
Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019

Weekend Update January 9, 2021

Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed the latest release. So far, it has been the least bug-ridden release to date. Thank you to all of those who have sent me your comments and feedback. I love hearing from you all.
I've started work on the next release, but I'll be honest, the last couple of weeks has not given me much time to work on the game. On top of the holidays, my grandmother passed away from COVID on December 22 and I had to travel out of state for her services. Then, with the new year, my day job got insanely busy. Needless to say, it's been a bit nuts. However, I do think I'll have more time in the coming weeks to get my focus back on the work. I already have the entire next release plotted and outlined. It's going to have some crazy scenes that you all will love.
Until then, I hope everyone stays safe and know that I appreciate all of your support.
- J. S.
Thanks 4 the share my friend. :)
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Engaged Member
Nov 5, 2019
Hello guys, I am new!
First of all, forgive my English (I'm Italian)....

I downloaded this game but I'm having a lot of difficulties.

I took a test ride to start, but got to day 17 without finishing anything dirty. (I downloaded the latest version)

1) Stacy has only had sex with her husband for now.
2) The most she has shown in the office to her colleagues and employer only her panties.
3) At the doctor, after the second time, it now seems blocked, because the secretary keeps telling me to go only in the morning before work, but after 10 days she still won't let me
(Maybe this is due to the fact that I can't get the pills and any of the other items from the inventory ... is there a particular command?)

For the record, I only managed to enter the sex shop on day 16

Where am I doing wrong? :cry::cry:
"Anch'io" ;)
This maybe could help you:
If you start from the beginning you have to follow the walkthrough step by step you can translate it into Italian if something is not clear to you. If you take a test ride as you wrote maybe you skip some steps and get stuck.
If you start from slot n.30 save that takes you to the end of version 0.40 and start of version 0.60 and in any case always follow the walkthrough.
The 3rd point when you have breakfast in the morning automatically take the pills.

In italian:
Se parti dall'inizio devi seguire passo passo il walkthrough puoi tradurlo in italiano se non ti è chiaro qualcosa. Se fai un giro di prova come hai scritto magari salti dei passaggi e rimani bloccato.
Se parti dallo slot n.30 salvataggio che ti porta alla fine dalla versione 0.40 e inizio versione 0.60 e comunque segui sempre il walkthrough.
Il 3° punto quando fai colazione al mattino in automatico prendi le pillole. Ciao:ROFLMAO:


Jul 1, 2018
Definitely one of the best games on this site. Many thanks to the developer. Possibly more NTR and content at Dixon's would be very cool. I can't wait to play the new update.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021

In italian:
Se parti dall'inizio devi seguire passo passo il walkthrough puoi tradurlo in italiano se non ti è chiaro qualcosa. Se fai un giro di prova come hai scritto magari salti dei passaggi e rimani bloccato.
Se parti dallo slot n.30 salvataggio che ti porta alla fine dalla versione 0.40 e inizio versione 0.60 e comunque segui sempre il walkthrough.
Il 3° punto quando fai colazione al mattino in automatico prendi le pillole. Ciao:ROFLMAO:

hi, hei thank you for the information. In mothertongue it is always better! Let's see if now I can at least unlock level 1 with which I arrived on day 17:cry: .... but at this point I will start it again with due calm.
Since I am the firsts games "at version" downloaded, and I am impractical, I would like to have some more information, if you don't mind:
for example, I start for the first time from version 0.6 without having seen the others .... what difference do I find?
Looking at the walkthrough guide link, I noticed different paths, for example in day 1 it introduces characters like Andy and Dixon who but still they are stuck.
As for the pills, I did not think she was taking them automatically, also because at work she continues to feel "sick" and I can't get her back to the doctor. I thought that after taking the pills, he would unlock the new passage for me but he is not.:mad:

I had seen some old save blocks at the bottom, but I deleted them .... playing for the first time, I want to follow the story well without skipping anything.


ciao, hei ti ringrazio per le informazioni.
In madrelingua è sempre meglio!
Vediamo se adesso riesco almeno a sbloccare il livello 1 con cui sono arrivato al giorno 17 :cry:.... però a questo punto lo ricomincerò con la dovuta calma.
Siccome sono ai primi giochi "a versione" scaricati, e sono poco pratico, vorrei avere qualche informazione in più, se non ti dispiace:
per esempio, inizio per la prima volta dalla versione 0.6 senza aver visto le altre.... quale differenza riscontro?
Guardando il link della guida walkthrough, ho notato percorsi differenti, ad esempio nel giorno 1 introduce personaggi come Andy e Dixon ma ancora sono bloccati.

Per quanto riguarda le pillole, non pensavo le stesse prendendo automaticamente, anche perchè al lavoro continua ad accusare "malori" e dal dottore non riesco a farla tornare. Pensavo che dopo aver preso le pillole, mi avrebbe sbloccato il nuovo passaggio ma così non è :mad:

Avevo visto dei vecchi blocchi di salvataggio in fondo, ma li ho cancellati.... giocando per la prima volta, voglio seguire bene la storia senza saltare niente. :D

Ancora grazie


Engaged Member
Nov 5, 2019
hi, hei thank you for the information. In mothertongue it is always better! Let's see if now I can at least unlock level 1 with which I arrived on day 17:cry: .... but at this point I will start it again with due calm.
Since I am the firsts games "at version" downloaded, and I am impractical, I would like to have some more information, if you don't mind:
for example, I start for the first time from version 0.6 without having seen the others .... what difference do I find?
Looking at the walkthrough guide link, I noticed different paths, for example in day 1 it introduces characters like Andy and Dixon who but still they are stuck.
As for the pills, I did not think she was taking them automatically, also because at work she continues to feel "sick" and I can't get her back to the doctor. I thought that after taking the pills, he would unlock the new passage for me but he is not.:mad:

I had seen some old save blocks at the bottom, but I deleted them .... playing for the first time, I want to follow the story well without skipping anything.


ciao, hei ti ringrazio per le informazioni.
In madrelingua è sempre meglio!
Vediamo se adesso riesco almeno a sbloccare il livello 1 con cui sono arrivato al giorno 17 :cry:.... però a questo punto lo ricomincerò con la dovuta calma.
Siccome sono ai primi giochi "a versione" scaricati, e sono poco pratico, vorrei avere qualche informazione in più, se non ti dispiace:
per esempio, inizio per la prima volta dalla versione 0.6 senza aver visto le altre.... quale differenza riscontro?
Guardando il link della guida walkthrough, ho notato percorsi differenti, ad esempio nel giorno 1 introduce personaggi come Andy e Dixon ma ancora sono bloccati.

Per quanto riguarda le pillole, non pensavo le stesse prendendo automaticamente, anche perchè al lavoro continua ad accusare "malori" e dal dottore non riesco a farla tornare. Pensavo che dopo aver preso le pillole, mi avrebbe sbloccato il nuovo passaggio ma così non è :mad:

Avevo visto dei vecchi blocchi di salvataggio in fondo, ma li ho cancellati.... giocando per la prima volta, voglio seguire bene la storia senza saltare niente. :D

Ancora grazie
The most important thing is not so much the day, but how much the spells at the beginning more or less correspond to the day, to continue in the game, you have to unlock them and every time you find an enchantment it gives you the possibility to go on with the story and unlock characters.
From the Walkthrough you arrive at the end of version 0.20 beginning of 0.26 you have to have 19 spells on the day more or less the same, but the important thing is that you have met and performed all the characters and actions that the walkthrough tells you. A tip, when you get home every day save the game and if you haven't met the various people and done certain actions repeat the day you just performed.
The walkthrough you are referring to I think is the one you have attached. It starts from day 1 of version 0.60 in reality the author had to set day 36 enchantment 37. Follow the walkthrough to the link I gave you and you will see that Dixon and Andy will unlock as the story continues.
I would not like to bore the thread maybe next time let's talk in private.
In Italiano:
La cosa più importante non è tanto il giorno, ma quanto gli incanti all'inizio più o meno corrispondono al giorno, per proseguire nel gioco, devi sbloccarli e ogni volta che trovi un' incanto ti da la possibilità di andare avanti con la storia e sbloccare i personaggi.
Dal Walkthrough arrivi alla fine della versione 0.20 inizio della 0.26 che devi avere 19 incantesimi il giorno più o meno corrisponde, ma l'importante è che hai incontrato ed eseguito tutti i personaggi e le azioni che ti dice il walkthrough. Un consiglio, quando arrivi a casa ogni giorno salva il gioco e se non hai incontrato le varie persone e fatto le determinate azioni ripeti la giornata che hai appena eseguito.
Il walkthrough che ti riferisci tu penso sia quello che hai in allegato. Parte dal giorno 1 della versione 0.60 in realtà l'autore doveva mettere giorno 36 incanto 37. Segui il walkthrough al link che ti ho dato e vedrai che Dixon e Andy si sbloccheranno con il proseguire della storia.
Non vorrei annoiare il thread magari la prossima sentiamoci in privato.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2021

Dal Walkthrough arrivi alla fine della versione 0.20 inizio della 0.26 che devi avere 19 incantesimi il giorno più o meno corrisponde, ma l'importante è che hai incontrato ed eseguito tutti i personaggi e le azioni che ti dice il walkthrough. Un consiglio, quando arrivi a casa ogni giorno salva il gioco e se non hai incontrato le varie persone e fatto le determinate azioni ripeti la giornata che hai appena eseguito.
Il walkthrough che ti riferisci tu penso sia quello che hai in allegato. Parte dal giorno 1 della versione 0.60 in realtà l'autore doveva mettere giorno 36 incanto 37. Segui il walkthrough al link che ti ho dato e vedrai che Dixon e Andy si sbloccheranno con il proseguire della storia.
Considera però che io inizio la versione 0.6 da zero quindi è il giorno ZERO


Engaged Member
Nov 5, 2019

Considera però che io inizio la versione 0.6 da zero quindi è il giorno ZERO
Infatti per quello che ti ho scritto di seguire il walkthrough originale nel sito jsdeacon che parte da 0 arriva alla v0.26 prosegue per la 0.40 e arriva alla 0.60 compresa.


Jun 18, 2018
Just finished the game in one sitting. It's good. Kinky as shit. Though, I'm quite disappointed that we still didn't get a decent scene with the Gym Shower visitor. I was hoping it will be revealed by the next updates but on the other hand, I'm glad that he plans to continue the game. 5/5 One of the few RPGM that I actually played to the end.


Game Developer
Oct 8, 2019
Just finished the game in one sitting. It's good. Kinky as shit. Though, I'm quite disappointed that we still didn't get a decent scene with the Gym Shower visitor. I was hoping it will be revealed by the next updates but on the other hand, I'm glad that he plans to continue the game. 5/5 One of the few RPGM that I actually played to the end.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! There will be plenty more to come!


Jan 15, 2020
My fave game. personally like rpgm. It makes feel like you areplaying a game and nt reading a story. I do wish you had like 30 of yourselves so I didn't have to wait however. lol Love your work and stories

Slappy Kinkaid

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 14, 2018
Honestly, this game is more of a "how to cluelessly do polyamory wrong as a moral relativist hedonist & fuck it all up." It's like the dev was trying to appeal to too many demos & fell short on most of them. I know he leaned in hard on pandering to the NTR crowd with the clueless human potato husband, The wife doing all kinds of secretive stuff behind his back, even though he actively pushes her to fuck other dudes because "Duh da hornies feel too much guder den da hurtz but golly I dunno howz I feel", so the whole incongruent "open poly but also still trying to be NTR... somehow..." shtick just is... Fucking why? Pick one & stick with it FFS.
I also found the rigidly linear plot offputting. I like actual gameplay, with branching & alternate paths. not the illusion of gameplay in a single track narrative. When your choices mean fuck all to the actual plot, what's the point? Might as well be a kinetic novel.


Oct 9, 2017
Honestly, this game is more of a "how to cluelessly do polyamory wrong as a moral relativist hedonist & fuck it all up." It's like the dev was trying to appeal to too many demos & fell short on most of them. I know he leaned in hard on pandering to the NTR crowd with the clueless human potato husband, The wife doing all kinds of secretive stuff behind his back, even though he actively pushes her to fuck other dudes because "Duh da hornies feel too much guder den da hurtz but golly I dunno howz I feel", so the whole incongruent "open poly but also still trying to be NTR... somehow..." shtick just is... Fucking why? Pick one & stick with it FFS.
I also found the rigidly linear plot offputting. I like actual gameplay, with branching & alternate paths. not the illusion of gameplay in a single track narrative. When your choices mean fuck all to the actual plot, what's the point? Might as well be a kinetic novel.
Agree. It is more a kinetic novel. There needed to be choices.
Then players who like seeing Stacy being fucked over and over again by Nate, and hubby could stay on that path.
The others, like me who like to see her getting fucked by everyone else, could then choose another path.
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Sep 23, 2020
The best ever RPGM for me. This game is so perfect, that it wants you to replay the game even if you finished all the moves.


Sep 23, 2020
Why can't I see hobo outside the entrance in v.60?. As per walkthrough, should he be waiting outside the office?


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
I remain very torn on this game. I feel like the Dev is doing great work with the visuals and story, but I think the actual structure of the game is a mess. I have no understanding of the complexities of developing a game, but from what I understand RPGM is on the easier end of the spectrum. But I just don't know if the exploration of the world does anything to help the game. Instead, I feel like it contributes towards the bugs and disjointed feeling of the game. Going from location to location isn't fun, and feels like padding.


May 3, 2019
please add more lust and conversations than raw sex, the dev doing great, I love RPGM because it's easy to progress, renpy type of game makes me feel like we are reading comics but RPGM gives a feel of playing a role that makes sense of a roleplaying game. we are waiting for the next update! we need more story lusty story of real life wife.
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4.00 star(s) 107 Votes