And why play games at all? There are tons of porn movies. If you don't like it, don't play it.
+- if you read and delve into story, grinding lust and spending time with all girls to triger spec events

You need to Finish Chapter 1 and move to Chapter2 to see new available content.
For example Chaper1
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When I read a novel, whether it's a book or an avn, I get into I guess what you'd call a flow state. I get immersed into the story and just keep reading, want to keep reading. When I'm enjoying a story I can easily spend 8+ hours non-stop reading.
To me, avns with sandboxes are like reading a book, but after every chapter I'm given a clue and have to go on a scavenger hunt to find the next chapter, forcing me out of that flow. It doesn't help my immersion, it completely breaks it.
I think sandboxes can be done well if it allows for freedom of choice as to which characters you interact with and which you don't. But most sandboxes don't do this. Say I really like let's call them character X and want to focus on them. In most sandbox games I've played at some point they force me to stop progress with X and go progress character Y instead who then in turn requires progress with character Z at some point. In the end meaning if you want to progress you'll end up having to do most or all events for all of the characters, whether you like them or not. This is especially egregious in games where it forces me to interact and progress with characters I absolutely detest just to get further with the ones I actually like.
And as to why I play stuff like this at all? I enjoy reading, I enjoy porn. Both together? Perfect. If I just wanted to game I'd play Skyrim or something.