked ok but i will have to revisit this once there is some content with normal girls.

    Choices 4/5
    You do have the most importen choices which is who you want to be in a relationship with, but there is one bimbo that are forced on you from day 1 and one MC also sees and talks and for unknown idiotic reasons also listen to and follow the "ghost girl" orders.....

    I will try this again later on but i dont expect much to improved when it comes to the girls and the diversity in builds, but ill give it a chance once theres more content, so for now i cant really give more the 3 stars since it pretty much does fail as an adult game for me personaly since all i could do was turn down girls routes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very underrated...

    If anyone wants to try something like long interchanges and intriguing plots, this is the game for you!

    I would advise not to rush to conclusions when you first try the game, as there are too many secrets and hidden pasts that make you interested in the plot, it is really worth playing.

    The sex scenes are really hot, the longer the episodes go, the better it gets!

    There isn't much animation, but the scenes are really beautiful and hot. I recommend it if you like plot intrigue besides jerking off (y)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an harem-style game based on the topic of an open relationship, and it is safe to say it's one of the best. The girls and the sex scenes are as hot as they can get, there is variety to satisfy everyone (unless you're expecting m-to-m gay or futa content) and the story is interesting and well written; kudos to the proofreader, you would never know this comes from a developer whose first language is not English.

    Yes, there's some cockblocking at times and even the odd renpy crash. Also, the decision to use mannequin-style chars for "irrelevant" characters makes some scenes feel weird, but IMO this is irrelevant when you can feast your eyes on such adorable women. I truly hope there's a way for the MC and Maya to get intimate. :love:

    For those who expect to be fapping within 30 secs after starting a game you should probably look elsewhere instead of lashing here trying to justify why this is worth less than 4 stars. Come on, people...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing renders and the story actually makes me more invested. Love the dialogue choices as well as how funny some of the choices are with the people close to him. NTM how impressive the scenes are. Wish I could find more games like this
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game feels like it's trying to tick a bunch of boxes but not really accomplishing anything.

    It honestly feels like it was written by a 15 year old girl's idea of what a boy would write. There's so much high-school level drama and bullshit, the MC is completely oblivious, and there's not a girl in this game who doesn't want to blow him for whatever reason. Yet none of them can just ask "Hey, can I suck your cock?"

    Also, first sister, not black. That is a caucasian woman who spent too long in the tanning bed, or is blackfacing it up constantly. She's basically the model for Nicki from Friends In Need, just altered a bit.

    The graphics are solid, not enough to blow my mind, but enough for my immersion. Probably the only good thing about this game. I often wonder why people good at rendering or composing don't try to find someone good at writing, but that's not really my perogative.

    2.1/5 overall. This game frustrated the hell out of me.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm happy with another harem game, but if you're trying to act like it's a story-focused game with extremely rare sex scenes and animations, despite having a huge number of love interests, I'm not going to give you a high rating. Frankly, there's too many characters and not enough 'action'. To make matters worse, the dev constantly teases a sex scene and then the MC is cockblocked or it leads nowhere. It happens over and over and over to the point that when you finally reach a sex scene, you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and have it get interrupted or cut short. This kind of stall tactic is terrible.

    Also, -1 star for the fake incest. It's a lame middle road that pleases no one and is still just as likely to get you removed from patreon as real incest with a patch.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    (ep 5 u1)
    Alright time to give this game a review. I have played it once before, and I completed it again yesterday. It took me 3 days to complete it, with reading every bit of dialogue without skipping anything. The game has a lot of story scenes and a reasonable amount of H-scenes. The pace of world-building and character development is more than satisfactory.
    Talking about characters, Ashley is my favorite LI in the game. Mikayla is the close second. If not for her selfish personality where she is so eager to exploit the MC in multiple scenes, she might have been equal to Ashley in my eyes. Even after everything she's still my second fav. 3rd one on my list is Jennifer. Both her character model and personality are top-notch. The girls, Deja and Sam are also up there. The rest including Tara, Jill, Cynthia, Lily, and Maya are also very reasonable LIs. The only character that I actively dislike is Melissa. MC doesn't have any in-game scene with Mel yet still, I hate every time she appears on screen.
    About the progress of the story so far, MC has less than 5 story scene interactions with most of the LIs atm. Only one scene with Sam and Deja, 2 scenes with Jill, 3 scenes with Tara, 3 scenes with Mikayla, 3 scenes with Maya, 3 scenes with Lily, 4 scenes with Cynthia. Ashley has the most scenes with MC yet her progress is very slow for obvious reasons. Ashley's slow-burn story is one of the best parts of this game.
    This is probably my fav game of all time but I have to point out some flaws that I saw. First of all, the story needs to be proofread by an editor who has a good command of the English language. Wrong words are used in many places like mourning instead of morning etc. Secondly, when the female characters call their pussy "my little girl", it makes me cringe so hard. That takes me out of the story at once. I have no other complaints.
    Development cycles are short and a lot of content has been provided by the dev in a very short period since the start of the development of this game. Even in its early stages, this game is huge and the best thing about it is that dialogue isn't just filler to pad the playtime or simple ramblings of the writer. I am the guy who hates reading erotica after the seduction part is over, and I hate reading unnecessarily wordy filler dialogue even if it is in a good story. Believe me when I tell you that this might be the best incest game on this website.
    5/5 stars for the story, renders, and everything else. Work on the music tho a couple of songs sound too generic.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The Lost Love [Ep. 5 U1 Hotfix], I'm conflicted on this one. The story is just all over the place, it has secrets in it that supposedly the MC knows about, but you the player do not know about. At one point the MC talks about one girl being a his bully and the next they are working together as crime fighters. I actually went back in to see if I got maybe season 2 by mistake, but nope there is just the first season. There are a ton of women and truth be told maybe too many he flirts with maybe 20 girls and instead of sex scenes they shoehorn another girl to flirt with but very little sex. You need a scorecard to keep track of all the girls and some of them look the same . The dialog is a little incorrect in places probably because the writer in non-english speaking but not too bad. I'll keep this one on my radar to see where it goess.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't normally write reviews but Im writing this review after seeing this game not getting the praise it deserves, I really enjoyed this game and I hope the dev finished the game. Its been a while since i played this game so I don't remember much of it but it is unique on its own and if you are into milfs this game is one of the best ones with story.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The MC is just to all over the place. he is an aloof moron one minute next he is getting a call from a woman that bullied him and they are a crime fighting duo, but she loves him but not really unless she can sleep with his FWB. MC openly hates this woman when she is first introduced and then he answers a phone call from her in the middle of the night no questions asked i don't know many people that would give that kind of concideration to someone they hate.

    This isn't a harem game. its a polygamy game there is a supposed LI who has been in love with mc supposedly since they where kids but wont tell him without having a relationship with the "main LI"

    Don't even get me started on the main LI she is putty in your hands one minute and the next she is being snappy and sharp. She is supposed to be some sort off cuck queen but acts more like a femdom bossing the MC around.

    Random flash backs of the mc's dead gf and then she randomly pops up now and then to throw a jab about you being a pervert.

    i know this is meant to be constructive criticism but it seems that if you openly voice your opinion on how things work in this game you get shouted down and told your opinion is wrong. This is supposed to be a harem game, this isnt a harem as there is relationships between the girls simple as that. The dev has picked his (or her) hill and is willing to die on it that it will not be changed and that is fine but remove the harem tag as this will only generate more reviews like this. I wouldnt have even downloaded this if i knew

    A. It isn't a true harem
    B. the MC character development is just bonkers, aloof pleb to cristian grey in 5 seconds and back to pleb just as quick
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    How many times can people say something dirty or sexual in front of the MC and he just replies ''huh'' and it just accepted that they said nothing. not to mention the amount of lying and shit in almost every single scene is too much. It seems every single character has secrets from the MC, not one person is ever honest with him and constantly lie to him about everything, god forbid people should actually explain their feelings to MC. Halfway through episode 4 ( no idea why I'm still playing ) and the MC is as clueless as a little child, for an ex solider or whatever he is, he is clueless about picking up hints about stuff going on around him, in some scenes he's this super tough dominating man, the next he can barely put an sentence together when he's talking to a woman. the story has no real consistency at all.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Yet another story where 99% of issues could be resolved if people just spoke to each other. It baffles me how this game could be sitting at 4 stars at the time of writing this. I'm only giving it 2 stars because work has clearly been put into it. The LIs are rather varied and the models are well made.

    The MC is by far the biggest issue with this VN. He alternates between this super domineering man, choking his partners are calling them sluts...and a guy who stutters when talking to a woman. While I'm certainly not saying he should be behaving like that towards people he doesn't know well, he should at least be able to make it through a conversation without stumbling over his words because of a pretty woman. He's also supposed to be this super secret cold-blooded killer on a path for revenge, and yet he routinely underestimates his opponents, leading to him losing fights. He also apparently stopped training. This is a man who is obsessed with finding a woman and killing her, yet he stopped his combat training, training he would need in order to take her out. It just doesn't make any sense. He also doesn't pick up on any hints that people he cares about are having serious issues, while also NEVER pushing on topics that should be of great importance to him.

    It's a story that wouldn't exist if people could be adults and communicate. If stories like that infuriate you as much as they do me, give this a hard pass.