This is pretty unabashedly a pure smut game. You start the game, there's curvy futa mommies, you do the sex. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, just a mindset to enter going and and where this review will come from, along with consideration of the dev asking for honest feedback.
However, even with that mindset though this has some exceptionally robotic dialogue that hampers the smuttery a lot. Characters tend to just sorta.. list things, like instead of a raw emotional expression of like "God his body makes me so hot" or whatever it'll throw shit out like "His young body is very beautiful and sexy, and his broad shoulders, muscles, delicate skin, and sweet smell drive me crazy". Like someone might express all that over a whole dialogue, but no one lists it all out in a single sentence stream of consciousness like they're reading a label. Or if they're not doing that then they're speaking overly clinically about how they're "sexually attracted" or listing out penile anatomy zones. Nothing really feels emotional or steamy but more like aliens trying to convince you to fuck a sexdoll.
If English isn't the dev's first language then that's unfortunate as there's not much they can do about it, but yeah it is nonetheless a big critique for what should be steamy smut. If nothing else can be done and you feel at your limit here, I would honestly advise just prompting an AI as an erotic literature editor and have it help revise your scripts.
That aside though, the content, visually, is super hot if you're into it's fetishes, and the renders are actually pretty alright with good character sculpting, posing, and situations. Special note for the weighty breasts that actually experience gravity when a girl lays on her back that so few games get right. So the dev is putting some effort where it counts the most.
If it was just an image gallery I'd probally give it a 4 or 5, but as a more total package taking advantage of the combined mediums that make up a VN, I'd say a solid 'average' is fair. You can get a good fap out of it, but it's not really a game you'll keep installed after.