Thanks to everyone for your feedback.
I am gonna try to address some of the issues that were brought up.
First of all it seems quite a few people are frustrated by the lack of payoff. Why the MC don't get to have his way with all these hot women already? I get your point.
I think that's mostly born from the big gap between updates and the fact that they are relatively short; every story have a set up and a payoff; typically the payoff is only a few pages away in a comic or a book or half an hour or so in a movie. Things get more tricky when dealing with a game where each installment is months apart from the previous one. Those lucky people in the future that will get to play the complete game in a couple of hours won't have to deal with any of that but for now all we can do is try to publish our updates faster and faster; which takes hardware and people; which as you probably guessed takes cold hard cash

(all our money is warm and soft... also we don't have a lot of it)
This said the next two installments are focused on progressing the MC story and getting some of that sweet sweet payoff.
That brings me around to the Brigitte hate; love her or hate her in this arc she mostly fit the shoes of the villain. If you feel frustrated about how she keep getting the upper hand on the MC and can't wait for the moment he can finally turn the tables on her or at least punch her in her smug face... well... good! That's exactly what you're supposed to feel. After all you waited three movies to see Luke Skywalker whoop Darth Vader's ass and another three to see somebody finally show the finger to Sauron (though it was the wrong finger and it got chewed off immediately after...) see what I mean... that's good catharsis right there!
There is some shade of femdom in this update and the next; if it's not your cup of tea just bear with us. We promise is a one off
For the volume the advice is always the same, if you have very good speakers or an headset for the love of God set you main volume to 50% or so. To make sure it can be heard loud and clear on every device we test it on the crappy speakers of my old laptop. On anything better every sound is at risk of shattering your hear-drums
Finally the ever present complain from people who see their family jewels turn to a worrisome shade of blue (it's literally in every thread on this forum... including the technical help page 'though in that case is probably justified). The core of this update is basically a orgy with three hot women, if that doesn't do it I don't know what will... but we'll keep trying.
Once again thanks to everyone for their comments; we always read each and every one and rely on your feedback to create a game that pleases as many as possible.
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